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Hey Yankee fans...you enjoying Alan Embree?


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This is a bad night for you, little boy.

Embree coughed up the LOSING homerun.

Schilling pitched 2 huge innings and got the W.

The words "Alan Embree" and "decent" dont belong in the same thread. You'll see what I mean.

Pity he's gone from Boston, though. Pesky has his Pole named after him, Fisk has the other pole named after him...and Alan has thr Embree Monster seats named after him, because thats where 99% of his pitches ended up.

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No doubt, Embree is finished. Done. However, I find it rather hypocritical, JBF. You've called me "ungrateful" regarding Schilling's heroics last season - yet Embree is fodder for you. Embree was a key contributor to last years championship drive. So, who is ungrateful?

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Lets not go crazy Garb (though it isnt a long trip for you) by comparing Big Schill to Alan Embree. Yes the bullpen stepped up for 2 straight years, but Embree sucks and we all know it.

Face it, we just got even with NYY for that whole Mendoza thing. This is a time to rejoice, not split hairs between which HORRENDOUS scrubs chipped in to help rewrite the history books.

By the way, anyone who doubts their unanimous choice for "Biggest JN.com Homer" when/if they selected EB50...please read this thread closely and you'll notice that he said Alan Embree is "decent"

I think you'll see that we all made the right call

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