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Are these movies any good?


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The whole mallrats/clerks/silent bob thing? I was thinking of watching one of them cause I heard they are all a series or something. Are they worth watching, and if so, which order?

I never really liked clerks or Chasing Amy...but I laughed my ass off at mallrats and jay and silent bob strike back; dogma is so so IMO

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The whole mallrats/clerks/silent bob thing? I was thinking of watching one of them cause I heard they are all a series or something. Are they worth watching, and if so, which order?

I love all of them, you have to love movies with alot of dialogue. There is no action whatsoever in them.

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Sorry bro, it was a bloody mess. Maybe I dont like all the cop killing. I like the actors dont get me wrong, but just a bloody movie with good actors isnt going to do it for me. I can have an opinion cant I? For some reason, it didnt do anything special for me.

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The whole mallrats/clerks/silent bob thing? I was thinking of watching one of them cause I heard they are all a series or something. Are they worth watching, and if so, which order?

I can only vouge for MallRats & Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and I have J&SBSB on DVD it's so good and MallRats is also hilarious.

Enjoy watching them!

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Here is 2 you will enjoy.

Arlington Road


Night Watch

Also,Jay & silent Bob stikes back is ****ing hilarious...But Jay & bob are characters from his films.It all started with Clerks. Chasing amy is good & Mallrats sucked horse schlong.

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Sorry bro, it was a bloody mess. Maybe I dont like all the cop killing. I like the actors dont get me wrong, but just a bloody movie with good actors isnt going to do it for me. I can have an opinion cant I? For some reason, it didnt do anything special for me.

You obviously watched it on mute....

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Sorry bro, it was a bloody mess. Maybe I dont like all the cop killing. I like the actors dont get me wrong, but just a bloody movie with good actors isnt going to do it for me. I can have an opinion cant I? For some reason, it didnt do anything special for me.

try watching it again but this time be naked with pb spread on your sphincter and your dog next to you.....

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