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Has Anybody Ever Written A Letter To The Jets Front Office?


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OK, I'll admit it, I'm a nerd-I did once. It was during the 2002 season. Herm was the coach and Vinny was stinking it up and there was a clarion call from us all for the Jets to bench Vinny and start Pennington. I think it worked because not long after that's what they did and we ended up going to the playoffs after a 2-5 start.

I am seriously considering another email demanding that Brian Schottenheimer get fired after the season and how all of us fans agree that he is the main problem and is causing our franchise QB to regress. What would your letter to Woody Johnson look like? Should we write one and all of us sign our names to it? We have a lot of pretty astute football fans among us and some good writers. Maybe our captain should be the one to write it-what say ye Jet Nationeers?

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Its funny the Jets and Schotty spoke all week about moving the pocket, they even spoke about it before the game, Ian Eagle, and who ever the color guy was, talking about getting Mark into situations were he is more comfortable, with roll outs to create throwing lanes. The first drive boom Mark doesn't roll out, the play is designed for him to SPRINT out and fire the ball as soon as possible, and that was the last play designed to move Mark, it was like Schotty was like ugh they want me to do something I don't like, I will really make it pop the first time so maybe they won't notice when I don't call it again, or he just forgot the game plan. And another thing if this is the game plan why the hell do the Jets make it public its like yea this is what were going to do I dare you to try and stop it. Something has to give with this offense, and its not just Schotty, it just starts there, Rex is also responsible, with his offensive philosophy, sometimes that philosophy will work, but sometimes it needs to be tweaked or even abandoned, to play to the other teams weakness, Rex does not seem to want to do this, and that has to change.

My biggest problem with the O is we go from Jumbo, to Shotgun 5 wide to Jumbo to Shotgun 5 wide, who the **** doesn't know what were doing, its like watching my High School football team sometimes, run run run oh sh*t we have to pass, or the complete opposite, shotgun shotgun shotgun punt, like what the ****, have some consistency, at least give the threat of the run or the pass on almost every play, and I mean a real pass play not a Jumbo play action roll out or a shotgun draw, its freaking obvious what the Jets are trying to accomplish on every play its so frustrating.

Sorry about the rant this was a long time coming haven't posted about this since last year, and I know it has come at the wrong time after a Jets victory, but its more of me being on here tonight, then anything else.

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