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Tired of hearing that they did not get one of the balls deflated.

Tony The Wiz

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I  keep on listening to reporters stating it was 11 out of 12 balls were deflated and one they missed.

That ball was for the punter and for FG and Kicks. This was an intent by this organization as a boxer

would do by putting a weight in their boxing gloves to gain an advantage. Belicheat is the head coach and is responsible and he should be banned for a year. Payton was banned for a year and it was his team's first offense. The organization

should be punished with draft picks taken away as well as salary cap. This was an intent to cheat since their was

one ball that was legitimate for punting and kicking. The integrity of the NFL was hurt and cheating is a disgrace in any

league. How do you explain this to children coming up playing sports when they hear this. Anyone defending this are 

also a disgrace since this is against the rules, plain and simple . Anyone saying that the game was out of hand and was a blowout and this didn't mean anything is simply wrong. Whatever a Patriot player had done gave him an advantage from throwing, holding the ball as a running back, and kicking could of influenced the direction this game was going. Who knows what happens in the second half if the Colts are up in the game. Cheating is cheating.  Hope Goodall  comes down on them hard!!!

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Not to mention completely wrong.  Kickers use a separate group of balls that have nothing to do with the 12 balls used for the offense.


Right. But there is a report by an ex-official that all 12 balls were under inflated. So I guess that means the 11 were under inflated by 2 pounds, but the 12th was under inflated by a different amount.

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Actually 11 out of 12 balls is worse.


If all the 12 balls were under inflated than the Pats could claim faulty equipment OR even ignorance of the rules.


But when 11 out of 12 points are under inflated and 1 ball is properly inflated than it points out to the fact that they knew what the proper pressure was but chose not to inflate the remaining 11 balls correctly. So now they cannot claim ignorance OR faulty equipment.


Now why the 12th ball was properly inflated. It could easily be there to be a decoy. So if the ref asks for one specimen during the game to measure the pressure they could easily hand them the ball with correct pressure. This infact exposes that what happened was pre-planned and well thought out.

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Actually 11 out of 12 balls is worse.


If all the 12 balls were under inflated than the Pats could claim faulty equipment OR even ignorance of the rules.


But when 11 out of 12 points are under inflated and 1 ball is properly inflated than it points out to the fact that they knew what the proper pressure was but chose not to inflate the remaining 11 balls correctly. So now they cannot claim ignorance OR faulty equipment.


Now why the 12th ball was properly inflated. It could easily be there to be a decoy. So if the ref asks for one specimen during the game to measure the pressure they could easily hand them the ball with correct pressure. This infact exposes that what happened was pre-planned and well thought out.

Exactly. There is both a crime and cover up here. Obvious intent to deceive and hide what you are doing if called out.

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