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Zander and Nyn's Ebolaids Mafia Game

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5 hours ago, Leelou said:

Could potentially vote Lissa from that. I need to go back and look at her eod vote. 

I moved because I thought nolder was responding pretty badly to my push and dodging around actually countering any of it

Given he flipped villager and others called his reaction fine, problem was probably lack of clear communication on my end in retrospect, but not much to be done about that now

Don't know what would be particularly worthy of a vote about that without knowing dice's alignment?

And pretty unimpressed with crusher voting dice for having a tie broken off him. Worse than this post because it ignores context completely

Though saying you might vote me because of the idea of dice being a saved wolf is a far stranger progression than voting dice based on it

Crushers post about it is pretty blatantly shadecasty/narrativey though. Like, villagers sometimes don't want someone to be lynched, right or wrong, and reads change. And the tone is really bad.

I'm sorta overthinking this out loud but this exchange probably contains a wolf. But not two

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9 hours ago, Dicetosser said:

Shad i liked the sound of when threatening you. its a different tone for shad but i did like it


2 hours ago, Dicetosser said:

your tone is pretty aggressive. about the only time i recall ure tone that full on was when i role copped you that time.


I don't think Dice makes this progression on me in a span of 7 hours as a wolf.

"That time he role copped me" I was a wolf, to clarify.

Scum!Dice sees me going at DPR and chooses to take my side, then unless he completely derped out he's going to check himself for consistency here first and foremost, not readjust his read on me on the fly.

vs town!Dice noticed specifically this:

4 hours ago, Shad said:

Nope, I'm focusing on the other game tonight.  You had two hours with me yesterday where you pulled some chicken sh*t cop out to refuse to talk to me.  Now you can swing.

and the bad juju should start flying because that's such a classic scum!me thing to say, and the feels butt heads with his earlier good vibe to lead to the not calling for my head but significantly more suspicious critique he gave two hours ago.

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12 hours ago, Lizard King said:

Wanted to vote Shart but this is the perfect time to Vote 80


11 hours ago, Dicetosser said:

so your voting ME because a number of OTHER people got off my train? 


why arnt you looking at them considering my train was bullsh*t to start with? I basically got voted for making a case.


this seems kinda ass backwards. if i had had heaps of people sussing me but my train never went anywhere id get it but im not quite getting this one.

Classic town dice, I'm willing to bet that he's town.

10 hours ago, Calder said:

Im out for the night bc I have to be at work in the early AM. But, I am really interested in that Visor has dropped completely off the map.

Normally this concerns me, as I have seen from my time at MU that scum bails out on games a looooot.

8 hours ago, Lizard King said:

You're just going to not comment I guess? Will the DM Style Police please back me up here? @Dicetosser @Shad @Calder 

You feel scummy, in tandem with your 80 vote I'm going to Vote: Lizzie

8 hours ago, Dicetosser said:

You still havent answered me from when i asked you why for ure vote on 80 so no.

plus halli is cuter then you

Heck yeah I am ;)


Was tempted to vote Visor but I see him posting now, I'm fine with giving him room.  I am going to work, will be back in about 9 hours.  If you expect a response before that you'll be sorely disappointed.  

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8 hours ago, Dicetosser said:

You still havent answered me from when i asked you why for ure vote on 80 so no.

plus halli is cuter then you


9 hours ago, Lizard King said:

He will have as much activity in his nonpresence as he had during his supposedly available time. Care to comment why you're so defensive of him?

This actually could have answered your question. 80 hasn't been useful at all. 

Care now to comment on hallia?

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20 minutes ago, Hallia said:


Classic town dice, I'm willing to bet that he's town.

Normally this concerns me, as I have seen from my time at MU that scum bails out on games a looooot.

You feel scummy, in tandem with your 80 vote I'm going to Vote: Lizzie

Heck yeah I am ;)


Was tempted to vote Visor but I see him posting now, I'm fine with giving him room.  I am going to work, will be back in about 9 hours.  If you expect a response before that you'll be sorely disappointed.  

So you ignore me three times when I'm asking your to explain why you're town-reading players and then when I draw attention to it you vote me. Omgus much? Reaction test failed btw

and then RubOneOut has a gut feel on me even though "he has never seen a game full of so many scummy players" so..there really is no basis for a vote on me from him except to defend you...yeah you're scum aren't you?

unvote vote hallia

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12 minutes ago, Dicetosser said:

@Lizzard King   halli sounds her chirpy self that I associate with town but she hasn't had enough presence to really think more.


the vote is a bit meh  how do you feel scummy? tho I will say that to someone who isn't used to you    that DEFINITELY includes me  its impossible to make heads or tails of you

Sorry but which vote are you calling a bit meh?


as for me being hard to read...what do you make of RubOneOut who I've never played with before being able to have a gut feel on me as scum? 

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5 minutes ago, Dicetosser said:

I was talking about hallis vote on you.


guy reads are gut reads. they don't always make sense and you wont find me arguing they are bad.

Re Hallis vote..I see what you're saying. I have played with her many times. She definitely has a feel for how I operate....

My opinion is this....as far as gut reads, I've never liked Shart's play this game because I disliked his faux effort during night to get players to take stances on things.... It was more than he was doing on dayphase...

...the problem is that I find Halli's voting me right after being called out publicly for ignoring me three times to explain her position on a couple players , really poor scum cover and to me the scummiest actual thing that's happened all game , no read or inference needed just a straight scum move imo ..

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ive got crusher as town  his town when he voted me is what did it

shad and dpr   I have a thought on but I don't really want to share that yet.

scum depends a bit on how dpr and shad shake out

I a bit sus on lissa and visor but that's cause they seem to be constantly working together   doubt theres two scum there but may be one. may be none.  gun to head id say visor because he seems to be the one that turns to lissa.  want to see more


but the one scum I CAN guarantee is that damned Canadian Zander :D Nyn of course is town


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1 hour ago, Jetscode1 said:

Unvote, vote Leelou

Didn't like the return to Nolder Wednesday after pretending to speed lynch, then retreat from the Verbal lynch.

Lol what? Verbal blind lynch was not happening once he got here. The way he responded was townie. 

The 3 way tie yesterday - I don't think dice is scum, hallia hasn't been scummy, and I saw an opportunity to regain some lulz, even if just for myself. 

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