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Battle for CC Sabathia turns into turf war between Yankees and Mets


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The latest Subway Series tussle could be over none other than CC Sabathia, the Daily News has learned, as the Mets Thursday apparently joined the Yankees in pursuit of baseball's biggest free agent prize.

A high-placed Yankee source Thursday reacted to the development by saying: "The Mets are in it? Great. Bring it on."

The Yankees are plotting a quick-strike offer to Sabathia that would meet or exceed the $137.5 million for six years that Johan Santana received from the Mets last winter.

Meanwhile, Omar Minaya was dicussing a trade for a pitcher with a GM but said he would first have to see how Sabathia's free agency was progressing, a baseball executive said. A Mets official subsequently wouldn't deny interest in Sabathia.


Such a deal with the Mets likely would require backloading some of Sabathia's salary, at least until Carlos Delgado's $12 million and Billy Wagner's $10.5 million salaries for 2009 are cleared.

Teams can start negotiating with free agents from other teams Friday and the Yankees will make a "very, very substantial offer on Friday or a few days thereafter" to Sabathia, according to a baseball official with knowledge of the team's plans. The Yanks "understand that to get him it's going to be at Santana or above, so I would anticipate something along those lines," the official added.

The Yankees believe that a big first offer to Sabathia could knock out some of the competition, including the Dodgers and Angels, and that they would then quickly wrap him up. Their theory is, in this depressed economy, no team will go to Santana money for Sabathia.


Meanwhile, whether any team could afford two $20 million-plus pitchers is debatable, even if it would give the Mets the NL's most formidable rotation, with Santana and Sabathia followed by Mike Pelfrey and John Maine.

Like the Santana trade-and-signing nine months ago that soothed the wounds of Met fans from the 2007 collapse, Sabathia's signing could reenergize the Citi Field-dwellers and ease the pain of the '08 swoon.

Of course, the Yankees have their own new Stadium and also missed the 2008 postseason.


The Sabathia offer will be the start of a pitching blitz of sorts for both teams. The Yanks also will be aggressive with starters such as A.J. Burnett, who filed for free agency Thursday, the official said. Derek Lowe is on both teams' lists, though Lowe is a client of Scott Boras and his players usually sign later in the winter.

Other potential free-agent pitching targets for the Yankees include Ben Sheets and Ryan Dempster or their own free agents, Andy Pettitte and Mike Mussina, if the latter doesn't retire.

The Yankees are also exploring trades to improve their rotation. "(Yankee GM Brian) Cashman has a bunch of stuff cooking," the official said. The Yankees have tried to get involved in a potential Jake Peavy trade, but they believe he will land in Atlanta.

The Yankees also need to address center field and first base, though they could do the former with Brett Gardner or Melky Cabrera. They traded for Nick Swisher Thursday, which could mean they have already found their first baseman, but Cashman said the move didn't preclude him from finding another player and using Swisher in the outfield. Mark Teixeira is the top first baseman on the market.

Some believe Sabathia would prefer to play on the West Coast - he's from the Bay Area - but if the Yanks figure to be the highest bidders, could he leave a fortune on the table to stay home? Sabathia made 35 starts last season and has thrown 494 innings over the past two years.

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Fred Coupon is just putting up a front to make it look good for his soon-to-be-overchanrged-for-crappy-baseball fans. If the Mets don't get K-Rod and some lesser bullpen help, they need their heads examined.

Unless he's trying to drive the price up and stick it to the Yanks.

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