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Knicks down by 40


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Even if the the Knicks won the draft lottery it wouldn't help them right now.

This team is so rotten at the core that unless you totally clean house from top to bottom that one player just going to get sucked into the abyss.





There is the abyss. Guys who show absolutely zero heart (Unless of course it is a teammate calling you out, i.e Randolph vs Robertson). These guys were problems elsewhere so what makes the Knicks think they wouldn't be problems here ?

Right now you could go down to Rucker Park, bring in five guys off the playground and would probably do a better job than the Knicks. They wouldn't win alot but at least they would give an effort.

How many times do we have to see this group of turds get blown out by 40+ points before the message gets through that these guys just flat out suck.

The fans turned their wrath on Thomas and Dolan. I think it is time to spew some venom at the jack@sses out on the floor who collect a ton of money and put very little if any effort in their work.

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For the life of me I can't figure out why they can't get a pass first point guard.

At this point they just need to ride out the bad contracts. Kiss the next few years goodbye. Then start over.

they need to fire isiah and hire a trained monkey that won't make more bad trades.

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