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We lost today. deal with it.

This place will not turn into a free for all where you can insult fellow posters and drop F-bombs on everyone.

If someone is mad at Chad and you think he played GREAT!....then debate it like grown ups....don't scream and cry like a bunch of children.

I will delete any and everything I think is junk. I will also give out infraction to anyone who cannot follow these simple rules.

Win lose or draw,the rules still apply.

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We lost today. deal with it.

This place will not turn into a free for all where you can insult fellow posters and drop F-bombs on everyone.

If someone is mad at Chad and you think he played GREAT!....then debate it like agrown ups....down scream and cry like a bunch of children.

I will delete any and everything I think is junk. I will also give out infraction to anyone who cannot follow these simple rules.

Win lose or draw,the rules still apply.

You'd think we'd be better at taking heartbreaking losses by this point. Can I not say **** or is it only if I try to trick the swear filter?

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We lost today. deal with it.

This place will not turn into a free for all where you can insult fellow posters and drop F-bombs on everyone.

If someone is mad at Chad and you think he played GREAT!....then debate it like agrown ups....down scream and cry like a bunch of children.

I will delete any and everything I think is junk. I will also give out infraction to anyone who cannot follow these simple rules.

Win lose or draw,the rules still apply.

I agree with you and I applaud you for taking that stand! It was much needed.

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I was at the game today, section 330. I am not a big Chad supporter nor detractor but I have to admirer the way he played today. He was under stiff pressure all game and consistently moved the offense without much help from the rushing game. He led two very good td drives against a top defense and moved the ball to the 30 in another before being sacked into oblivion and hurting his ankle. His 2nd td drive was while gimpy on the hurt ankle. His throws for the most part were good, and he didn't lollipop anything in like I've seen in the past. In short, he was not the problem today by any stretch. The pass rush was non existent and that led to the secondary being torched. I think with Dyson and Revis back there, and a better pass rush the defense will come around. That kickoff return was a fluke after a great kick by Nugent and that was really the game right there. The Jets aren't good enough to dig out of that hole. I also thought a turning point was at the end of the first half, when the Jets had tied the game and the place was rocking and they had a 3rd and three with good coverage in the secondary and let Brady scramble for the 1st down. You knew the Pats were going to drive down the field and score after that. Anyway, overall I am not too discouraged. Very disappointed, yes, but there were some real positives that lead me to believe the Jets can beat most teams in the NFL, just not the elite teams yet.

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I can understand giving the entire board warning since it's definitely within the rules, however, it's really one specific poster that is really causing these problems.

Wish they came up with these rules a long time ago because the banned poster that's in your sig did a hell of lot worse before someone finally wised up....just sayin.

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