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We pay our corners all of this money...


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This defense definitely misses Bryan Thomas. He's great vs. the run and he can actually step back into coverage. He was the guy checking TE's at the LOS and then passing them off to a safety. Which is crucial since our safeties cant cover at all.

I feel like TEs would be a problem anyway. Haven't they been for years here? They're such a matchup nightmare for anyone those f's...That said, yeah I think I was just talking out of my a$$ there trying to sound cool.

I think the safety thing is overblown...one because if most safeties could cover they'd be CBs...and two because league wide safeties just absolutely suck...Personally it's a position that's getting destroyed by NFL rule changes...or it's very possible I'm just talking out of my a$$ again.

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The thing is, to have the type of LB or Safety to cover a TE you will be sacraficing a ton of your run defense with that scheme or personnel. Rex has always been one to stop the run, at least before this year. With his corners he can take away your top rec or even 2 but the TE and even the RB out of the backfield will be the achilles heel for his defense. you cant guard against everything...

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I feel like TEs would be a problem anyway. Haven't they been for years here? They're such a matchup nightmare for anyone those f's...That said, yeah I think I was just talking out of my a$$ there trying to sound cool.

I think the safety thing is overblown...one because if most safeties could cover they'd be CBs...and two because league wide safeties just absolutely suck...Personally it's a position that's getting destroyed by NFL rule changes...or it's very possible I'm just talking out of my a$$ again.

You are right...a lot of tight ends have been having field days this season. Add on Eric Smith and its a match up nightmare for this team.

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Yeah, that's true. I exaggerated a bit.

BTW, have you ever watched Smith run? Watch him on a close up if you can. I don't know if he's bow legged or pigeon toed, but his gait doesn't seem natural. It made me think that was a reason he can't stay on his feet.

I noticed that during the slow motion replay of the big Celek catch and run. Then I realized that Smith was the only one moving in slow motion.

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