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No JiF, and he did get shut down by the dolphin secondary either, that was the guy he dismantled the O to keep around. He didnt drop balls, have them bounce of his facemask helmet. He didnt miss tackles at the 10 yard line or snap the ball off his thigh or miss chip shots. He didnt go no huddle shotgun on first and goal, throw 60 times in a game. He didnt let DEs walk by him all year. He just made sure they had the personnel to do so. I think Rex sai a million times 'my darling Sanchez' was his pick. I guess he an schotty took a liking to him. WHat can I say? I hate the draft pick. He just won me over by bringing me football all throughout January twice. Unlike my baseball team, who I expect nothing less than a championship every year, the Jets have lowered my expectations. I was holding on to ONE January campaign 15 years ago that consisted of one win and then one loss. So, in essence, I was given that X 4. and that is why I am pat to give 'my darling' another crack at it..........with a full squad, not one prima donna and one ex-prima donna.....and who knows who else.

I can see Peyton getting psyched to come already. lol

Hey, look, it's on you what you do next year, but #6 WILL be the QB.

Only poster who has been making any sense as of late everyone else is to busy watching the sky fall down. Give mark a mulligan this year, guy was sacked more than anyone this year, had lazy wrs, and still improved. So you can all circle jerk each other over manning and your wet dreams about watching him "light it up" next year in green and white but him and his Frankenstein neck won't be doing it in NY. I'll take mark Sanchez and say I told you so when one day this kid lifts up the Lombardi trophy for us.

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what a depressing BE or Holmes poll. Dead on, F Chowds, gotta give it to you. That bastard bambozzled us. As soon as he got the $$$ he shows up on twitter looking like a fool. lol Braylon looks like the good chick we dissed because the fine c--t gave us a play.


Funny Simpsons grandpa picture. Funny still of Ray Jay looking 'crazy', funny shot from Anchorman of the crazy weatherman (lol), Not only cutting egde sports analysis but top rate comedy. lmao (not really either but at least comedy is attempted)

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Only poster who has been making any sense as of late everyone else is to busy watching the sky fall down. Give mark a mulligan this year, guy was sacked more than anyone this year, had lazy wrs, and still improved. So you can all circle jerk each other over manning and your wet dreams about watching him "light it up" next year in green and white but him and his Frankenstein neck won't be doing it in NY. I'll take mark Sanchez and say I told you so when one day this kid lifts up the Lombardi trophy for us.

I can't believe my eyes. I knew this whole city could not have gone crazy. Yes, all the reasons you mentioned and no running game for 6 weeks, no defensive stances when needed in 4th, and yes, getting hosed by the tabloid NY media who have enough pull over the zombie majority to get them to boo his a$$ (I still cant get over that) while we still had meaningful football left to play....and also for services ******* rendered. When the hell did this franchise become one that expects nothing but greatness? lol R u kidding me?

He does need to stop fumbling, but he gets in the endzone---26 in the air and 7 more on the ground. Hopefully this is the opposition he needs to take a next step. He has had an easy ride thus far. Brunnell isnt exactly scaring anyone. lol

Best case scenerio- what u said. He is hoisting the trophy for us. Bygones be bygones, new contract...shatters jet franchise records (by year 5) lol

Worst case-- He does all that. In South Florida.

(I swear this is the worst case I've seen tho. Worse than A-rod. I bet even a superbowl trophy and they say we won despite him. lol) Good post

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As to the media-remember that Steve Serby and the rest of'em have 2 articles always ready-the Jets/Jints suck awful,are full of bad human beings who sacrifice virgins to Satan and should fire everyone today, or the Jets/Jints are the greatest collection of football talent in NFL history and better people than a collection of nuns and missionairies feeding leperous puppies and are destined to win it all. Today's entry in superlative gibberish about the 9-win team in town that would have to beat at least the Packers and probably the Saints to get anywhere near Indianapolis without a ticket-


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I can't believe my eyes. I knew this whole city could not have gone crazy. Yes, all the reasons you mentioned and no running game for 6 weeks, no defensive stances when needed in 4th, and yes, getting hosed by the tabloid NY media who have enough pull over the zombie majority to get them to boo his a$$ (I still cant get over that) while we still had meaningful football left to play....and also for services ******* rendered. When the hell did this franchise become one that expects nothing but greatness? lol R u kidding me?

He does need to stop fumbling, but he gets in the endzone---26 in the air and 7 more on the ground. Hopefully this is the opposition he needs to take a next step. He has had an easy ride thus far. Brunnell isnt exactly scaring anyone. lol

Best case scenerio- what u said. He is hoisting the trophy for us. Bygones be bygones, new contract...shatters jet franchise records (by year 5) lol

Worst case-- He does all that. In South Florida.

(I swear this is the worst case I've seen tho. Worse than A-rod. I bet even a superbowl trophy and they say we won despite him. lol) Good post

Absolutely agree!! Can't even tell you how many fights I got into with "JETS FANS" who were booing him at home games. Are they kidding me!?!?!? I loved chad Pennington but I knew he wasn't ever gonna do sh*t for this franchise, or anyone for that matter but with Sanchez at least I feel like he gives us more than a fighting chance. 10 career (and by career I mean 3 years) 4th quarter or OT game winning or tying drives. But that gets brushed aside wtf! The kid can play does he throw picks yes. Big flipping deal I'll always go back to Eli and how giants fans were running him out of town. Now theyre picking his pubes out of their teeth. Haters can suck a fat one. How easily the majority is swayed. Give him a shot he deserves that much!

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