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the Jets are the Kings of useless wins


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40 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

I dunno, why is it ok for Larz to be the way I described all the time?  Stuff like Calling people “honey” to antagonize when they disagree with him?  Yet when Mogglez did the same to him I recall Larz threatening to fight him, lol.

Just saying.  

I'm working off of reported posts. I see the other one you quoted now, so that will be dealt with.

Your report was posted by someone else, so as a reminder no personal attacks.


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3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Maybe instead of Max getting mad at a personal attack it’s up to Larz to stop antagonizing.  When everyone calls you a d**k, guess what, you’re a d**k.  It’s not up to us to be the ones to change. 

Well, no, that isn't how it works. Many people say you antagonize them, and really the only thing that matters is that we treat each other with respect and don't attack each other.

Generally speaking, when I get mad, people know it. All I did was mention your post because I don't want to see everyone fighting. Thanks for bringing the other post to my attention. That poster was banned. His post was complete garbage.


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Also, my apologies. The post that was referenced earlier in this thread was reported. I missed it.  We do check all reported posts, so thanks for using the system. It is hard to see everything. But my bad for missing it, his post was terrible and he was banned for it.

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14 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

Do they play favorites here? Larz told Arsis to suck his d**k (without using **’s) in the IGT this Sunday, and he wasn’t reprimanded. yet Max is talking to you about what you said?


You might find this hard to believe but the mods including the owner of the board sometime have other things to do rather than spending time here reading every single post . We honestly try our best to see and catch everything but it’s impossible. A lot of you guys spend more time than we do and there are about 100x’s more of you. So if something is brought to our attention we see it, but that doesn’t mean we  automatically see everything. 

Do we play favorites? I can’t speak for the other mods  but I 100% do, especially those who talk of food. You happen to be one of mine. So deal  with it. 

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