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Highest Paid LB in the NFL?


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Wow, amongst the excitement, this guy is now the highest paid LB in the NFL? off a decent year in a contract year? any chance Parcells baited the Jets on to bid higher? Is this guy a true play maker and game breaker? this is Johny Abe type of money

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Wow, amongst the excitement, this guy is now the highest paid LB in the NFL? off a decent year in a contract year? any chance Parcells baited the Jets on to bid higher? Is this guy a true play maker and game breaker? this is Johny Abe type of money

Wow. When you put it like that, it doesnt sound as good.

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Wow, amongst the excitement, this guy is now the highest paid LB in the NFL? off a decent year in a contract year? any chance Parcells baited the Jets on to bid higher? Is this guy a true play maker and game breaker? this is Johny Abe type of money

I'm not going to lie and pretend I know **** about him other then he got 20 million guaranteed got a half a sack less then Drob in his career. I saw him play when I lived in Arizona for awhile, but that was before they made him a LBer. He doesn't really seem all that special as an OLB so unless they really think he can play ILB this to me seems luje a bad signing.

I have been against this from the beginning, thinking the amount he wanted was ridiculous, but now I just need to hope I was wrong and he's worth what we're stuck paying him.

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Wow, amongst the excitement, this guy is now the highest paid LB in the NFL? off a decent year in a contract year? any chance Parcells baited the Jets on to bid higher? Is this guy a true play maker and game breaker? this is Johny Abe type of money

and i read somewhere that he had off the field problems a couple of years ago i gotta look for that story

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I have been following Calvin Pace for a while, he went to one of my rival HS in North Carolina (Charlotte Latin) and I got to watch him in HS and then went to Wake Forrest and I attended Elon University (only about 20 miles away) the guy is a stud (when played the right way) He has fluid hips and sheds blockers nice. He is better at going forward than he is in coverage, but the 3-4 is ideal for him, he has the size, strength, and agility to play the pass rush specialist in the 3-4. Parcells is the best at finding that type of player and if he wanted Pace badly than I cant blame the FO for making sure he is in Green and White come next season. Had an injury after a car accident in Arz and didnt play a lot his second year. but when they switched to the 3-4 they went back to Pace and he showed up. I think he will be worth the money, but lets face it we went 4-12 and need to overpay good players to come here. Hopefully after next season we wont have to.

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I am not opposed to overpaying good players to come here..especially when you have a hard nosed coach like Mangini...the question remains is this guy a play maker because he is sure being paid like one. Does the money match the talent...

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We didn't overpay really, salary cap is huge right now and it's probably bonuses that won't matter to us. You don't get anything for being under the salary cap, usually you need talent and you should be right up at the cap every year, and just cut players.

We inherited an absolute salary cap mess from Herm right? Well after only one season that entire mess was gone, and that season we had gone 10-6 with a WC spot. We spent last season just putting ourselves ridiculously under the cap to make this run. If we screw up? We'll just repeat this process again, but I just don't believe these are terrible signings at all. The contracts are going to GO UP, we're the ones that are setting the market right now, rather than waiting for someone else to set it and then overpaying by a lot. The contracts ALWAYS get higher over time, ALWAYS.

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I am not opposed to overpaying good players to come here..especially when you have a hard nosed coach like Mangini...the question remains is this guy a play maker because he is sure being paid like one. Does the money match the talent...

That's the key question. Based on what he has accomplished , no we overpaid. We are paying for potential. I'll tell you this though , with all these changes I wish the season would start next week. I'm anxious to see what we have.

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We didn't overpay really, salary cap is huge right now and it's probably bonuses that won't matter to us. You don't get anything for being under the salary cap, usually you need talent and you should be right up at the cap every year, and just cut players.

We inherited an absolute salary cap mess from Herm right? Well after only one season that entire mess was gone, and that season we had gone 10-6 with a WC spot. We spent last season just putting ourselves ridiculously under the cap to make this run. If we screw up? We'll just repeat this process again, but I just don't believe these are terrible signings at all. The contracts are going to GO UP, we're the ones that are setting the market right now, rather than waiting for someone else to set it and then overpaying by a lot. The contracts ALWAYS get higher over time, ALWAYS.

Yeah...if he performs like we all hope he will, by the time the contract is up it'll be a bargain.

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