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How to get props...


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First off, the art of getting props isn't as tricky as it may seem, but certain guidelines should be adhered to.


Step 1. Complete an admirable act. This has to be something your peers deem worthy of praise, usually an athletic feat, a witty quip, getting postive attention from a pretty girl, or some otherwise heoric deed. Ordinary feats, or obvious statements will not recieve the same props that extraordinary feats or superflous statements will fetch.

Step 2. Allow the admirable act to marinade in your peers for a while. If props are delivered prematurely they are most likely not props at all, but disses disguised sarcastically as a prop. Beware disses; they are the opposite of a prop.

Step 3. Allow the props to come to you. Sometimes this requires patience. If you seek the props, or threaten others to recieve your props, then they aren't as rewarding as an unsolicited prop. The ultimate goal in props-seeking is to get the props without solicitation. It cannot be stressed how important it is to not request props, or to demand them.

Step 4. Once you are the recepiant of a prop, be gracious! Being courteous to the prop-giver will ensure the liklihood of other props. Never diss the peeps that give you props, nor lather yourself in the props you recieve, that is jinky.

Sorry man, I couldn't resist. Cheers. :D

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Step 1. Complete an admirable act. This has to be something your peers deem worthy of praise, usually an athletic feat, a witty quip, getting postive attention from a pretty girl, or some otherwise heoric deed. Ordinary feats, or obvious statements will not recieve the same props that extraordinary feats or superflous statements will fetch.

Evidently knowing what words mean and how to spell them doesn't rate. No wonder I don't have any rep.

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I think it's the lack of a sense of humor and crappy personality. But, that is just my humble opinion.

I have a great sense of humor. I'd prove it by cracking an awesome collateral attack joke right here but the two people who'd actually get it don't lounge unless there's a mafia game.

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