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Official OPTIMISTIC Thread


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Hi, Im a Jets fan and i feel really, really confident that this is the first year i will see my beloved team get to the big game. All the years of ordering 6 foot hero's, trying to sell the last 4 boxes for my SB pool, watching 8 hour pregame shows, trying to get a good seat on the couch come game time are over. I will be in Dallas this year rooting my team on in person. No more watching the Super Bowl as an outsider....i will be participating this year, i will be tailgating AT THE SUPER BOWL, I will be putting on my lucky Jets Sweatshirt AT THE SUPER BOWL, I will be doing a J-E-T-S chant at the top of my lungs AT THE SUPER BOWL, i will be high fiving random Jet fans in the hallway after we win AT THE SUPER BOWL!

I must be a fool right?

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I'll be optimistic about next saturday night ;)

I think d brick and hunter can contain freeney and mathis, and revis and cro can handle their business, and the dolts losing collie and clarke is huge.

I think this will be a close game, the jets winning with ST's play late.

didn't it seem yesterday like rex was calling the defense ?

I think the jets stay super aggresive on defense and offense and actually make the big plays that matter

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In the past ten weeks since injuries began to settle in to their receiving corps they have only had three 300 yd passing games. And all year they have had six total 100 yard rushing games, three in the last three weeks, which may mean they are running more to make up for their depleted receiving corps. Our defense should be able to hold them in check. Their defense, also banged up, was nothing special to begin with.

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Not so fast. I remember a long time ago when Peyton shriveled up like a 92 year old drunkards nut bag jumping into the ocean during the playoffs. Maybe with a less than stellar supporting cast this happens again? JoJoJO thinks so.

The Dr. has spoken. Manning has been bounced in his opening playoff game 5 times.

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