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Blade: Trinity Can I have the two hours of my life back?


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You want to talk about a worthless turd of a movie. It's not very often that I watch a movie and say to myself "God damn that sucked." But this was the worst movie I have seen since I went to Jarhead at the theater. I didn't like Blade 2 at first but after watching it a couple times it grew on me. I can say with absolute certainty that that will never happen with this movie. Horrible acting, horrible script and it seems to me that they really cut the budget down on special effects too because they sucked. When Biel pulled out her IPOD, I was laughing my ass off because it was such an obvious product placement, then they actually felt the need to point it out in the script too where the one dude makes some comment like "She likes to listen to her IPOD while kicking vampire ass." WEAK!!!!!

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It was terrible.

How could they take a perfectly good movie franchise and just run it into the ground like this? My god, it's like they just threw the first two movies in the garbage and started a whole new storyline that completely ignored the first two. Vampire dogs? Are you ****ing sh*tting me?

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Anybody remember Ryan Reynolds from Degrassi Jr high? We used to watch in 8th grade english class.

He was the little freshman dork.

You guys got to watch tv in Jr. High? The only shows I ever remember watching at school was 321 Contact, The Bloodhound Gang and High Feather in 4th. grade. That was some funny ass sh*t right there. I wish I could find videos of that crap on the internet.

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