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LT Hints That WR's Could be Root of Problem


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He has physical toughness but not mental toughness. That much has been clear.

Again, I'm not so sure. I screamed at the screen and my wife heard "SANCHEZ S*CKS! " in my hose a lot this year, but I'm no convinced that he can't handle it. He has been the started for the NY Jets, gone to two AFC champioship games and has been torn to shreds during that time and since by the media in NY and elsewhere. On NFL radio they were ripping him while he was winning playoff games. We won despite him etc.

I lean toward the anti Sanchez side of things, but I'm not so sure our pouting little manchild of a QB isn't physically AND mentally tough.

I'll tall ya what man, if he comes out of all of this and has a good season the argument would be settled IMO.

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Physically he has shown to be pretty tuff. I was talking mentally. Like he can;t stick up for himself.

He's a kid. He has to learn stuff like that. While I obviously am sure about how he handles himself in the locker room etc, it doesn't mean that he's not mentally tough just because he's unsure how to handle a situation. It could be like the christmas story kid when he gets picked on one too many times. lol Nobody question Ralphies toughness after he mercilessly beat the hell out of that bully. Who knows? He's in the most relentless ares for media scrutiny and has one one of the most tortured fan bases on earth to deal with. It's tough here.

I'm more concerned with whether or not he does anymore GQ covers

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