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What year are they at with PSL's?


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They have to be in the 90's (I am just speculating). It was two weeks ago and they were at 1985. So if they aren't in the 90's yet I would be shocked.

I'm 1995, so I guess I should be gettin' the call soon.

Probably not a whole lot of cheap seats left at this point, anyway.

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I'm 1995, so I guess I should be gettin' the call soon.

Probably not a whole lot of cheap seats left at this point, anyway.

As of two weeks ago, I was told that "pretty much the entire stadium was open".

In my opinion, the PSL sales are not going well. Shocking I know.

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As of two weeks ago, I was told that "pretty much the entire stadium was open".

In my opinion, the PSL sales are not going well. Shocking I know.

Interesting, Max.

I wonder if there is any chance the Jets are forced to re-think this PSL thing if sales are as bad as they seem. Maybe not so much eliminating the PSL's all together, but maybe reducing the prices on either the PSL's or the tickets themselves?

Lots of empty seats, potential TV blackouts ... not a good thing for anyone ... fans or the franchise.

It might involve some partial refunds, but given the current demand and lessons learned from the ticket situation with the Yankees and Mets, if the fans hold out, maybe the Jets are forced to do something here.

I doubt it, but we'll see.

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Interesting, Max.

I wonder if there is any chance the Jets are forced to re-think this PSL thing if sales are as bad as they seem. Maybe not so much eliminating the PSL's all together, but maybe reducing the prices on either the PSL's or the tickets themselves?

Lots of empty seats, potential TV blackouts ... not a good thing for anyone ... fans or the franchise.

It might involve some partial refunds, but given the current demand and lessons learned from the ticket situation with the Yankees and Mets, if the fans hold out, maybe the Jets are forced to do something here.

I doubt it, but we'll see.

I think they are past the point of no return obviously but I know some people that are betting against them right now. Basically not doing anything just to see what they can pick up next year.

Use the Yankees as an example, last year $2,500 was the going rate for the home plate seats. Now I think they can be had on ticketmaster for $900.

Not sure what the Jets will end up doing but this "sale" is going nowhere near as well as they planned in my opinion.

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What did they really expect? Who is going to pay 10k per seat in giants stadium just for the privledge of spening thousands of dollars for season tickets?


PSL's too high and since most of the good seats in the place are "Club", it's coupled with ridiculously priced tickets.

Too big a nut for most people to crack, even the diehards.

Wonder how Giants sales are going ... I know a number of long time Giants STH's who either dropped their tix or decreased their number of tix and moved upstairs to $1,000 seats.

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I spoke to my ticket rep last week. I have 1991 seniority (sat in someone elses seats for years before that) and was expecting to get a call. They have taken a 3 week break until July 20 something or other and then will resume with 1991.

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I spoke to my ticket rep last week. I have 1991 seniority (sat in someone elses seats for years before that) and was expecting to get a call. They have taken a 3 week break until July 20 something or other and then will resume with 1991.

Thanks for the info.

I probably have at least a month before I get the call.

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I spoke to my ticket rep last week. I have 1991 seniority (sat in someone elses seats for years before that) and was expecting to get a call. They have taken a 3 week break until July 20 something or other and then will resume with 1991.

2004 and they said they would be calling me August 17th.

I wonder if this 3 week break is the cost cutting "break".


That is very interesting, I wonder if that is related to the unpaid vacation a lot of employees are being forced to take.

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