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This team is SOFT.


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I understand you dont have point. "EVERYONE knows that NFL players are tough SOB's", but collectively, they're soft? lmfao

The Jets lost a hard fought game. There was nothing soft about their effort.

The offense completely shut down. It became inoperable because of a little adversity, because it was a hard-fought game. Nothing came easy, so they curled up in a ball. That is soft to me. It's got nothing to do with how hard Bart Scott hits offensive guard's, or what it takes to get to the NFL. You are flip-flopping the meaning of the word "soft" at this point... trolly troll troll. :P

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When this team runs into the smallest bit of adversity, they curl up in a ball.

You seem to think this is an obvious statement but its not. I'd say this team recovered nicely from the adversity all offseason. We came out and beat the crap out of Buffalo and started off nicely against the Steelers before they made the adjustments. If you're trying to say a team that has a bad loss on occassion can't respond to adversity, then EVERY team in the league is soft. Otherwise you're making zero sense.

No killer instinct. How often do we win the games we shouldn't? Almost never.

Oh, I dunno. The 2009 playoff run? The win in Pittsburgh in 2010 (our first win in PA)? Our 2010 playoff run?

Yeah, last year we lacked any statement wins. That's because our offense was sh*tty and we went 8-8. But you say we're soft.

No heart. How often do we we curl up in a ball when we run into a tough opponent and things don't got perfect? Often.

No class. How often to we talk a bunch of sh*t when we own an inferior team? Always.

You haven't provided any evidence of the first claim, and the second is just untrue. Santonio did it after the Bills game (mind you, the Bills were picked to finish ahead of us by nearly all experts), but can you come up with another one?

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Also, it isn't a qualitative measurement. It is an adjective that implies certain tendencies that a TEAM has.

It is not a generalized description of what it takes for individuals to play at the NFL level, which seems to be the ridiculous point you are trying to make. Everyone, EVERYONE, knows that NFL players are tough SOBs, even the cry-babies are. This thread isn't about making the individuals. It is about the character of the team, the TEAM's tendencies, and stature, when confronted with certain situations.

This Jets team, by and large, curls up in a ball when things don't go their way. Unless everything flows perfectly, they almost always fall apart fantastically. It is very rare that the Jets just play a close one and lose. Sunday would have been no big deal IF it had ended 17-10 or something like that. However, because we got man-handled our offense COMPLETELY disappeared. It is one thing to struggle, it is another to stop functioning completely. Which is how it goes with our Jets the past few years. No tenacity. Deer in headlights and tantrums and finger-pointing on the field. We curled up in a ball. Lost without dignity.

Makes the losses much more difficult to accept when they are like that, and it never fails that when this Jets team loses... they do it in embarrassing fashion. This doesn't mean EVERY guy quits on the team, it just means the majority or the individuals that control momentum on this team, enable this type of reaction to adversity over-and-over.

Pure and utter bullsh*t. Your analogy sucks and you won't admit it. It's like Mike Francessa is posting here.

Did you ever think that maybe they just weren't that good last year? Games the Jets were punched and didn't roll over - from last season- Chargers. Down 14-3 and 21-10 they kept coming and won. First Pats game - they were down 10-0 and 17-7 and kept coming, but lost. Even that Raiders abomination they kept coming back. Sure they lost by 10, but that was on two 50 yard field goals. One to ice the game after a Burress TD brought them within a score. The Dolphins game to end the season they were fighting on the field, but scored a TD to pull within 2 with a minute left. They just weren't that good last season. Teams are tight in this league the difference between winning and losing is slight. That's how a team like the Giants can suck all year and then get hot.

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You seem to think this is an obvious statement but its not. I'd say this team recovered nicely from the adversity all offseason. We came out and beat the crap out of Buffalo and started off nicely against the Steelers before they made the adjustments. If you're trying to say a team that has a bad loss on occassion can't respond to adversity, then EVERY team in the league is soft. Otherwise you're making zero sense.

It is my opinion. Buffalo sucks. All they've done is get blown out by us, and then they trampled KC - the worst team in the league. I'm not impressed. False confidence.

No team with our talent gets embarrassed in losses the way we do, as often as we do. Sure every team gets blown out now and again. The Jets collapse. Big difference between that and getting blown out, and we've got WAY more talent than the scrub teams that get blown out. WAY more.

Games where we come totally unhinged and non-fuctional shouldn't happen to a team with this much talent on it.

Oh, I dunno. The 2009 playoff run? The win in Pittsburgh in 2010 (our first win in PA)? Our 2010 playoff run?

Yeah, last year we lacked any statement wins. That's because our offense was sh*tty and we went 8-8. But you say we're soft.

I said "almost never". As usual, I'm very precise with my wording - and you are very retarded with your interpretation.

You haven't provided any evidence of the first claim, and the second is just untrue. Santonio did it after the Bills game (mind you, the Bills were picked to finish ahead of us by nearly all experts), but can you come up with another one?


All 3 of those statements describe this team over the last 3 years to the tee. I'm not talking about just the past 2 weeks you goof.

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Pure and utter bullsh*t. Your analogy sucks and you won't admit it. It's like Mike Francessa is posting here.

Did you ever think that maybe they just weren't that good last year? Games the Jets were punched and didn't roll over - from last season- Chargers. Down 14-3 and 21-10 they kept coming and won. First Pats game - they were down 10-0 and 17-7 and kept coming, but lost. Even that Raiders abomination they kept coming back. Sure they lost by 10, but that was on two 50 yard field goals. One to ice the game after a Burress TD brought them within a score. The Dolphins game to end the season they were fighting on the field, but scored a TD to pull within 2 with a minute left. They just weren't that good last season. Teams are tight in this league the difference between winning and losing is slight. That's how a team like the Giants can suck all year and then get hot.

My analogy is spot on. It is a concern I've had about this team for a few years. The references you make to those games is good though, but you are re-telling the events. If I was to surface those games as examples, and wanted to support my point, I could easily spin them my way.

Doesn't matter though. At the end of the day we want for the same thing... for me to be proven wrong going forward. That we can agree on. The past is just that, the past. It really doesn't matter. If you don't agree with my take on the team, I can respect that. This thread, it's mostly about the things that infuriate me about this team. You sound more forgiving of them, than I am.

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Some times you have to look at things objectively......we have people here calling the Pats soft! Either this is a joke or it's tongue in cheek. But in any event, that team is NOT soft because it wins games. My definition of a soft team is a team that gets punched in the face and instead of punching back withdraws and does nothing from that point forward. Perhaps the shot that Sanchez took started it. Perhaps all the drops by the WRs helped that along. Perhaps. Maybe its all the talk from Rex and the Bravado and then we don't back up the words. Perhaps.

I see it in very simple terms, by now this team should NOT lose games the way it did last sunday it simply is not acceptable. If you want to be considered a good/great team-elite team we are not close right now and that to me is the frustrating thing. We should have been there already.

Anyway I want the Jets to win games. I want them in the Playoffs and for a SB appearance and win! That's all.

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My analogy is spot on. It is a concern I've had about this team for a few years. The references you make to those games is good though, but you are re-telling the events. If I was to surface those games as examples, and wanted to support my point, I could easily spin them my way.

Doesn't matter though. At the end of the day we want for the same thing... for me to be proven wrong going forward. That we can agree on. The past is just that, the past. It really doesn't matter. If you don't agree with my take on the team, I can respect that. This thread, it's mostly about the things that infuriate me about this team. You sound more forgiving of them, than I am.

Exactly. You can spin anything to suit your agenda. So can I. I am more forgiving of a perceived "lack of toughness". I am in no way forgiving of them sucking. I am not surprised that they flopped against the Steelers. It bothers me plenty, but it certainly isn't shocking. Few teams win in that environment. I was hoping we were good enough and we weren't.

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Okay. So you've never heard a football team called soft or finesse before. At this point, should I conclude you are trying to troll me? Or are you really a life-long football fan that has no grasp on this?

The definition of a "soft" football team was the San Diego Chargers of the past 4 or 5 years. I dont see the Jets as being soft but I do see them geting soundly beat by the tougher teams in the NFL namely the Ravens and this last 2 games vs the Steelers. They will probably beat the Dolphins this week but then the Niners roll into town and thats one tough bunch on both sides of the ball.

The softest player on the Jets by far is Santonio Holmes.

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Talent and desire wins games with some luck involved. And there is not one path to win games- many different styles and philosophies to get to that elusive goal.

And you are correct in that. I just wish we found some more ways and maybe some more luck throw our way for a change.

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The offense completely shut down. It became inoperable because of a little adversity, because it was a hard-fought game. Nothing came easy, so they curled up in a ball. That is soft to me. It's got nothing to do with how hard Bart Scott hits offensive guard's, or what it takes to get to the NFL. You are flip-flopping the meaning of the word "soft" at this point... trolly troll troll. :tongue:

No, I'm not. Sometimes the opponent is better. Pittsburgh made some really nice adjustments in the 2nd half and the Jets couldnt respond. They didnt curl up in a ball because they go punched in the mouth. They got out played and couldnt execute. Nothing to do with soft. They left plays on the field.

It was the 2nd game for a new offense, playing on the road for a home opener in one of toughest places to play in the league vs. a potential SB contender. There were obvious miscommunications on the field, which can be expected in a place like Heinz on opening day coming off an embarrassing loss. A little more familiarity with the systems and calls at the LOS and I'm sure that will improve.

You're talking out your ass, softy.

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No, I'm not. Sometimes the opponent is better. Pittsburgh made some really nice adjustments in the 2nd half and the Jets couldnt respond. They didnt curl up in a ball because they go punched in the mouth. They got out played and couldnt execute. Nothing to do with soft. They left plays on the field.

It was the 2nd game for a new offense, playing on the road for a home opener in one of toughest places to play in the league vs. a potential SB contender. There were obvious miscommunications on the field, which can be expected in a place like Heinz on opening day coming off an embarrassing loss. A little more familiarity with the systems and calls at the LOS and I'm sure that will improve.

You're talking out your ass, softy.

I make the same statement in another thread and I get hammered because I said the JETS DIDN'T MAKE THE ADJUSTMENTS TO TRY AND WIN THE GAME.....WTF!

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