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Kearse charged with DUI


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NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee Titans defensive end Jevon Kearse has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence after a traffic stop near the Vanderbilt University campus.

Vanderbilt spokesman Jim Patterson said Kearse was stopped early Sunday morning after campus police reported seeing the SUV that Kearse was driving weaving across the road.

Patterson says Kearse took a field sobriety test, but refused a breathalyzer. He was arrested and charged with DUI and violation of Tennessee's implied consent law for failing to take the breathalyzer test. Officials said Kearse was released later in the morning.

A call to the Titans was not immediately returned. A spokesman for Kearse's agent, Drew Rosenhaus, said Kearse had no comment.

Kearse, the NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year in 1999 with the Titans, re-signed with the club in the offseason after spending the last four years with the Philadelphia Eagles.


I'll ask the age old question: Why do these guys drive if they know that they are going out drinking?

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They do look good in a limo. What do you think a limo costs in Nashville? $50!

You have a point about looking good, but you're off on the price. A 20 mile cab ride will cost you close to $50 anywhere in the country. I should know. I called one last night just to get my drunk ass home. Regardless of the price, it's better than me getting another D.U.I.

Those are the things that cost mucho dinero.

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You have a point about looking good, but you're off on the price. A 20 mile cab ride will cost you close to $50 anywhere in the country. I should know. I called one last night just to get my drunk ass home. Regardless of the price, it's better than me getting another D.U.I.

Those are the things that cost mucho dinero.

I know cabs are expensive but wouldn't it have more sense for Kearse to hire a limo for the evening? We all know he makes a hell of a lot more money than you or I do.

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I know cabs are expensive but wouldn't it have more sense for Kearse to hire a limo for the evening? We all know he makes a hell of a lot more money than you or I do.

No doubt. He makes far more than both our incomes put together!

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I just dont understand why people continue to drive drunk, its so ****ing wreckless.

I have been pissy drunk and I can barely stand up straight much less getting behind the wheel. Dumb spoiled athletes think they're above the law, but what they dont seem to get is that when they drive drunk, they not only endanger themselves & their career, they also endanger innocents who may be in the vicinity of the vehicle.

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I just dont understand why people continue to drive drunk, its so ****ing wreckless.

I have been pissy drunk and I can barely stand up straight much less getting behind the wheel. Dumb spoiled athletes think they're above the law, but what they dont seem to get is that when they drive drunk, they not only endanger themselves & their career, they also endanger innocents who may be in the vicinity of the vehicle.

And what makes it even worse is that these guys know that they are targets for the police but they continue to act the fool.

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A1 Limo should pick up on this opportunity with a new jingle:

A1 Limousine ...

For athletes getting drunk ...

Cause drunk athletes want to go A1 ...

Actually, a friend of mine is the girlfriend of a Panthers player, she said the Panthers have a company account with a limo service made available to all the players. When will the other teams catch on. It seems a tad like babying the players but its a great perk to avoid such things as DUIs

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Where's the "its no big deal, everyone does it" crowd?

Its sad us humans are so stupid at times. How difficult is it to not drive drunk, wear your seatbelt, and drive carefully? You dont have to drive like grandma, but you can still be smart behind the wheel.

So many senseless lives lost due to human stupidity.

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