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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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I think the GF has the silencer ability obviously, and perhaps a 1-time BPV?

Jesus, I hope the GF isn't that loaded up. It's enough with the passive GF ability.

Well, I find myself in an interesting position. I could hammer Duke, who I do find suspicious, or stay on Brett by myself. Is the innocent result on Brett by Vic the only thing keeping you all away from Brett? His play is the most suspicious over the last couple of days...

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Dearest search party,

I think we got off on the wrong foot. Sometimes that happens when people use words like die, and hell, and eternal damnation. You were afraid, I can relate to that. One time I was hanging out with the boss (I mean Hess, though Stienbrenner was there too ;) ), and somehow the gatekeeper let the clown from It into our inner sanctum. Stupid gatekeeper...I hate that damn clown. How's this for a first memory ever -- sitting in your dads lap after he fell asleep watching the SciFi channel, and It comes on. Balloons filled with blood, clown terrorizing people...just awful. So naturally, I pop up ready to sock this dumb clown in the face, right? Well he comes up, apologizes, and makes me a balloon hat. That's all I ever wanted. You see, I thought this clown was some awful despicable creation of Hess...but I got to know him, and JiF really isn't that bad to be honest. Even let me ride his trike.

So what does this have to do with us, you're asking? Well this was all just one huge misunderstanding. I didn't mean I wanted you to DIEEEE...I meant I wanted you to FLYYYY....HIGHHH. With happiness! So how's about we just stop this whole "trying to lynch the demons" bit (doesn't that sound silly?!), and you guys just relax and let us serve you. No, not serve you like that creepy Twilight Zone episode...we'll serve you burgers and lemonade. It's really not that bad down here, guys. Yes, we'll torture you and you'll scream in pain but let's face it...you're Jets fans. It's what you do. If you guys behave well enough, we'll turn the A/C on super high and watch the Jets win the Super Bowl even. You're thinking about it now, aren't you?


Sincerely with a lust for your blood love,


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unofficial Vote Count:

Jack (3): Lily, Brett, Duke

Brett (1): Verbal

Duke (4): CTM, Dan, Primate, Jack

With 8 alive takes 5 to lynch

I think that's right.

Son of a bitch... I'm going through and doing the vote counting and then come up to this post. Oh well, here's what I had anyway, just to make it "official":

(Demi-Mod Note: I was too lazy to go back and figure out where the hell CTM originally voted)

Official Vote Count:

Jack (3): Lily, Brett, Duke

Brett (1): Verbal

Duke (4): Dan, Primate, CTM, Jack

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

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A couple of weekends ago, I was out and about on the town...pretty drunk...a good friend was moving, last night in town and we got after it. In Jax Beach, if you live at the beach, you bike to the bars. Or trike if you are me (dont need to balance when you're drunk, plus its pimp). Anyway, I have cute little bell on it, that I ring at all the ladies, they eat that sh*t up.

Well, there was this group of ghetto fabulous black girls walking down the street, with one random white girl with cornrows with the crew. So I ring my bell, jokingly, while we are pulling up behind them walking. They all turn to see what it is, and the white girl speaks up to the crew of black girls and said...."Damn, Cracker on the trike just rang his bell at us".

Which I replied, "Damn, Nigga called me cracker". Which I thought was funny considering she was white and I was totally joking. They did not find it humorous. Which led to me triking faster than I've ever had to before. lol

Thats actually really funny....but this is my exact trike.


Bitches love it. They cant resist when I cruise by hitting the 2 wheel motion ringing my bell with a little wink.

You dont even know how much pussy that trike has brought me and my friends way. I'm a ******* celebrity on that thing. Boombox, cooler and all. Wait, you dont care, you are a fag.

Good game point though.

Picture this if you will; you're cruising on bikes with your friends at the beach. You see a group of dudes approaching. The most attractive of them, riding a trike, suns out, so the guns are definitely out. As you get closer, he hits the 2 wheel motion, you hear some Beastie Boys "Girls" playing from his trike. As he drives by, he winks, rings his bell and then looks over his shoulder to see if he got a reaction...which he always does. Then as you are cruising along, you hear the Beasites and a bell approaching. Its me, the hot guy on the trike, read to charm your pants off. You're mind wont be the only thing blown.

Its all about being unique. The allure is there, match it with my face, body and charm. Panties instantly wet.

You doubt me?

For BG, some highlights.

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I'm not sure about this train on Duke. He is my #2, so I'd have no problem hammering him, but are we going to wait for a reveal or what? Is he going to get back on before the deadline?

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I think I'd support this lynch. I don't remember which game it was, maybe the police academy one, but I look at it the same way as I did w/TomShane in it, if there are 5 scum, Duke is probably the 5th member. If there are only 4 scum, he probably isn't the 4th.

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I'm going to be in and out today, but I'll be back in time for the deadline, easily. I'll hammer if that's what we're going to do today. I just hate to blindly lynch.

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Let's talk about random nonsensical things.

What's the last good cd did you all buy?

Favorite band?

Craziest band name you've ever heard?

I'm extremely bored on a job site. I love music so I'd like to know. Were not going to lynch RD for at least 2:30 hours when he comes back on and reveals and defends himself.

My answers are:

Foster the People - Torches

Gaslight Anthem

There's a few of these: Vagina Panther, Look Mexico, Portugal the man, and river city extension

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Whenever you get back I have a question. If RD is your #2 choice for scum and you have opportunity to hammer him why don't you? Seems like a reluctant move to not lynch a teammate and adding a little distancing in case RD gets lynched and flips scum that way you can say that you really suspected him all along.

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Whenever you get back I have a question. If RD is your #2 choice for scum and you have opportunity to hammer him why don't you? Seems like a reluctant move to not lynch a teammate and adding a little distancing in case RD gets lynched and flips scum that way you can say that you really suspected him all along.

Because here at JN we usually allow someone a chance to reveal before killing them off.

And I haven't left yet. Another hour or so.

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Lily I honestly don't lime your play here because if you reluctant hammer and he's a townie then you can say you would of rather lynched me. I'm assuming I'm your number 1.

God I'm getting worse then ape with conspiracy theories. Id still like my questions answered. It's on the back burner for now though.

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Fair enough. What if he claims roleless? Will you hammer or take his word?

I'll get opinions from the group, unless time is too short. Hurrying these things is how the town makes mistakes. Forming a consensus among us is the best way to go, and we do still outnumber the scum, whether there are 1 or 2 of them left.

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Let's talk about random nonsensical things.

What's the last good cd did you all buy?

Favorite band?

Craziest band name you've ever heard?

I'm extremely bored on a job site. I love music so I'd like to know. Were not going to lynch RD for at least 2:30 hours when he comes back on and reveals and defends himself.

My answers are:

Foster the People - Torches

Gaslight Anthem

There's a few of these: Vagina Panther, Look Mexico, Portugal the man, and river city extension

Times of Grace- The Fall of Man

Favorite band is whatever the hell I'm feeling that day. I'm annoying with the typical, can't pick one but that's the truth. I've recently been going back and listening to my old favorites, it's been like a trip down memory lane

Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza

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I'm not sure about this train on Duke. He is my #2, so I'd have no problem hammering him, but are we going to wait for a reveal or what? Is he going to get back on before the deadline?

I'm going to be in and out today, but I'll be back in time for the deadline, easily. I'll hammer if that's what we're going to do today. I just hate to blindly lynch.

Sorry to keep bringing you up Lily, but you're being awfully indecisive. You're not sure about a train on Duke, yet he's your #2? Why is he your #2 if you aren't sure about the train? I don't get that.

And then the next post - you'll hammer "if that's what we're going to do today"? Since when do you let other players decide your game moves? This is completely perplexing to me. I'm getting the feeling that you're trying to stay in the background here and not be the one to make a decision.

It's like an itch that I can't reach -- seeing your posts is making me feel more and more uneasy about you. The more you do this, the more I think Duke is town and you're putting on a nice show to make it look good.

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Sorry to keep bringing you up Lily, but you're being awfully indecisive. You're not sure about a train on Duke, yet he's your #2? Why is he your #2 if you aren't sure about the train? I don't get that.

And then the next post - you'll hammer "if that's what we're going to do today"? Since when do you let other players decide your game moves? This is completely perplexing to me. I'm getting the feeling that you're trying to stay in the background here and not be the one to make a decision.

It's like an itch that I can't reach -- seeing your posts is making me feel more and more uneasy about you. The more you do this, the more I think Duke is town and you're putting on a nice show to make it look good.

That's what I just said.

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Sorry to keep bringing you up Lily, but you're being awfully indecisive. You're not sure about a train on Duke, yet he's your #2? Why is he your #2 if you aren't sure about the train? I don't get that.

And then the next post - you'll hammer "if that's what we're going to do today"? Since when do you let other players decide your game moves? This is completely perplexing to me. I'm getting the feeling that you're trying to stay in the background here and not be the one to make a decision.

It's like an itch that I can't reach -- seeing your posts is making me feel more and more uneasy about you. The more you do this, the more I think Duke is town and you're putting on a nice show to make it look good.

I meant I'm not sure about how fast it built. I really would rather have Jack be our lynch, and I was hoping that some people would switch back. I also don't know if he's going to get a chance to speak, and I hate lynching blind. Also, Verb, have you never noticed how I always avoid hammering on this site? I hate that position on a train. If he flips town, I'll be the one looked at first, and I've put up with enough crap this game. But I'm willing to do what I have to do. I'm not indecisive, per se, just reluctant to be in the position that I'm in.

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Not to mention, I know Lily much better than you, and have seen her play in these situations a number of times. At this point, mixing in a little metagaming isn't the worst idea. Bad in the beginning, but it gets better with time.

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Well I hammered 2 scum and caught heat so if you hammer a townie you must not get any heat.

I meant I'm not sure about how fast it built. I really would rather have Jack be our lynch, and I was hoping that some people would switch back. I also don't know if he's going to get a chance to speak, and I hate lynching blind. Also, Verb, have you never noticed how I always avoid hammering on this site? I hate that position on a train. If he flips town, I'll be the one looked at first, and I've put up with enough crap this game. But I'm willing to do what I have to do. I'm not indecisive, per se, just reluctant to be in the position that I'm in.

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I'm still really bothered by the fact that Jack knew when I could speak after I was silenced. I didn't like his defense and still don't. I really think he's our scum, maybe even their silencer.

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I meant I'm not sure about how fast it built. I really would rather have Jack be our lynch, and I was hoping that some people would switch back. I also don't know if he's going to get a chance to speak, and I hate lynching blind. Also, Verb, have you never noticed how I always avoid hammering on this site? I hate that position on a train. If he flips town, I'll be the one looked at first, and I've put up with enough crap this game. But I'm willing to do what I have to do. I'm not indecisive, per se, just reluctant to be in the position that I'm in.

Fast? It took an entire morning to build up. Fast on this site is about 7 minutes. Not hours. Besides, I'm finding the talk about how 'fast' lynches built up to be a scumtell around here.

And you've hardly put up with as much crap as Jack or Ape have. Jack has argued with almost the entire game, and I was busy lecturing the Ape yesterday about how he should play so that we don't have the subconscious urge to stab ourselves in the eyeball. You have had minimal pressure, and been on the backburner all game long.

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I'm still really bothered by the fact that Jack knew when I could speak after I was silenced. I didn't like his defense and still don't. I really think he's our scum, maybe even their silencer.

Actually, I can probably help clear this up. Everybody seems to forget that I was the first one silenced.....and I came back at night to start speaking again.

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I'm still really bothered by the fact that Jack knew when I could speak after I was silenced. I didn't like his defense and still don't. I really think he's our scum, maybe even their silencer.

My original reason was site difference and knowing what your used to versus what is alien to you. It's no set custom for this site so even a player here could presume as muc as I did.


If I'm not mistaken you weren't the first silenced player. One of them could have spoken at night. I think Verb may have when he was verb and not dramatic pirate verb.

Verb did you speak at night after you were silenced? If you did then you would know. I could of used that for explanation but I gave my honest one. I'm not really for sure now though if you did though.

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Fast? It took an entire morning to build up. Fast on this site is about 7 minutes. Not hours. Besides, I'm finding the talk about how 'fast' lynches built up to be a scumtell around here.

And you've hardly put up with as much crap as Jack or Ape have. Jack has argued with almost the entire game, and I was busy lecturing the Ape yesterday about how he should play so that we don't have the subconscious urge to stab ourselves in the eyeball. You have had minimal pressure, and been on the backburner all game long.

I didn't look at the timestamps. It seemed fast from my perspective.

Okay, then. I'll let go of the reluctance. I'll hammer when we get close to the deadline if he hasn't come back and spoken, and make my decision then if he has.

Actually, I can probably help clear this up. Everybody seems to forget that I was the first one silenced.....and I came back at night to start speaking again.

I thought of that, too, at the time, but found it funny that that wasn't the defense he used.

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Ninja'd again

Anyways lily what if you don't. I mean isn't a random lynch one of the best ploys for scum rite now? Sure it stands a chance of hitting one of them but townies have the greater chance of losing a member. That way no blood is on any hands and we can start the next day exactly like we started this one. I'm really not feeling it and I don't believe you'll hammer.

I didn't look at the timestamps. It seemed fast from my perspective.

Okay, then. I'll let go of the reluctance. I'll hammer when we get close to the deadline if he hasn't come back and spoken, and make my decision then if he has.

I thought of that, too, at the time, but found it funny that that wasn't the defense he used.

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