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Mangini Article bt Bassett


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I was completely fine with the way the game was handled except for the

prevent defense at the end. Every game we've used it in this year the other

team stormed right down the field in less than 2 minutes and we could've lost

those games. When NE has a guy like Wes Welker on their team and we take

8 of our players back deep to prevent the long ball...they just pass it to him

and let him run 8 or 10 yards with it for a 15 yard gain. Then they do it again

and once more and viola they're in the red zone already. Cassel is a young QB

and they should've pressured him. If we don't get that last TD with the help of

the holding call and have to kick a FG, then we completely blow a big lead

AND lose the game. I HATE that prevent defense. It's just stupid. Hmmmm lets

see....8 guys deep and 3 guys up front and a huge 20 yard hole between the two....

gee what should I do? The only thing a prevent defense can prevent is someone

going deep...but there isn't anyone stupid enough to do that in the NFL especially

not BB. The only reason we didn't lose 2 games because of that BS is because

of two Revis INTs in the end zone this season. We can't count on that every time

especially against a good team.

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Great, great post by Bassett.

Mangini is a young coach, young coaches are going to experiment and therefore are going to make some mistakes. If we give Mangini time...give him 3 or 4 more years. He may end up one of the elite coaches in the league.

Mangini does a lot more right as a coach than he does wrong. He finally has the tools on defense that the team had been lacking since he got here and we have been seeing the results all season.

Top 5 in rush defense

#1 in sacks

Top 5 in forced turnovers

We have arguably the best CB in the game, who has proven time and time again that he can eliminate a teams #1 receiving threat. We have arguably the best Safety in the league in K.Rhodes, who even Belichick is reluctant to test when he has Randy Moss running down the sidelines...

Granted, we were very weak covering underneath routes against the Pats, but find me a team that isn't when they're playing a team that has Randy Moss and Wes Welker lining up on opposite sides. Against the Pats, their 3rd WR and TE (Gaffney and Watson) did most of the damage in the receiving game. Moss and Welker were both pretty much non factors all game. The running game for the Pats was also a non factor.

I dont know about you guys, but I feel very good that it takes a great game from a 3rd receiver and a TE to keep up with us when they have so many other weapons (like Moss and Welker) on their team.

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Its a lot easier jumping back on a bandwagon than it is to jump off at the right time.

But, we shouldnt be critical of things because we beat the Pats (barely)? Because we're in 1st place? Hogwash. Some people do go overboard in their criticism of Mangini, but most of the criticism is valid and doesnt go away because of our record and latest victory. If it does, a hell of a lot of us owe Herm Edwards an apology.

Fans, especially ones who spend time on a blog or message board, are dedicated. They want their team to play flawlessly. When they dont, people will be upset and pissed off no matter what the final result is. That doesnt mean they arent happy the team won. T

Im extremely excited and happy after Thursday's victory. It felt nice wearing my Jets cap around Chowda land sunday. But Im still unhappy with a bunch of things this coaching staff has done and continues to do. I can separate me being a fan and me being a critical fan. I take joy in every victory. But that doesnt mean I turn a blind eye to the mistakes and missteps this coaching staff continues to make.

But that's just me.

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...and meanwhile up on WEEI they are critiizing Belichick's moves..Fans get to second guess EVERYTHING..Coaches get one shot..Mangini does his homework..I just cheer.

Exactly.Coaches get one chance to get it right. We (and the whole sports media) get to rip it apart and second guess everything yet we have no knowledge of game planning or what the coaching staff is trying to do.

Its a lot easier just cheering. Unfortunately I was brought up to watch sports with a critical eye.

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