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5 hours ago, Nynaeve said:

<3 AVM


2 hours ago, CTM said:


this means scum thought Ballin was doc

Not sure if I want to lynch uncountered doc yet, but not looking good for our hairy albatross

Eh...or being down one scum they didn't want to risk a 50/50 chance of hitting doc protection.  Has everyone checked in yet to weigh in on Ape post-night phase?  Don't think I've seen Lily, Spoot, Crush (and maybe JiF?)

1 hour ago, Nynaeve said:

Lily is town.


1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Usually, but when one of them is scum, the scum player tends to avoid the other.  AVM hasn't been around enough to tell me if they're BOTH scum.  All the same I'm strongly leaning town on him (even though I was burned by Hess already with that thinking)

Not always true, necessarily.  I can think of one game for each of us that we buddied up to the other -- though mine was my only game as SK, so it's slightly different.

1 hour ago, Nynaeve said:

I'd have to ISO him to see what conclusions he actually reached... but most of it was just pure amusement from what was going on. 

I think you could argue I was being disingenuous more so than me just loling at everything -- the real question would be whether or not you believe I was being genuine when I posted things like "this is different from Ape defending as sensor" and feeling good about ballin (towards the end of the read, I think I waffled back and forth tbh), in particular.

1 hour ago, Nynaeve said:

I think the mere fact of catching up is null at best. Effort is not exclusive to townies.

Agreed on this, though. 

1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Yes.  All 3 of us are original members of the League of Chaos.  Sounds lame but its not.  We do important stuff.  I take minutes at our meetings.


1 hour ago, CTM said:

yea no, it's very lame 

Dude, we told you -- the application process takes 6-8 months for all individuals that have attended a Phish concert.  We'll get back to you once the vetting process is complete.

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

lol, 2 of the last 3 times you were scum you were lynched by day 2. Last game you'd have suffered a similiar fate if not for brett, spoot being a noob and verb being out all weekend.

Weak AtE stuff

It's not an appeal to emotion, I'm just accepting the realities... nobody plays with the audacity I do as scum. It's reasonable to conclude that people aren't going to trust me after years of duping them.

So, with that in mind, how much do I fight here? How much of my morning do I waste? 

I'm thinking not much. There'll be other games, where I've invested far more time... for this one, I basically helicoptered in yesterday, everyone came after me because I did the first aggressive thing in 20+ pages, I reveal, and the more noise I make, the more likely this unimaginative town is to lynch me. This is like a beginners game, in that regard.

So, don't read too much into the flip remarks about "paranoid" and "boogeyman". I'm not trying to bully or scare, or whatever, I'm just saying... more in a "well, alright then" sort of way.

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3 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

I'm not trying to bully. I'm trying to wrap my head around how you've arrived at a wrong decision. You specifically are infuriating me, because I don't understand how you take all this in, and ignore the base-level logic, and arrive at: wrong. 

Anyway, the infuriating bit is my best gut-read town tell for you. So, that's nice.

Considering i haven't made a decision yet I'm not sure how I've arrived anywhere.

My gut is saying you are scum, my head is saying we probably shouldn't lynch and un countered doc. The rest is my head going through post history and trying to either chill my gut out or become comfortable enough to take the risk

And fwiw, nyn, 80, brett, me, jif.. are all reacting the same way to your play and are basically the only people that have weighed in. You think we're all scum or maybe you've fumbled this a bit if actually town? 

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5 minutes ago, AVM said:


Eh...or being down one scum they didn't want to risk a 50/50 chance of hitting doc protection.  Has everyone checked in yet to weigh in on Ape post-night phase?  Don't think I've seen Lily, Spoot, Crush (and maybe JiF?)


yes i said this after, this was my intial gut reaction.

Also, I think if Ape is doc it's a fairly safe bet that he self protects anyway so I'd have shot nyn if  scum and ape wasn't a teammate

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1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:














1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:

If Ape is town I think JiF is scum.  Otherwise I think the opposite is true.

Shouldn't Ape/JiF be 1-2, then?  Semantics perhaps.

1 hour ago, Nynaeve said:

Still kicking myself for claiming so soon. Would have been nice to see how my train would have unfolded.

Over and done with, water under the bridge.

57 minutes ago, JiF said:

Ape IS scum.


Go on...

22 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

No one wants to go toe to toe with a champion.



















Ugh, I feel dirty having written that.  Just glad you're back to normal I guess.  GFY.


16 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

So now we've reached the point where Ape is saying things just to say them, hoping that if he provides enough walls of text, people will think he's trying.

5th version of Ape we've seen this game.

It's not versions, they're phases.  Split personality types? Perhaps...but versions, no.

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4 minutes ago, CTM said:

And fwiw, nyn, 80, brett, me, jif.. are all reacting the same way to your play and are basically the only people that have weighed in. You think we're all scum or maybe you've fumbled this a bit if actually town? 

Well to be fair... Nyn is cool, but lumping yourself with me, 80, and Jif isn't exactly the best company to be in.

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21 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

I'm not addressing you, because I haven't decided...

Are you scum trying to use over-confidence to make townies think you know I'm lying - get them to lynch me, and then you'll backpedal and say "I was just really confident! Batman! Gay!"

Or, if you're just the typical stupid townie doing scum's work for them, that I'm used to.

I'm leaning towards the latter, because of how 80 is preying on your vibe.

haha, yeah, okay.

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5 minutes ago, CTM said:

Considering i haven't made a decision yet I'm not sure how I've arrived anywhere.

My gut is saying you are scum, my head is saying we probably shouldn't lynch and un countered doc. The rest is my head going through post history and trying to either chill my gut out or become comfortable enough to take the risk

And fwiw, nyn, 80, brett, me, jif.. are all reacting the same way to your play and are basically the only people that have weighed in. You think we're all scum or maybe you've fumbled this a bit if actually town? 

I think some of you are flakes, some of you are supposed to be smart, and some of you are scum.

For instance, I fully believe 80 is scum, as he's sitting back and using narrative and pot shots to push my lynch. I'm torn on JIF, because he's clearly posturing in a way that suggests town shouldn't believe me, but he's not committing to it. If he's scum, that's the play, suggest I'm lying with confidence, but leave room to back off... problem is, it's JIF and he's known for being 100% cocky and 100% wrong as town. Brett is derp and following 80 too much. Nyn is cop, and has to play it differently so she can weigh reactions and evaluation who to view tonight.

Obviously I don't think everyone is scum. 

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4 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

@JiF, are you going to continue to posture or will you outright claim Doc so we can get this over with?



Fine. I didnt want to because I wanted to gauge some reactions and see what Ape would put out there and if anyone would follow.  Also was hoping that we'd just lynch him without having to claim but I tipped my hand last night so they probably know by now with my added play during the day.

I'm the Doc.

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14 hours ago, JiF said:

Ape is the Doc, Ballin is something, Nyn is the cop.  Great first days, guys. 

weird post right after ape claims, wouldn't expect a potential counter claimant to react like this

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1 minute ago, JiF said:

It should have been obvious.

Vote JIF

Well played. Using the confidence angle to undermine my reveal is good, it allows you to backpedal away if you are successful in getting town to glom onto it and lynch me. Without you trading 1 scum for the doc, by doing an actual counter claim. Me calling it out forces your hand here.

I'm content dying now. With Hess already dead, I die, we'll lose the cop, but we have JIF as confirmed scum, and 1-2 more scum to find... should set the town up for a win.

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3 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

Vote Ape

thoughts on letting you inv one of them tonight.

Imagine jif is scum for a minute..

Would jif counter claim as scum? 1 scum down, but a counter claim gets doc today and cop tomorrow, in exchange for the second scum. Is that a good trade?

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

weird post right after ape claims, wouldn't expect a potential counter claimant to react like this

He is lying.

You guys figure it out. I've already stated what has been going on, you guys need to come to terms with it on your own. The more I shout at you, the less good it is for the town.

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Just now, CTM said:

weird post right after ape claims, wouldn't expect a counter claim


But why go out of his way to counter Ape when momentum was already building against him without a counter from anyone?  You and Nyn even went back and forth that despite it being "against mafia 101" you wanted to lynch Ape.

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

Vote JIF

Well played. Using the confidence angle to undermine my reveal is good, it allows you to backpedal away if you are successful in getting town to glom onto it and lynch me. Without you trading 1 scum for the doc, by doing an actual counter claim. Me calling it out forces your hand here.

I'm content dying now. With Hess already dead, I die, we'll lose the cop, but we have JIF as confirmed scum, and 1-2 more scum to find... should set the town up for a win.

haha - dude, that was the worst reveal in mafia history.  I honestly thought I wouldnt even have to counter.


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1 minute ago, CTM said:

thoughts on letting you inv one of them tonight.

Imagine jif is scum for a minute..

Would jif counter claim as scum? 1 scum down, but a counter claim gets doc today and cop tomorrow, in exchange for the second scum. Is that a good trade?

Dude, dont over think this.  Ape is scum.

Why would I do this right now as mafia? 

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Just now, AVM said:


But why go out of his way to counter Ape when momentum was already building against him without a counter from anyone?  You and Nyn even went back and forth that despite it being "against mafia 101" you wanted to lynch Ape.

He didn't go out of his way to counter. He is calling me a liar, without countering, which allows him to see if he can get me lynched... while also giving him wiggle room to shrug it off as "dumb Batman" confidence, not a true counter.


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1 minute ago, CTM said:

thoughts on letting you inv one of them tonight.

Imagine jif is scum for a minute..

Would jif counter claim as scum? 1 scum down, but a counter claim gets doc today and cop tomorrow, in exchange for the second scum. Is that a good trade?

I just don't think JiF is scum.

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1 minute ago, JiF said:


It was a joke.  And at that point had thought we lynched him.

Don't really like this.

I expected you to say something along the lines of trying to stay well hidden so you could protect Nyn and not get shot...not that it was a joke.

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

thoughts on letting you inv one of them tonight.

Imagine jif is scum for a minute..

Would jif counter claim as scum? 1 scum down, but a counter claim gets doc today and cop tomorrow, in exchange for the second scum. Is that a good trade?

And if either one of them is a GF, you get an innocent back, lynch the doc, then they shoot the cop, and you are in the same position as you started out at, but 1 phase closer to a LYLO 

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Just now, JiF said:

Dude, dont over think this.  Ape is scum.

Why would I do this right now as mafia? 

you'd be trading yourself for doc and cop.. if there is 4 scum that might not be a terrible trade.

Again, i don't think this, i have to consider it though. We both know which way i'm leaning

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Just now, CTM said:

apes play has been far scummier, wanted to see if jif was going to counter on his own. Glad brett pushed him to i guess 

He waited till 2 minutes till deadline to claim.  I honestly didnt think I need to counter, especially with my reaction to his fake claim. 

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Just now, CTM said:

you'd be trading yourself for doc and cop.. if there is 4 scum that might not be a terrible trade.

Again, i don't think this, i have to consider it though. We both know which way i'm leaning

4 scum with 12 players is unrealistic, imo -- this would basically be JiF giving up the game just to get the Ape lynched as doc.  Just don't see it.

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