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I logged every Zach Wilson throw - Overall? Not bad.

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Slow morning at work so why not log every Zach Wilson throw??? (Help me)

Takeaways - WAY too many long situations. It's never 3rd and short. Max Mitchell was getting destroyed for the time he was in there. Not a good game by him. 

Wilson wasn't perfect. But neither was the rest of the offense. Run game constantly put them in 2nd/3rd and longs. Constant pressure. Couple of throws he could have had an easy first but went for a longer throw. Handful of times he had all day and found no one. Idk if that's on him or WRs are actually covered. Can't see all22 yet. 

The INT to Jeff Smith was probably his worst throw of the day. 


1st QTR:

3rd and long - Locks on to Wilson pretty much the whole way, pass complete just short of the 1st down. 

2nd and 14 - Idk wtf he's doing, spins almost immediately when he receives the snap. It's like he saw the blitzer and said "nope, don't trust you" and bailed. Runs for a few yards. 

1st and 10 - Defender right in his face - incomplete. 

3rd and 10 - Quick pass to Hall. 4 yards short of 1st. FG made after. 

2nd and 6 - Mitchell gets beat immediately. Evades 35 defenders and throws it out of bounds. Pass incomplete. 

3rd and 6 - Hits Moore for a 1st down, with defender falling around his legs. 


2nd QTR:

2nd and 7 - Pass complete to Moore over the middle for 1st down. Drive ends with Griddy TD catch. Jets 10 - 0

1st and 10 - Quick WR screen pass to Moore for 2 yards. 

2nd and 8 - WR screen again. Basically the same play flipped to the other side but to Wilson this time. Incomplete. Thrown too hard and off the mark. Would've been tackled immediately right away either way. IMO 2 stupid play calls by LeFluer. Pass the ball forward not sideways back to back. 

3rd and 8 - Mitchell gets beat again. Wilson leaves the pocket, looks looks looks and throws it away. 

1st and 10 - RPO, Wilson runs to the right sideline, Uzomah open for the first with an easy lob but Wilson chooses Hall down the field. Under throws it a bit and Hall misses the catch. Incomplete. 

2nd and 10 - Play action to Conklin over the middle for 1st down. 

2nd and 14 - Right side gets pushed right away, Mitchell put in a blender once again and Zach spins out of trouble and has to throw it away quickly. Incomplete. 

3rd and 14 - Bad throw to Wilson almost picked off. Under thrown. Had ton of time in the pocket. WTF you doing Zach? 

2nd and 10 - Complete to Moore for 5 yards. 

3rd and 5 - Has a bit of time but seems one side is covered, looks back to the right with pressure starting to get in his face and lobs it to Carter down the sideline. Defensive flag thrown. 

2nd and 11 - AVT gets beat right away, throws to Davis but incomplete. Probably could've moved sideways out of the pocket maybe and not back more but. 

3rd and 11 -  TON of time, no pressure annnnd INT. Terrible throw, tried to lead Smith but just overthrown and picked. 


3rd QTR:

2nd and 9 - Incomplete to Wilson. Who drops it. 

3rd and 9 - Incomplete to Wilson. Drops it again but would've been short of 1st either way. 

1st and 10 - Play action, roll to his right. Easy completion to Davis for the 1st down. 

3rd and 6 - Pressured a bit. Side arms it around defender to Conklin which ends up being a little high. Tips it. INT. If you're gonna do cool side arm throws, do it accurately. And Conklin? Catch it you SOB. 

2nd and 5 - Ton of time, doesn't seem to be anyone open. Comes back to the right and throws incomplete after defenders finally reach him. 

3rd and 5 - Has time. Finds Conklin over the middle for an easy first down. 

2nd and 5 - Play action, but AVT is beat and defender is running down on Wilson. Evades the sack and throws it away. 

3rd and 10 - Can't find anyone, throws it for a short dump off. Incomplete. 


4th QTR - Beast Mode Activated 

1st and 10 - Scans, sees nobody, throws to Carter for 2 yards. 

3rd and 6 - Defenders falling around him. Stands and throws big complete to Wilson for the first down. 

1st and 10 - Throws to Conklin, ball is thrown slightly behind him. Incomplete. 

4th and 7 - Time to throw, complete to Davis over the middle for the first. 

1st and goal- RPO Wilson keeps it and runs right, tries to throw to Conklin but defender right in Wilsons way. Incomplete. Pump fake or two might have helped. 

1st and goal(After penalty) - Quick throw to Hall but completely off the mark. Who would've had a chance to score. 

2nd and goal - Quick WR screen to Berrios complete. 

3rd and goal - TD to Davis. Easy money. 

1st and 10 - RPO - All day to throw, throw over the middle to Davis for a first down, .

2nd and 12 - Good pocket, clutches it and then throws to Hall for 6 yards. 

3rd and 6 - PA quick throw for a first to Conklin. 

1st and 20 - Moves well in the pocket, completes to Carter after nothing downfield is open. 

2nd and 9 - Good pocket again. Throw to Davis for the first down. Drives ends with Hall TD. 




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