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2007-08 New York Rangers Thread


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Tremendous game by the Rangers tonight. This is exactly the type of game they needed to start a hot streak. It is even more impressive considering it was a road game and Philly has been so hot lately.

Even in spite of the Rangers poor play they can still win the division if they play like they should be playing. And also if they trade Malik. :)

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I was at the game against the Caps today. It was a solid game but for some reason Renney had the 4th line on the ice at the end of the game and Ryan Hollweg took a stupid penalty with 30 seconds left and of the course the Caps scored on a power play goal in OT.

The Rangers should have won this game as the Caps 2nd goal came with 15 seconds left in the 2nd period and Boyd Gordon was left wide open.

At least we got a point but I wanted 2 today.

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