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It's time for Torre to go


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All these whiny pissant small-time owners and fans profess hatred and jealousy of Steinbrenner and the Yankees. But they can't wait to get the Yanks in their house as often as possible for the sellouts, and none has ever turned down the revenue-sharing money the Yankees pay without complaint. And you Sawx fans really have to wake up that your team is as much a big-market team as the Yankees. Schilling didn't leave the desert to work at scale, nor Pedro before him leaving the Expos, nor Damon leaving Oakland nor Foulke leaving the White Sox, to take less. So please spare us the Tom Joad BS about the hardscrabble life of the Saawx' ledger sheet. At least our owner is going to get a new stadium instead of whining like a schoolgirl like the Sawx' owners or Cheapskate Freddy in Flushing.

As to the Yanks this year-get Robinson Cano and Wang up here, and that big reliever on Columbus. A-Rod is not even close to the problem.But if Giambi wants to cry like a schoolgirl about being asked to so demean himself to deign to use the whole field, tell him to get lost and write the goddamn check already. Because clealy this chump thinks his salary makes him bulletproof. And that attitude must stop now or this team really is doomed.


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As a Sox fan lemme say...

PLEEEEASE fire Torre. Do it. Pull the trigger. Drop the blade. Ax the dude.

Does he hurt your team by sticking with favored vets too long and giving too many games to AAA caliber bench players? Sure.

Does he hurt your team by mulishly sticking to his trusted relievers, taxing their arms and increasing the chance that something goes wrong? Yep.

However he's the Phil Jackson of MLB--- at least in part. Jackson is actaully a fine X's and O's coach who, while not as great as he'd like to think he is, is rock solid. Torre's at best an adequate X's and O's decisionmaker.

But what they DO have in common is that they both know how to manage egos, deal with tense, ugly situations, and keep everyone happy or at least happy enough. They're both able to maintain order in the madhouse.

Is this Yankees team crying for a change up top? Would the team be sparked by a new manager?

Quite possibly.

But once Torre leaves tensions will escalate. Issues will arise. And it won't take all that long before some explosions happen and things spin into a Steinbrenner-fueled flaming ruin.

Torre is the filter that is keeping that clubhouse from being completely poisoned.

By all means, yank him.

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As a Sox fan lemme say...

PLEEEEASE fire Torre. Do it. Pull the trigger. Drop the blade. Ax the dude.

Does he hurt your team by sticking with favored vets too long and giving too many games to AAA caliber bench players? Sure.

Does he hurt your team by mulishly sticking to his trusted relievers, taxing their arms and increasing the chance that something goes wrong? Yep.

However he's the Phil Jackson of MLB--- at least in part. Jackson is actaully a fine X's and O's coach who, while not as great as he'd like to think he is, is rock solid. Torre's at best an adequate X's and O's decisionmaker.

But what they DO have in common is that they both know how to manage egos, deal with tense, ugly situations, and keep everyone happy or at least happy enough. They're both able to maintain order in the madhouse.

Is this Yankees team crying for a change up top? Would the team be sparked by a new manager?

Quite possibly.

But once Torre leaves tensions will escalate. Issues will arise. And it won't take all that long before some explosions happen and things spin into a Steinbrenner-fueled flaming ruin.

Torre is the filter that is keeping that clubhouse from being completely poisoned.

By all means, yank him.

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The Yankees are generating the revenue at this point. So if George didn't spend it, he could POCKET a large percentage of it. That is why people say it is his money.

He does.

George could easily spend in the neighborhood of 300 million per year on player salaries. However, if he did that, that would open a can of worms that baseball does not want opened. The team's actual financial books. The main contention between the players and owners has always been the team's financial books. The players know the owners are hiding money. There is no sane business reason for a billionaires that made their money in business to buy the Royals, Pirates and D-Rays. They all make money.

Again, it is not George's money. It is the Yankees' money and they have alot more available.

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The Yankees are generating the revenue at this point. So if George didn't spend it, he could POCKET a large percentage of it. That is why people say it is his money.

He does.

George could easily spend in the neighborhood of 300 million per year on player salaries. However, if he did that, that would open a can of worms that baseball does not want opened. The team's actual financial books. The main contention between the players and owners has always been the team's financial books. The players know the owners are hiding money. There is no sane business reason for a billionaires that made their money in business to buy the Royals, Pirates and D-Rays. They all make money.

Again, it is not George's money. It is the Yankees' money and they have alot more available.

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