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Resident Evil 5 PS3 demo...


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I remember when Resident Evil used to be a survival horror game series. Now you have a ****ing partner? It's an action game now--even more so than 4. Totally disappointed.

I'll be honest and say I haven't played anything past RE:3 in the series, I just didn't have the time. I love these games, but at the same time they really creep me the hell out too...LOL...

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I'll be honest and say I haven't played anything past RE:3 in the series, I just didn't have the time. I love these games, but at the same time they really creep me the hell out too...LOL...

I've only beaten one and two...3 and beyond just took the series in another direction, which I didn't like.

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I remember when Resident Evil used to be a survival horror game series. Now you have a ****ing partner? It's an action game now--even more so than 4. Totally disappointed.

Thats what I like about it, love playing multi player games. Makes the experience so much better IMO. I agree with Fishooked this game is creepy, I jumped a couple of times playing it in the dark LOL

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Thats what I like about it, love playing multi player games. Makes the experience so much better IMO. I agree with Fishooked this game is creepy, I jumped a couple of times playing it in the dark LOL

I'm not sure. Most games I prefer to play with a partner, like Halo, etc. However, survival horror loses a lot of its meaning when the game continues when you die. I prefer the last man standing feel. Good horror movies or games are things I prefer to play alone...

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  • 1 month later...

Got it from Gamefly over the weekend... put about 30 min into it and I am thinking about just sending it right back... too many cutscenes breaking up the action and the camera/walk combination of the character feels stupid... it feels and looks like your floating through the level...

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Got it from Gamefly over the weekend... put about 30 min into it and I am thinking about just sending it right back... too many cutscenes breaking up the action and the camera/walk combination of the character feels stupid... it feels and looks like your floating through the level...

I only played through chapter 1.1 so far and I love it. I do agree that the cutscenes are a tad overwhelming.

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