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Could Dolphins Tight End Anthony Fasano Wind Up As A Jet


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Q: what offensive player ever looked good playing with Sanchez and for Schottenheimer?

A: Santonio Holmes 2010

Thomas Jones and LT had pretty good seasons too...but I wouldnt credit either of those things to either of those 2.

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You're a boring troll who's boring me.

But a truthful one nonetheless.

I'm sure you were "bored" numerous times last season when Sanchez would throw a five yard pass on third and eight or third and third and ten to Keller when other receivers were open beyond the first down markers.

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Traditional TE's serve very little purpose in today's NFL. Every team wants a guy who can stretch the field, get mismatches and get open in the seam. That's the job of a TE these days. Keller does that much much better than Fasano.

I understand the principle of having one that can do both...but its really not necessary anymore. The priority is to have a pass catching option. How often is Jimmy Graham asked to block?

When Wayne Hunter is your starting RT, I would think a "traditional TE" would be a necessity.

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Fixed the spelling. Thanks

Didn't bug me. Just made me think of that poster at JI from almost 10 years ago. Strange dude with an unintended typo on his username (BrAnDonLlyod is the Future).

Good write-up, by the way.

Just looked up Jamestown on a map. So compared to the trip to East Rutherford it's a faster drive to attend a home game for the Bills, Steelers, Browns, Lions, Ravens, and a toss-up for the Bengals, Redskins, and Eagles. Not that we aren't all over the country like cockroaches, but just curious how you're a Jets fan from way up there.

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Just looked up Jamestown on a map. So compared to the trip to East Rutherford it's a faster drive to attend a home game for the Bills, Steelers, Browns, Lions, Ravens, and a toss-up for the Bengals, Redskins, and Eagles. Not that we aren't all over the country like cockroaches, but just curious how you're a Jets fan from way up there.

Are you referring to me? If you are, I'm honestly a Bills fan, but I keep track of AFCE rivals. There aren't many Jets fans here abouts, but we have a serious infestation of Stillers fans :happy0069: being just north of the PA line.

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Are you referring to me? If you are, I'm honestly a Bills fan, but I keep track of AFCE rivals. There aren't many Jets fans here abouts, but we have a serious infestation of Stillers fans :happy0069: being just north of the PA line.

Clicked his reply to me then while I was typing my response back your post was peeking through the top of the page and all I saw was Jamestown without your filthy Bills helmet. So I thought it was him not you.

In bars, Steelers fans are pretty much the worst. They travel in herds of no less than 30-40 just to make the experience that much more horrible for the bipeds around them. Dallas fans are probably on a par but we don't get nearly as many in the metro area, thankfully.

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