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when did Cubs fans stop throwing lemons on the field after bad preformances?

if it worked on Hack Wilson in 1930 (191 RBI after farging up the world series) then maybe it'll work on the Cubs this year

You can't even boo the strokes that aren't doing their jobs without inciting 20 articles suggesting Cub fans aren't loyal and true. Throwing anything at them would land you a class 4 felony.

Phase 1 was getting Corey Patterson's happy ass outta here - phase 2 is getting rid of the douchenozzle that fills out the line-up card. They aren't going to go anywhere till that happens. Lee got his pink slip this week, lets hope Hendry et al follow the lead.

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Lee got his pink slip this week, lets hope Hendry et al follow the lead.

Either that, or we can just release a veteran lefty reliever that holds rightys to a .210 average because the moron with the toothpick had no clue how to use him.

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You can't even boo the strokes that aren't doing their jobs without inciting 20 articles suggesting Cub fans aren't loyal and true. Throwing anything at them would land you a class 4 felony.

Phase 1 was getting Corey Patterson's happy a$$ outta here - phase 2 is getting rid of the douchenozzle that fills out the line-up card. They aren't going to go anywhere till that happens. Lee got his pink slip this week, lets hope Hendry et al follow the lead.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a die hard Cubs fan.

But I'm thinking the lovable losers' tag is getting way too old.

Let the pink slips fly.

See ya'.


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