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Lily's Angry Melons mafia game thread


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I can continue. No, you were using paranoia and hindsight would have been if I changed my stance after the fact.

I agree that your logic was probably based more pragmatically vs. mine which was probably more emotionally based...BUT not meaning b/c I was involved in the scenario. I'm talking about reading the reactions or feel in his actual posts and others vs. just hedging my bets on worst case scenarios.

What are the actual odds of Scum making that move? 5-10%%? You basically made you're decision off that percentage, not to mention things were to eventually be vetted anyway. There was no need to NEED an answer today.

I can accept your explanation of the drivers behind my play.

Ftr, I'll take a pragmatic approach before an emotional one any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

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I'm not going to let your negative propaganda cloud my clarity, FYI.


That's like saying you're not going to let the hobo with the bottle full of greasy-brown liquid clean your windshield. It's redundant.

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That's like saying you're not going to let the hobo with the bottle full of greasy-brown liquid clean your windshield. It's redundant.

My only take away is that I like how you just metaphorically turned Verb into a hobo with a bottle full of greasy brown liquid.

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Tomorrow I'm sitting outside in a bikini and drinking margaritas all day.

Binoculars? Check.

Hoodie? Check.

Dark sunglasses? Check.

Creepy '70's porno moustache? Check.

Bail money? Check.

I'm on the way.

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My only take away is that I like how you just metaphorically turned Verb into a hobo with a bottle full of greasy brown liquid.


Weeellll...let's just say it wasn't a stretch...



Booze and getting laid for the Pirate?


Yes. Maybe. It depends on if I play things right. No. 


I'm just kidding. Of course!


Tomorrow I'm sitting outside in a bikini and drinking margaritas all day. 


I approve of this 100%


Serious? Me too.


I apporve of this 100%


Binoculars? Check.

Hoodie? Check.

Dark sunglasses? Check.

Creepy '70's porno moustache? Check.

Bail money? Check.

I'm on the way.


You're bringing sexy down. Waaayyy down. Like, to a Verbal-hobo level. Aren't you dead yet - I could have sworn I put in a kill for you?

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Me knowing my alignment would have zero to do with AVM being any more believable to me as he would to you. Obviously he could have just as easy been scum to me as he'd known my alignment either way as scum. 


Amazingly the entire issue is how narrow minded you played it (along with Pac) if town. Not to mention the information would have eventually come out anyway. I wasn't saying keep him alive the entire game. My point was let's keep him alive and see how the PRs and Scum want to play this. There were much better lynch candidates. 


Take out your 4 bullets points of over paranoia and just read the dame game, the way AVM was posting and what was actually going on, and actually try and think through any good reason for scum to out multiple players on D2 with one already dead in a 16 person game and the answer was somewhat pretty clear. 


more like lucifer Hess...


calm your t!ts for a second and think.  AVM cleared 2 people and claimed he was roleless town.  What better person to lynch at that point?  We would either immediately find out your and Crush' alignment or take out scum on the chance he was lying. 


If we left AVM alive then the smart play for scum would have been to kill you or Crush and keep the wifom alive...  the other option would have been to run someone up and possibly out a power role.


Lynching AVM was pragmatic yes but also immediately shed light on a few things.  We now all know you and Crush are seemingly town.  If I die you'll know JiF is town.  Getting confirmed townies at this stage of the game is very valuable intel.  They can't kill us all at once.


The only monkey wrench that could be thrown into the mix are that you, Crush, or JiF is the GF.  Can't worry about that now though.. 

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Another night passes. You can’t help but wonder if you’ll be
alive in the morning. You sleep fitfully, but you do sleep. You doubt anyone
will sleep in this morning, and as you gather for breakfast, you realize that
some of your number are indeed missing.



First, you check the room of the guitarist. You were aware
that he always wanted to be lead guitarist, but was never quite good enough.
Sometimes, you even felt sorry for him. Never as much as when you entered his
room and found him. He was lying on the floor with a bullet in his brain.  Then you realize the awful truth. On the bed
is a list of names – your names – with the words Kill List across the top.


DPR, guitarist, mafia goon, was nightkilled




Next you check the room of the drummer. What you saw there made
your stomach threaten to give you your breakfast back. Your drummer was lying
on the bed in a pool of his own blood, with a drumstick poking up from each of
his eye sockets.  



Ishy,  drummer, roleless town, was nightkilled




It is now day 3. Deadline Monday noon MST/3PM EST

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch

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Day 1 Final Vote Count


Hess (2) – Crusher, Darthe

Smash (1) – Pac

JC (1) – AVM

AVM (1) – JiF

Nolder (2) – Verb, Dap

Darthe (9) – Hess, Smash, Ishy, JC, 80, Nolder, Leelou, DPR, Verbal


Not voting:  Mish

With 16 alive, we need 9 to lynch



Day 2 Final Vote count:


AVM (7) – Verb, Pac, Nolder, AVM, 80, Leelou, JiF

Mish (1) – DPR

Leelou (2) – Hess, Ishy

80 (1) – Crusher


Not voting: Mish, JC

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