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It seems every article I read there is a mention of how well Brett Ratliff is performing.

In OTA's he outperformed.

Day 1 of training camp he outperformed the other two.

Yet it seems no one even considers the fact that he might be a legitimate option.

Can someone who has actually seen this guy in person give those of us that haven't an assessment here?

Remember (and I'm not making this comparison, just saying) Tom Brady was buried deep on the depth chart one day long ago...

At some point if someone keeps making plays they should get a serious look.

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I've been wondering about this kid for a year. Not because I have ever seen him play, but the way the Jets handled him last year. He never got a single snap in a preseason game, then was assigned to the Practice Squad. Seems to me they were trying to hide him.

Now he comes in the OTA's, mini camp, and now first day of TC, and three times I have heard "he was the best QB on the field". No chance he wins the starting, or back up job. None.

I don't think they can risk putting him on the PS again this year. It would be very sweet if this kid turns out to be a player. Just not the Jets kind of luck

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It seems every article I read there is a mention of how well Brett Ratliff is performing.

In OTA's he outperformed.

Day 1 of training camp he outperformed the other two.

Yet it seems no one even considers the fact that he might be a legitimate option.

Can someone who has actually seen this guy in person give those of us that haven't an assessment here?

Remember (and I'm not making this comparison, just saying) Tom Brady was buried deep on the depth chart one day long ago...

At some point if someone keeps making plays they should get a serious look.

I hope he sticks too PHAF...what I think COULD happen is we put Ainge on the PUP or IR him for the year with the bad pinky and keep Ratliff...I would rather see Clemens or Ratliff starting over Pennington this year

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it will be interesting if he can do it when live bullets are flying.

From what I have heard kid has a cannon. It remains to be seen if he has learned enough about being an NFL QB in the past year to bring it to the field.

Hope we get to see him some this preseason.. An early IR for Ainge IMO would be a good idea. According to the reports yesterday he did show signs of the finger bothering him. That would protect both young QB's for a year until this thing with Pennington is resolved.

If it isn't Clements, I would like to have both Ainge and Ratliff on the roster next season.

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