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Mike Vick airing out Goodell


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Even if it wasn't that extreme, which I doubt it was, him getting at all involved in team by team transactions is still completely unacceptable. The guy is an absolute joke, and beyond horrible at his job. It's no coincidence he's been at center of one train wreck after another since he took over as commissioner, and despite it's popularity being at an all-time high, the NFL has never been a bigger mess than it has these past few years. When not one of the groups amongst the owners, players or fans are happy with the way things have gone in recent years, that speaks volumes.

I don't really disagree. I just think him simply offering an opinion is not that big a deal. If he was actively trying to coerce Vick to play for a specific team its much worse.

Also, was his opinion solicited or not? If it was, again, no big deal. If it wasn't you then have to ask Goodell's motives.

I think the one thing not enough people are mentioning is the source of this info is hardly reliable. What Vick says happened and reality might very well be 180 degrees apart.

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I don't really disagree. I just think him simply offering an opinion is not that big a deal. If he was actively trying to coerce Vick to play for a specific team its much worse.

Also, was his opinion solicited or not? If it was, again, no big deal. If it wasn't you then have to ask Goodell's motives.

I think the one thing not enough people are mentioning is the source of this info is hardly reliable. What Vick says happened and reality might very well be 180 degrees apart.

I agree Vick not being the most reliable source, but there's two reasons to think it's very possibly legit:

1) This is just another in a long line of Goodell's messes and does not seem even slightly out of the realm of possibility for this douche nozzle. Since he's took over there has been zero consistency with how he's handled situations involving any players and teams, and this certainly fits the bill of the kind of crap he's pulled before, it's just one small step even further over the line that he started going over years ago.

2) What incentive would Vick have to say this if it's not true? He's essentially admitting to prior negative thought towards the team who he's now the starting QB of. If anything, him admitting this is far more likely to be a bad situation for him than a good one, and the fact that if it's true it could get people pissed at him for admitting to it, so doing so if it isn't true really makes no sense at all.

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I agree Vick not being the most reliable source, but there's two reasons to think it's very possibly legit:

1) This is just another in a long line of Goodell's messes and does not seem even slightly out of the realm of possibility for this douche nozzle. Since he's took over there has been zero consistency with how he's handled situations involving any players and teams, and this certainly fits the bill of the kind of crap he's pulled before, it's just one small step even further over the line that he started going over years ago.

2) What incentive would Vick have to say this if it's not true? He's essentially admitting to prior negative thought towards the team who he's now the starting QB of. If anything, him admitting this is far more likely to be a bad situation for him than a good one, and the fact that if it's true it could get people pissed at him for admitting to it, so doing so if it isn't true really makes no sense at all.

1) I totally agree. Goodell has been a walking cluster**** as commissioner. Doesn't mean he did this.

2) You have to remember that you're not dealing with the sharpest knife in the drawer here. Michael Vick ain't exactly known for being a deep thinker. I sincerely doubt Vick gave much thought if any to the possible ramifications of making a charge like this. Further, I even doubt that Vick understands why Goodell doing that would be wrong.

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Goodell is a disgrace to this sport. Anyone who puts him on blast has every right to do so. I feel like this season will be a horrible year for officiating and overall watering the game down. I'm glad Vick didn't go to Buffalo, though. That would be a completely different team right now.

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1) I totally agree. Goodell has been a walking cluster**** as commissioner. Doesn't mean he did this.

2) You have to remember that you're not dealing with the sharpest knife in the drawer here. Michael Vick ain't exactly known for being a deep thinker. I sincerely doubt Vick gave much thought if any to the possible ramifications of making a charge like this. Further, I even doubt that Vick understands why Goodell doing that would be wrong.

LOL. Fair point.

Still, of these two complete dipsh*ts, I'm actually more likely to believe the convicted felon than I am the NFL Commissioner. What's that tell you?

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LOL. Fair point.

Still, of these two complete dipsh*ts, I'm actually more likely to believe the convicted felon than I am the NFL Commissioner. What's that tell you?

It tells me that, like me, you are a Jets fan who has been disgusted by this clown since the day he burned the tapes and let Belichick off with a slap on the wrist, and therefore have no business serving on Goodell's jury.

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Oh my god! You mean Michael Vick listened to advice that other people gave him?!? Disgusting and unforgivable.

Wait, what? No one made Vick go Philly? He actually made an important decision after weighing the advice given to him by many different people? This is completely irrelevant and just another example of sensationalistic "journalism"? Oh, ok. For a second I thought this might have actually mattered. It doesn't, carry on.

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Oh my god! You mean Michael Vick listened to advice that other people gave him?!? Disgusting and unforgivable.

Wait, what? No one made Vick go Philly? He actually made an important decision after weighing the advice given to him by many different people? This is completely irrelevant and just another example of sensationalistic "journalism"? Oh, ok. For a second I thought this might have actually mattered. It doesn't, carry on.

I don't believe anyone is criticizing Vick in this situation.

People are criticizing Goodell because he sucks at life.

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I don't believe anyone is criticizing Vick in this situation.

People are criticizing Goodell because he sucks at life.

I don't think either should be criticized. Vick is a valuable commodity, Vick being in a good situation is a great thing for the NFL, he went to Goodell for advice (among many others), and Goodell gave him some. Vick wasn't forced, coerced, or influenced into picking Philly. At the end of the day, Vick took all of the advice/information and made his decision. I don't see an issue here.

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I don't think either should be criticized. Vick is a valuable commodity, Vick being in a good situation is a great thing for the NFL, he went to Goodell for advice (among many others), and Goodell gave him some. Vick wasn't forced, coerced, or influenced into picking Philly. At the end of the day, Vick took all of the advice/information and made his decision. I don't see an issue here.

Except according to Vick himself, while he maybe wasn't forced, he certainly was coerced and influenced into picking Philly. And again, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that the NFL Commissioner should have even the slightest bit of involvement in helping to determine where an NFL player signs. It's just adding on to the long list of reasons why Goodell has proven himself to be an incompetent jackass who is nothing but poison to the NFL.

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Except according to Vick himself, while he maybe wasn't forced, he certainly was coerced and influenced into picking Philly. And again, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that the NFL Commissioner should have even the slightest bit of involvement in helping to determine where an NFL player signs. It's just adding on to the long list of reasons why Goodell has proven himself to be an incompetent jackass who is nothing but poison to the NFL.

Vick was in no way shape or form coerced and influenced into picking Philly. Vick himself said the decision was completely his and his alone. Goodell certainly is free to give his opinion and advice to a player who is seeking it. Especially one as valuable to the NFL as Vick. Goodell's job is to look out for the best interests of the NFL, and a successful Michael Vick is certainly in the best interests of the NFL. There is nothing wrong with Goodell counseling a player with a troubled past and helping him scrutinize his choices and not just go with the one that offers the most playing time.

Can anyone argue that Michael Vick was wrong in his ultimate choice? Clearly Goodell's advice was spot on. Vick could not have landed in a better situation.

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Wow people who are bitching about Goodell for this our idiots who just want to find reasons to bash him.

He didn't steer him at all he just used common sense and told him his best chance to actually be successful is Philly. Buffalo and Cincinnati are sh*t franchises that would have killed any chance of Vick having a comeback. Also Goodell's job is too look out for the good of the league, if Vick started immediately after he got out of prison it would not have looked good and PETA would have gone crazy.

Oh the most important part of this story that nobody seems to be mentioning, Philly offered him the most money. Of course he was going to sign wherever he got paid the most and after his first season where he just rode the bench Philly never received any trade offers for him so clearly the Bills and Bengals didn't care that much to get him.

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The commissioner of the NFL should not be advising any player at any time about where to play. No matter how innocent his intentions, it can be seen as the Commish trying to orchestrate the league by persuading players to go where he wants them. Goodell works for the owners, not the players. He has no place making recommendations to anyone but owners, and even that is sketchy.

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