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The Anti Matt Leinart club? well I sure as hell do. I am so tired of the media and so called experts commenting how all Jets fans want Leinart. I for one do not and will be furious if he is selected. As much as Qb could be a need there is a much bigger need on the O Line and D End and in my eyes it is Ferguson or Mario with Mario first. I am not opposed to going for a qb in the 2nd round but with the money involved and the amount of risk I would rather have a guy that can be plugged in now, play now and help the team now. I am tired of seeing Leinart's face and hearing his story. He wants to come to NY for one reason $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. If the Jets do not take him he could really drop. Come join the club!

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I wouldn't be furious. If this new braintrust thinks Leianrt is the real deal, I'm okay with it. But I don't think that's gonna happen.

But I can see even on this board that a lot of supposedly-informed fans think we need to a marquee skill player over a guy in the trenches. And having watched this team founder due mostly to piss poor line play, I don't know what these people are watching. No running attack; injured QBs; zero offense. This whole"you can get an OL later in the draft" hasn't worked at all. Everyone on this board laughed at the Jints taking Chris Snee and the Pats taking Logan Mankins. Those look like great picks now,while the Jets were taking ANOTHER DB .

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I'm in the club.

I'm also in the anti Brick club, sorry but I don't believe in signing linemen to huge contracts when you have no skill players. Lines are best served by being very blue collar, hard working, inexpensive players aka lower round picks. Lines are also best served by being kept together for long periods to develop team play, something that becomes difficult to do when you have a "star" linemen who will demand big bucks on his next contract. Last thing we need is in 4 years to have to sign a linemen to a huge contract leaving little room for the players that actually score or defend, or losing him because you cant afford him.

If you are going to pay HUGE bucks to a lineman, can we make sure he actually can run block please? All these people compairing Brick to people like Jonathan Ogden, the difference is Ogden was one mean run blocker and pass blocker.

To me, the only choice for our first pick is Culter. Trade down if you must or move up from 29, but make sure you grab this kid.

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