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Not reviewable???


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So has anyone given an explanation on why the Cotchery fumble recovery that was ruled not recovered but was recovered but was not reviewable? How is a player down by contact not reviewable? And has anyone backed up the official or is he a total dip**** like we all think he is?

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the officials ruled Cotchery had never gained possession so it was still a fumble, and not a reviewable play. Which I guess means they viewed Cotch's involvement the same as if he had merely touched it and it was a fumble from the time Smith made the bad pitch.

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How come a catch/fumble vs an incomplete pass is reviewable? Aren't they just judging possession there too? The NFL is fixed.

The NFL is just like anything else that implements "laws" or rules. They do that simply because they do not know how to satisfy the issue.

It was a dumb call by the Refs. Im not saying that it wasnt a TD, all im saying is that that play should be reviewable especially when its a game changer like that.

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The NFL is just like anything else that implements "laws" or rules. They do that simply because they do not know how to satisfy the issue.

It was a dumb call by the Refs. Im not saying that it wasnt a TD, all im saying is that that play should be reviewable especially when its a game changer like that.

If the call on the field was that Cotchery never had possession of the loose ball, then by rule, the play cannot be reviewed. Aside from potentially blowing the call on the field, nothing beyond that can be blamed on the refs, as they can't override what is written in the rulebook.

On another note, that was a sweet pick in the endzone by Mike Lowery today.

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