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It's time to trade Coles By Dan Leberfeld


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I like LC but this article may very well sum up my feelings also.Lets get the most we can for him and part ways.My only problem whats are contigency plan.There arent any free agent WRs equal in talent to LC.

Heres the free agent WRs.http://www.footballsfuture.com/2008/nfl/freeagentsWR.html

Yes but there are probably some who played healthy 16 games this year. I am not so sure LC is not going to be an injury problem the rest of the way. We can probably find someone who can give us better than 50 or so catches.

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If you decide to deal him please have a plan in place to replace him and no not with Smith and Stuckey...Clemens will struggle enough let alone having to work with inexperienced wrs

4HCrew I agree 100% we cant be experimenting with the likes of Smith and Stuckey.There are a few free agents that may be able to fill the statistical part of LC.Alot will depend on the QB situation and the offensive line.

Ive said this for years we need a true #1 WR.This years draft really lacks a big-time guy.

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Here's my take on Coles:

He's been a great player for us whenever he's been here and put his body on the line time and time again to make plays for us, no one can ever question his heart or toughness when he's playing. However his body is clearly breaking and he is constantly getting injured, I give him credit for playing through injury but sometimes that can hurt the team just as much as him not being there.

I've loved Coles as a player but it may be time to move on, he's not a true #1 guy anymore and he's not physically capable of performing consistently like he used to. I can understand why he's complaining but he has to understand that the management must do what's best for the team at all costs, even if that does mean parting ways with one of the teams most respected leaders. If it's true that the Jets made promises to him that they didn' backup well then he's got every right to complain and it was huge mistake on the Coaching staff/Front office to make those promises to him in the first place.

Right now, especially considering he's unhappy, I think we may have to move him and bring in replacements vis free agency or the draft. I've always believed that Cotch could be a decent #1 as long as he has a half decent WR opposite him (Not J-Mac).

Anyways, If Coles does leave I wish him all the best and that his concussion issues no longer bother him. Like I said he's one of my all time favourites and I just wish I could have seen him help us to a superbowl, if he wins one elsewhere, I'll be truly happy for him.

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