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Hire JetCane As Coach At "The U"


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I think this should happen.


Because Kyle Wright's career depends on it.;)

Can Jetcane deal with the ego factor at the U?

For fark sake, Michael "Coke is my friend" Irwin brings up the U everytime he is on ESPN.

The only U guy I like is Vince Wilfork.

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The rumors are abounding, but as i said the other day, if they dont fire him now during the bye week, he will prolly stay until the end of the season.


UM's Coker contingencies

Here's what we're hearing on the UM coaching situation:

• If Larry Coker is fired after this season (which is expected to happen if the program's downward spiral continues), Miami intends to conduct a national search, and Butch Davis and Rutgers coach and ex-UM assistant Greg Schiano would be among those considered, several UM officials said in the past week. UM also would consider two others with UM ties -- Auburn's Tommy Tuberville and Georgia's Mark Richt -- but there's skepticism about whether either would leave their programs.

Former Wisconsin coach Barry Alvarez, who drew UM's interest when Davis left, likely would not be a candidate, and defensive coordinator Randy Shannon would be an unlikely choice, highly-placed UM officials said.

There's no front-runner yet if Coker is fired. Davis has some internal support, but it's not universal -- one top UM official wasn't impressed with his work in big games at Miami.

Davis, who coached Miami from 1995 through 2000, left on strained terms because Hurricanes officials thought he was staying when he took the Cleveland Browns job. But that's not much of an issue now.

Word in the NFL is Davis would love to coach the Dallas Cowboys if Bill Parcells retires. But if that doesn't materialize, he would have interest in several college jobs, including UM and North Carolina, though UM's strengthened admissions standards (which concerned Davis when he left) could be an issue. Davis told his employer, NFL Network, he won't do interviews about UM.

• Athletic director Paul Dee said Coker will remain coach all season. There is no firm determination about how many games he must win to stay beyond 2006, but there clearly isn't much margin for error. (One high official -- not Dee -- said he probably would need at least to make the ACC title game.) There is serious concern internally about the state of the program. As one official said, ''We expect better'' than three-loss seasons.

Though Coker has three years and more than $5.5 million left on his contract after this season, UM would need to pay only slightly more than $2 million in a buyout. UM officials worry about how the program's decline will affect recruiting, attendance and donations. One wealthy booster privately has spoken of raising money for Coker's buyout, though UM never has asked boosters to do that with any coach.

• Regarding Coker, ex-Canes star Michael Irvin on Monday told Dan Patrick on ESPN Radio: ``It's time to make a change. I'll call Larry and apologize to him later. You lose two games a season in Miami, it's bad. And you've already lost two? . . . Look for this to be a tough year.''

• FYI: New offensive coordinator Rich Olson, who said a quarterback change is not being considered, said Tuesday, ``I'm disappointed in myself because I haven't gotten the job done I was hired to do. I gave [ Kyle Wright] the wrong signal on one play in the fourth quarter. I can't make that mistake.

``But at the same time, [many of] these guys . . . are not freshmen anymore. They need to grow up . . . [Receivers] are not running the right routes, sometimes they're not getting in the right formations.''


I hate that Coker and his OC have the nasty habit of throwing players under the Bettis.

it's the last resort, similar to message board insults: do it when you have nothing else of substance to offer.

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The rumors are abounding, but as i said the other day, if they dont fire him now during the bye week, he will prolly stay until the end of the season.



there is going to be more and mnore calls for his head because with the team hearing all this stuff-well,lets put it this way-he's already lost them...

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