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The Very Real Issues of Why We Are 8-8 & Where We go From Here


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Ok people, some have said, well this team is just an 8-8 team. Other have said we underacheived this year.

Some have said Rex just BS'd his way through the year.

Many are blaming Sanchez.

Most are blaming Shotty.

Well here is my take after what I saw. First, how can a HC in the NFL, not know a key player (i.e. Holmes) is not on the field? There clearly is a leadership issue or lack of on this team.

Sanchez is the scapegoat. I not saying hey look he took us to two AFCCG...or look he sucks cause he can't complete a pass longer than 20 yards.

This is all horse crap. The reality is, this team was not prepared. That's on coaching. HC, D and O and ST.....plain and simple. It looks like that when your HC does not know the condition of his players..How many times was he asked about injuries to players and he didn't know.

How many times did we hear all this BS about how great the team is, and then we come up and it looks like a HS team playing. This is all based on leadership, determination, conditioning, being prepared and discipline. This is all on Rex. PERIOD.

I am not saying Rex should be fired. No. What he should do is instead of BS us on how good we are, he should address the problems we all witnessed on the field. And that starts with his OC. Then he should look at some of the players he named as captains. and remove that label from Holmes.

Trade holmes NOW. Get him the **** out of this team.

Next....Sanchez is NOT ready. That is clear. I am not saying cut him or trade him. But he is NOT the answer today. Sorry people but that is the truth.

Rex needs to look at his defense and he needs to fix the major holes in it fast.

And word to Rex for 2012. Sorry dude but you really need to STFU, suck it up and be a HC leader and do the right thing. Stop with the jokes......Lead the team and you should make sure, the team is ready to play at a high level each week this year.

Last word...freakin unbelievably bad game on sunday...NO heart...No leadership.....and No playoffs.

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We had so many pre-snap penalties this year. I know you can say the player has to be under control but I blame the coaches for that particular failing. Sanchez and his long snap counts, the terminology, the fact that they looked like a team that had not practiced well. They were always too long getting out of the huddle and they played with no pace. When a guy runs a wrong route or blows a block, it is on him. If he does not know his assignment it is on him. And there was plenty of that, too. A coach cannot be held responsible for that. When your team cannot even line up, I blame it on the coach. It is such a basic requirement.

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Holmes cannot be cut or traded for cap reasons.

He can't be cut because the cap hit would be too big.

He can't be traded because no team will voluntarily surrender something to take his contract onto its own cap.

The same reason you want him gone is the same reason you're going to have a hell of a lot of difficult convincing someone else to take him with that contract attached to him. What's Tannenbaum going to say? "No seriously. He's like totally a great teammate and stuff and you should give me something for him. I like you and want you to have him."

When he's making $1M for one year on a rookie contract then he's a steal for a late 5th rounder. When he's got gazillions of guaranteed money coming to him for the next couple of seasons no matter how he acts up, no one's going to offer us a conditional 7th rounder for him.

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The real reason we we regressed into an 8-8 team from 11-5 and an AFCG last season is because of the horrible off season by Front Office.

Our obsession with Aso and the effort and time put into signing him. In hindsight it was a great result but we lost a lot of time in that effort, Time which could have been used to address other layers in the FA signing period.

Loss of talent on offense and the front offices inability to recognize what was working for the JETS offense and how to address that loss. We lost out ability to stretch the field by not signing a speedy Braylon and replacing him with Plax. End result we went from being a top 10 offense in 40+ yard plays to bottom of the league in the category and needing trick plays to even get the one decent 40+ yard play.

Not addressing the lack of pass rush. We did have a band aid solution in Maybin who was the best bargain pick of the season.

Same ole Eric Smith and gang at safety.

The lack of depth at the O-Line. Robert Turner's injury was the biggest blow to this team. Not to mention how horrible this line looked when Mangold went out for a few games.

Letting Mulligan be #3 on the depth chart. So with Cumberland's injury the JETS were forced in a situation where they had to allow Mulligan more that one mulligan!

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Holmes cannot be cut or traded for cap reasons.

He can't be cut because the cap hit would be too big.

He can't be traded because no team will voluntarily surrender something to take his contract onto its own cap.

The same reason you want him gone is the same reason you're going to have a hell of a lot of difficult convincing someone else to take him with that contract attached to him. What's Tannenbaum going to say? "No seriously. He's like totally a great teammate and stuff and you should give me something for him. I like you and want you to have him."

When he's making $1M for one year on a rookie contract then he's a steal for a late 5th rounder. When he's got gazillions of guaranteed money coming to him for the next couple of seasons no matter how he acts up, no one's going to offer us a conditional 7th rounder for him.


Holmes is not going anywhere and for that matter neither is Sanchez.

Schotty is outta here one way or the other if he doesn't find another job the Jets will fire him and move on. There is no way he can come back not just after this past season but you can throw last season in as well where the offense would go into funks and couldn't put any points on the board in 4 of their five losses.

Rex has to step and decide what he wants his offense to look like.

Does he want an offense that can throw at will (I don't think we have the QB to do that)


Does he go back to the "Ground and Pound Mentality"

The Jets need to go out and address RT, probably Guard as well, both safety positions and for crissakes can we PLEASE get a pass rusher. Something we have not had since Abraham left after 2005.

I have a feeling this is going to be a very long off season for the Jets.

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Holmes is not going anywhere and for that matter neither is Sanchez.

Schotty is outta here one way or the other if he doesn't find another job the Jets will fire him and move on. There is no way he can come back not just after this past season but you can throw last season in as well where the offense would go into funks and couldn't put any points on the board in 4 of their five losses.

Rex has to step and decide what he wants his offense to look like.

Does he want an offense that can throw at will (I don't think we have the QB to do that)


Does he go back to the "Ground and Pound Mentality"

The Jets need to go out and address RT, probably Guard as well, both safety positions and for crissakes can we PLEASE get a pass rusher. Something we have not had since Abraham left after 2005.

I have a feeling this is going to be a very long off season for the Jets.

Everything I witnessed this year can be sumed up like this:

Lockout + Rex's Bravado + FO Blunders and Off Season Inactivity + Sanchez really not ready to be a Mini Brady + Shotty + Team Not ready To Play Every Game = what we have right now which is an 8-8 team with no leadership on every level.......

No class whatsoever.....Namath was, is and always will be right.

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