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Rangers sign D Wade Redden; resign Rozsival


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Yeah, so where do they hang the banner for it??? We got smoked 4-1!!!

Give me a break, we won 2 playoff series in 12 years, and you want to celebrate it.

We've won two playoff series in 2 years, actually. :P

Thats progress.

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We've won two playoff series in 2 years, actually. :P

Thats progress.

Sure forget the 10 years of no playoff wins, and how we got there.

No wonder you like what Slats did this off season.

16 teams make the playoffs, 8 make it to the second round, you may be happy with that.

I want more!!!

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Sure forget the 10 years of no playoff wins, and how we got there.

No wonder you like what Slats did this off season.

16 teams make the playoffs, 8 make it to the second round, you may be happy with that.

I want more!!!

I want more too but you have to take steps to get there. Not many teams go from worst to first.

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Nobody is whining, you are pom pom waiving for a GM who has gotten us no where, we won 2 playoff series in 12 years, get a clue.

We are paying $7 million to 2 centers that are not worth $7 million, when you compare their production to other $7 million dollar players through out the league, wake up!!!

What does it matter what other teams are doing, again the Sharks are paying Joe Thorton $7 million, nobody in the league has more points then Joe Thorton over the last 4 years, clown.

Drury and Gomez are making just as much yet their numbers are not even close. Detroit drafted their core, so did the Pens, they did not sign them as free agents.

Last I checked Philly went from worst team to better then us in 1 year, they trade guys and stock plie picks all the time, they are building a core, and signing pieces that fit, not building around free agents, douche.

Dallas also has a core of home growns not free agents genius. You have no idea what our youth is going to command, and if we will be able to sign them, I much rather have O'Sullivan than Nazzy, any day of the week.

O'Sullivan is already top 6 talent, I'd rather have him then Drury at $7 million, we could easily use O'Sullivan on the wing with out sacrificing our best face off guy, tard.

Nazzy's stats have declined for 5 straight seasons, He did not even see a bump the first season back from the lock out like every other forward did, his numbers are half what the were 4 years ago.

Contenders do not get housed in the 2nd round, you are a joke, and stop posting Eklund rumors, get a life, oh and check the Cherepanov thread, it does not sound good.

The Rangers have more tied up in 5 players than any other team at 58% of the cap, and Lundqvist is the only one worth the money, nice try but you suck!!!

Wow you must be really smart if you have to use all those names. I'm obviously not going to waste any more time responding to you, but let me know when you want to debate like an adult.

And BTW, I said it was a facking rumor, sorry that it bothers you so much.

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We've won two playoff series in 2 years, actually. :P

Thats progress.

Don't bother 124, anybody who dares disagree with this hockey genius is a tard douche.

And needs to get a life!

There is clearly no chance of having a reasoned debate with this guy.

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Don't bother 124, anybody who dares disagree with this hockey genius is a tard douche.

And needs to get a life!

There is clearly no chance of having a reasoned debate with this guy.

Not anybody, just you.

Next time make a decent argument, one with merrit and that is any where near actual, and maybe you would get some respect.

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