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3 hours ago, CTM said:

hmm .. foul play is afoot .. possible that zander role gave scum a power of some sort ?  Or crusher is scum

on phone at light , post more later 

Just reading back because I cant believe how stupid this ******* game is...

Zander specifically said that ONLY town would receive gifts.

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2 hours ago, CTM said:

scummy post 

1) don't think leelou even posted before speed lynch

2) i don't think we would've had a counter as crusher has yet to claim anything 

think maybe crusher and 80 are teammates and want someone to shoot leelou tonight 

@DPR if nyn got a zander role would her death scene indicate it? 


Good question and points.  1 and 2 are fact.  Crusher actually didnt reveal anything to be countered.  He just voted Leelou, said she was not town and everyone followed. 

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8 minutes ago, JiF said:

OMG dude.  You ******* revealed you had a guilty on Leelou.  I didnt do that.  You did.  What I did was seek to understand how you received that investigation.  

If you told me you received it from Zander, I have role that would say, you're lying.

Instead, you're playing this half reveal bull sh*t, with NO FEAR of not making it through the night.  Why is that?  I would think a townie with a power like yours, would be a prime target this evening.  Yet, you're not worried and subsequently, not willing to offer up more info.

Yep.  That's what is happening right now but I'm scum.




No. At first I was trying not to get mod killed for revealing too much about my role. Then it seemed to me you had an agenda. Yes, at that point I fucked with you a bit to figure out your attentions.

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21 hours ago, D P R said:

As usual, strange things have been afoot this night.

NYN, Jeremy Grey & VANILLA TOWN, has been NK'd.

It is now D3.

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.



20 hours ago, Nynaeve said:



20 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Sorry to lose you Nyn! I was hoping you'd cause at least one more emo meltdown!


vote JiF


20 hours ago, CTM said:

so people who got roles should speak up, yes?


17 hours ago, The Crusher said:

Vote Leelou 

she is not town 

This is the post that everyone followed.  No reveal.  Nothing to be countered.  

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2 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

No. At first I was trying not to get mod killed for revealing too much about my role. Then it seemed to me you had an agenda. Yes, at that point I ****ed with you a bit to figure out your attentions.

Bull sh*t.  I was asking you a direct yes or no question and you dodged it.  Saying yes or no, has never been worthy of a mod kill.  Especially when it's a mechanic in the game that everyone was aware of, unless you didnt trust Zander.  I didnt start asking for more until you got all cryptic about how you "earned" whatever it is you earned and how you earned it. And that's besides you not telling us how you know Leelou isnt town or anything else for that matter with zero fear of not being here tomorrow. 

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17 hours ago, The Crusher said:

Vote Leelou 

she is not town 


17 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:


Unvote vote Leelou


17 hours ago, HessStation said:

 Vote leelou 


17 hours ago, Nolder said:



Vote Leelou


16 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

vote leelou


16 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Assuming Leelou indeed flips town....Smash, Crusher, and myself are town.  

CTM questionable. 

Still very willing to lynch JiF.  

Here are the votes following whatever it is Crusher did...

Notice the bold part from 80? 

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6 hours ago, CTM said:

vote Leelou


nice work orca, lol


6 hours ago, Leelou said:



6 hours ago, D P R said:

Final Vote Count:

Leelou ( 6 ) - Crush, 80, Hess, Nol, Smash, CTM


The hammer and then Leelou checks in. 

She could have been lurking but looking at the timing of it all, I dont think so.  She didnt have a chance to defend nor was their an opportunity to counter if a counter was possible even though Crusher didnt give a reveal to counter to begin with. 

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6 hours ago, JiF said:

Did my muffin top receive a gift? !!!!


6 hours ago, The Crusher said:

The day we met sweet one. 


6 hours ago, JiF said:

lmfao - no seriously though, did you get an investigation from the Zander lynch or something? 



5 hours ago, Nolder said:

Crusher what happened?

Is she still guilty?


5 hours ago, The Crusher said:

Zander being lynched is a gift within itself. 


5 hours ago, The Crusher said:

The rope broke. Leelou is NOT town. 

Those are the responses I got from Crusher with to very simple yes or no questions.  The same question, in fact.  Also, notice how he said nothing to Nolderp. Again, nothing from Crusher. 

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5 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

So obv the 1-shot vig needs to shoot at Leelou tonight.

Directing shots.  

5 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Scum are 3 of these 4:  Leelou, Nolder, CTM, JiF.


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

We'd have received a counter claim to Crusher by now.  Hell, Leelou didn't even fight it, knowing she had what likely amounted to a 1X unlynchable power.

very interesting here...there was nothing to counter. Leelou wasnt here to fight it.  I feel like I've seen the unlychable power as town and scum.  

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3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Town, take note of all of these things:

Crusher, Smash and myself are town. 

Leelou and Nolder are like 99 % scum. 

One of CTM and JiF are the last scum. 


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:


Leave this alone. 


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Leelou needs to die ASAP, Nolder needs to be the lynch tomorrow, then we need to resolve CTM vs. JiF.


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

@Smashmouth you know what to do.

@The Crusher I'm your huckleberry. 


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

No one is going to help you solve this.  Just sit there in your confusion and worry about endgame with JiF.  One of you is scum. 


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Process of elimination.  I'm not willing to tinfoil onto Hess or the "Crusher and Leelou running a gambit" theory yet.  So that leaves you, CTM and JiF as the logical scum pool.  Both JiF and CTM are very openly confused right now, which means they probably aren't teammates. 

Your admission of previous buddying is noted. 


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Crusher has a guilty on you.  What can you provide us that will prove your innocence?


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Yes, and there's a very clear answer that I'm not at liberty to discuss.


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Either I have this game figured out or I'll be wrong in disastrous fashion.  And I'm cool with that. 

Quoting more of 80 because the virgin is all over the place. 

He goes from basically claiming he can clear Smash and Crusher to well, I could be totally off in a disastrous form in a matter of minutes.

He also assumes, once again, that Crusher has a guilty yet Crusher has not acknowledged that's how he found Leelou.

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3 hours ago, Leelou said:

Bull sh*t he does. The speed of that lynch is dirty. Run those numbers again, scummy mcvirgin.


3 hours ago, CTM said:

so we can't discuss? just shoot leeloo eh? even though it's likely game over if wrong . and this from the scumball who just leaves hess entirely out of his analysis .. 

id shoot you if i could


3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

So he's lying?  How do you know?  I don't care about the speed of the lynch or the numbers right now.  That's not a strong argument.

Interesting...all of a sudden he doesnt care about the #'s when a few posts before he was fear mongering lylo.

3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Again, as I explained to JiF, there may be reasons why Crusher can't provide a hard claim.  All I'm going to say. 

Asking to answer a question about something the entire game knows happened, is not a hard claim.  It's a yes or no.

3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

If you knew what I know, Hess would not be a strong candidate for scum.  MAYBE 3rd party, but not scum.  I'd rather take out scum first.

Back to 3rd party...

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3 hours ago, Nolder said:

I think 80 might have tipped his hand.

I'm still a little confused about the relationship between him, Leelou, and Crusher.

Maybe it's just a big gambit but either way 80 is coming out of this looking extremely dirty.

Asking Leelou to prove a negative was pretty retarded as well but if he's partners with Leelou and Crusher wouldn't they want to take opposite sides of the bus?

Not sure what the angle would be tbh...


3 hours ago, Nolder said:


Sounds like you're asking everyone to just have blind faith in you.

Consider from a different point of view, does that really sound like a winning strategy?

Good points from Nol.  However, 80 made it seem like the relationship was him, Crusher and Smash.  Not Leelou. 

That said, if that was the case and they could clear each other...this seems like a really easy game for town and I cant imagine it being that easy for us.

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3 hours ago, CTM said:

ok i am picking up what 80 is hinting at (zander powers can't reveal) but he can't be clearing hess and crusher with that info .. also the fact that he tried to play the no counter claim argument as proof of crusher is not consistent 

I assumed that but nothing was revealed and even in my questioning, I asked it multiple ways on purpose.  I asked about a specific gift and then a gift in general.  Either way, if Crusher is saying he received a gift from Zander and he cant reveal that info, he's lying.  He didnt receive a gift.

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3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Hess is not cleared but he's not a top candidate. 

Crusher will be cleared the moment Leelou flips scum, outside of a tinfoil gambit theory. 


3 hours ago, Nolder said:

It doesn't matter. Expecting everyone to just take your word for it is a bad way to play.

You could be telling the truth but it's extremely risky.

Is that the way we should be playing at possibly lylo? Big risks?


3 hours ago, Nolder said:

Faith is a sh*tty way to play the game. I'd rather make solid arguments, at least this close to endgame anyway.

Why can't Crusher be Leelous scummate?

Good stuff from Nol here. 

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6 hours ago, JiF said:

lmfao - no seriously though, did you get an investigation from the Zander lynch or something? 



4 hours ago, JiF said:

I need you to answer directly, did you receive a gift from Zander? 

Me asking the question in 2 different ways - both yes or no.  Nothing that would get anyone mod killed. 

3 hours ago, The Crusher said:

Did you?

And weird, he asks me back.  If I did, why would he think I could say yes or no, if he cant? 

3 hours ago, JiF said:

No.  Why wont you answer the question? 


2 hours ago, The Crusher said:

I answered as much of it as I care to. I earned mine.  Thats all I got.

And then this...

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1 hour ago, JiF said:

80 and Smash jumping in like the ******* vultures lmfao.  Useless morons. 

lol.  I spent like 3 pages explaining exactly what was going on to the game at large but you refused to listen, and said "leave the adults to figure this out."  Yes, because you're doing such an awesome job badgering Crusher for info he clearly can't provide. 

NOW you want to say I'm being useless?  GFY.

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It sounded to me like when Zander died his gifts were divvied up.  I don't think it said anything about him CHOOSING to gift them to anyone.  If Crusher indeed got a gift from Zander (which from his explanation, it's possible he did not), it might not have shown up as anyone being "visited".  In essence, he would have gotten the gift from DPR. 

Crusher can easily still be telling the truth and JiF's claim, if true, would still make sense. 

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6 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

lol.  I spent like 3 pages explaining exactly what was going on to the game at large but you refused to listen, and said "leave the adults to figure this out."  Yes, because you're doing such an awesome job badgering Crusher for info he clearly can't provide. 

NOW you want to say I'm being useless?  GFY.

You didnt explain sh*t.  You're all over the place, fear mongering and second guessing yourself.  Again, I have a role that would say Crusher is lying if he received a gift from Zander.  This information, is good.  Your information does nothing for anyone because it's cryptic and nonsensical and your whole pitch was wait for it, wait for it....TRUST ME!!!

If you're saying, that all 3 of you received gifts (you, smash, crusher) and you're not allowed to reveal that information, cool.  I dont get it.  Doesnt seem like it would be balanced to have 3 townies with powers that can vet themselves but ok.  The problem is, if that's the case, Crusher didnt receive anything from Zander.  I know that for a fact. 

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3 minutes ago, JiF said:

You didnt explain sh*t.  You're all over the place, fear mongering and second guessing yourself.  Again, I have a role that would say Crusher is lying if he received a gift from Zander.  This information, is good.  Your information does nothing for anyone because it's cryptic and nonsensical and your whole pitch was wait for it, wait for it....TRUST ME!!!

If you're saying, that all 3 of you received gifts (you, smash, crusher) and you're not allowed to reveal that information, cool.  I dont get it.  Doesnt seem like it would be balanced to have 3 townies with powers that can vet themselves but ok.  The problem is, if that's the case, Crusher didnt receive anything from Zander.  I know that for a fact. 


DPR's rule that no one could reveal what they got is probably what made it possible to still maintain balance.  It caused a scenario where now people are tinfoiling Crusher as scum. 

My argument that scum is loaded isn't fear mongering.  It's very likely to be true.  We all know for sure that Zander, upon death, would have 3 different powers sent out to townies, either by him or by DPR.  Scum had to get some cool stuff too.  Like, say, 1X unlynchable perhaps?

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4 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

You're not being helpful at all if somehow you're town.  Please provide some thoughts on the game.  But if you're scum keep on doing what you're doing. 

I'm at a department BBQ - maybe later if I have time.

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29 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

So unless DPR was going to tell JiF that HE visited Crusher, JiF's claim here about Crusher lying is worthless. 

JIF started the voyeur crap after his ridiculous back and forth with crusher during which he claimed he had the info last night yet he continued to ask the same dumb ass question over and over. Its simple to see Zander did not visit Crusher because he was already dead and the roles were distributed by the Moderator not the player.

JIF has been trying to twist crushers words for numerous pages he could be trying to get Crusher to slip and get mod killed or he could be taking focus off leelou to take the shot instead of her.

Or he could just be the idiot we all know and love who refuses to admit he should not have carried this on as long as he did something he loves to accuse me of

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15 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

You're not being helpful at all if somehow you're town.  Please provide some thoughts on the game.  But if you're scum keep on doing what you're doing. 

leelou has not offered much at all this game and that's a huge scum tell for her. What shes doing now is irrelevant 

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