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.....not ready. Good.

However, this is what I find so VERY interesting and further proof that the Globe runs pro-Sox stories because they are part owners. Now, their story could be true - and the Herald could be full of doo-doo, and vice versa - 'cause Gawd knows the Herald has a stick up their butts because of the globe - and don't even get me started on John Tomase the Sox guy who hates being turned into Pats guy....anyway, I digress. Read on:




Oh that darn media! Who to beleive? Who to beleive???

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.....not ready. Good.

However, this is what I find so VERY interesting and further proof that the Globe runs pro-Sox stories because they are part owners. Now, their story could be true - and the Herald could be full of doo-doo, and vice versa - 'cause Gawd knows the Herald has a stick up their butts because of the globe - and don't even get me started on John Tomase the Sox guy who hates being turned into Pats guy....anyway, I digress. Read on:




Oh that darn media! Who to beleive? Who to beleive???

would you like the Bastid's autograph???;)

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No thanks. I have to endure enough local commercials with he and his wife in them. Posing all perfect and holier than thou. It's like being a Jets fan in Giants country :P

the only thing i like about him is that he is anti hillary... uhoh

He is one smug arsehole, my son asked for his sig and you would have

thought he asked him for an Andrew Jackson.

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I work with some fanatical Sox fans. This one gal and her husband made their way to Ft Myers last year. Tried to get her favorites - Veritek - autograph. She was sooooo disappointed. Said he was rude and "prickly" - her word.

Want to know something REALLY interesting? That Globe link I provided? The orginal story (and the one I posted) has been changed - A LOT! Hahahahahaha.....'gotte love Boston media (puke).

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I work with some fanatical Sox fans. This one gal and her husband made their way to Ft Myers last year. Tried to get her favorites - Veritek - autograph. She was sooooo disappointed. Said he was rude and "prickly" - her word.

He always plays in golf tournament at my parents course, he seems to me to be OK, could have had a bad day

Wakefield is the nicest sox, David Wells/Loretta were nice too

BTW Clemens was the best when he was there. Actually spoke with my Kids for quite a while!!

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Word is Big Schill has either a torn rotator cuff or labrum and is destined to have surgery and be out until at least the All-Star break. He might be contemplating retirement as the Sox look to see if they can void the deal. Looks like the young guns will be counted on more now (Lester and Buchholz that is). It's nice to have rotation depth though.

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Word is Big Schill has either a torn rotator cuff or labrum and is destined to have surgery and be out until at least the All-Star break. He might be contemplating retirement as the Sox look to see if they can void the deal. Looks like the young guns will be counted on more now (Lester and Buchholz that is). It's nice to have rotation depth though.

It is time for the young guys to step-up anyways. I think Schil's mid-season vacation last year kept him fresh for the playoffs.

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My shoulder

Feb 7th, 2008 by Curt Schilling

Speculation is rampant right now. I see the Sox just released a statement.

At the time we negotiated the 2008 contract I passed all physical exams and testing, as well as the MRI the club required me to take. I knew in my heart of hearts that the extra time I was giving my arm to rest this winter would in fact be the cure for what I went through the entire 2007 season.

I had a strong desire to not have to go through multiple cortisone injections in my shoulder for another year. There was absolutely no reason for anyone involved to believe I would be anything other than completely healthy and ready for the 2008 baseball season.

Things have changed since then and I contacted the team early last month with concerns and we

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