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Jets Gear on Sale at The NFL Shop

Fin Fan In Cali

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I own two old Patriot jerseys you bastard :P

Like the one in my avatar. Hall of Famer, Andre Tippett.

Congrats to him, making the hall of fame playing for those losers, at least they did not cheat though. :P

How you get away with an avatar of a clown giving the finger twice is beyond me, if I used something like that, everybody would say it was too brutal. ;)

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Congrats to him, making the hall of fame playing for those losers, at least they did not cheat though. :P

How you get away with an avatar of a clown giving the finger twice is beyond me, if I used something like that, everybody would say it was too brutal. ;)

Thats my brother in my avatar. I have used that pic many times over the last 3 years here at JN.

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Can you Phin fans let me know where I can pick up a 1-15 shirt? :P

I'm sure you still have one hanging in your closet from 1990, all of the newer stuff has an *. :P

The Jets fans on the otherhand can type in "Kotite" and I'm sure that they can find some, provided that the memories of that era don't cause them to run away from their computer screaming. :)

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I'm sure you still have one hanging in your closet from 1990, all of the newer stuff has an *. :P

The Jets fans on the otherhand can type in "Kotite" and I'm sure that they can find some, provided that the memories of that era don't cause them to run away from their computer screaming. :)

1990 was a horror show. That was probably the worst team to ever play in the NFL. I think only 1 game wasn't blacked out that season.

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I'm sure you still have one hanging in your closet from 1990, all of the newer stuff has an *. :P

The Jets fans on the otherhand can type in "Kotite" and I'm sure that they can find some, provided that the memories of that era don't cause them to run away from their computer screaming. :)

As I recall we bounced back pretty well from that season under Parcells, I doubt the Fins will do the same.
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1990 was a horror show. That was probably the worst team to ever play in the NFL. I think only 1 game wasn't blacked out that season.

did you learn that from the NFL Network or did you buy an old 1990 DVD to add to your 2001, 2003 and 2004 collection?

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Its got nothing to do with being poor. WTF are you talking about? I simply asked if you have ever been to an NFL game.

and the next comment will be something about me not being a fan because I choose not to drop tons of bucks for tickets, gas money, parking etc..

i know the games you play on here pal.

trying to put others down to gain self approval.

I never said jack **** to you other than a neg-rep you probably deserved and yet you always have a snide comment for me.

then I PM you asking whats up and you say theres no problem between us...only to go and diss me the next day. you're a cool guy.

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What is your problem?

You have been a conceited prick since the Giants won the Super Bowl and the Celtics won the NBA Finals. I simply call you a bandwagoner because you are a Giants/Jets/Yankees/Celtics fan.

How someone can have two favourite football teams is beyond me.

my dad raised me a fan of the Jets and Giants. how that is "beyond you" is beyond me. one team for AFC one team for NFC. it's pretty simple.

I've been the same conceited prick since DAY ONE. ever since december of 2002 when I registered over at "the other board" I've been the same ol' Blackout.

YOU on the other hand chose to jump on the "Ghost/Irish Jet/Thai Jet/JCB" train of douchbags who decide to stalk all my posts with "YOU SUCK YOUR A BANDWAGGONER" when I am simply here to discuss sports.

When I can't log in to my favorite forum without seeing 10 people hating on me every day it's a problem here.

this place used to be fun to post at, now it's just a hassle.

it's a shame what this forum has turned into, all becuase of a handful of pricks who like to troll forums and pick on people.

pretty sad day if you ask me.

blackout out

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