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meadowlands traing camp rant


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went today for the whole time. the team didnt look that great as they did the 44 seconds left thing with brooks and kellen. they couldnt even get within fg range

on another note they really didnt make the practice fan friendly persay. between the $5 waters $8 pretzels, kids shouting out the players numbers like there calling a bingo game, and not to mention the heat. on another note. they had autographs afterwards and what made me annoyed was all the qbs were at one end of the stadium and didnt work there way down. i was sitting in 134/135 in the first row. we got the crappy guys. i think they should make the autograph sessions more organized so everyone has a shot. also they should use misters as i was walking out of there with my legs spread so my fleshys wouldnt stick to my thighs.

anyone else have any thoughts?

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went today for the whole time. the team didnt look that great as they did the 44 seconds left thing with brooks and kellen. they couldnt even get within fg range

on another note they really didnt make the practice fan friendly persay. between the $5 waters $8 pretzels, kids shouting out the players numbers like there calling a bingo game, and not to mention the heat. on another note. they had autographs afterwards and what made me annoyed was all the qbs were at one end of the stadium and didnt work there way down. i was sitting in 134/135 in the first row. we got the crappy guys. i think they should make the autograph sessions more organized so everyone has a shot. also they should use misters as i was walking out of there with my legs spread so my fleshys wouldnt stick to my thighs.

anyone else have any thoughts?

Yeah if you turend around and saw me, 4H, Cant Hackett, Spermy & Joisey doing our Chants...yeah...I was in the Hobson white 54 jersey...good job showing up to the tailgate man.

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i was over by 16 f i saw a few adults with kids i didnt know if it was you guys or not.... i was wearing a worn out chrebet jersey

also trying to move around to get the other side of the field is like a skinny person manuvering through a bunch of fat people at a buffet

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I think you should appreciate the players signing any autos at all as this is the first time they have ever done this. At Hofstra they bring four guys to a tent and that usually only includes one starter. For a first time thing by the Jets I think they did a good job..they do not dictate the stadium prices as the prices are cheaper at the camp in Hofstra

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at hofstra i run over to the caf and they sign there. last year i asked ray mickens for a piece of chicken and he brought some for me it was good too

also i was driivng a grey ford focus hatchback. i did drive around over by 16 f and eventually used the porto pot

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went today for the whole time. the team didnt look that great as they did the 44 seconds left thing with brooks and kellen. they couldnt even get within fg range

on another note they really didnt make the practice fan friendly persay. between the $5 waters $8 pretzels, kids shouting out the players numbers like there calling a bingo game, and not to mention the heat. on another note. they had autographs afterwards and what made me annoyed was all the qbs were at one end of the stadium and didnt work there way down. i was sitting in 134/135 in the first row. we got the crappy guys. i think they should make the autograph sessions more organized so everyone has a shot. also they should use misters as i was walking out of there with my legs spread so my fleshys wouldnt stick to my thighs.

anyone else have any thoughts?

The stadium sets the concession prices.. nothing you can do there.

As for the rest of the stuff... you should be happy they signed autographs at all. It was not required.

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why didnt you move around during autograph session?

He couldn't. There was a line across the field from endzone to endzone. I had to go to one end, just to get the shot of the guys on the other side signing autographs. That & I got a shot of the top of Coach Mangini's skull - that's how tight it was!

I got great pictures though http://www.hometown.aol.com/baumerjet/myhomepage/sports.html

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actually I moved from the middle where there was chas to the end zone where the players depart and got plenty of sigs. All in all I thought it was a great idea by the jets

Yeah I wondered where you had gone. I stayed there and got Hobson, Bryan Thomas & Eric Smith.

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I have a bunch of pictures I'll put up a little later. Some vid's too. First time taking video from my camera & it's not exactly HD. The pics came out pretty good though. Whoever took my pic with 124 didn't push the button in all the way. No picture for you.

Dammit. That picture with me and Sperm was a great one. We'll have to get another one man.

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