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UCLA student tasered inside school library


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Stupid a$$ pigs.


UCPD officers shot a student several times with a Taser inside the Powell Library CLICC computer lab late Tuesday night before taking him into custody.

No university police officers were available to comment further about the incident as of 3 a.m. Wednesday, and no Community Service Officers who were on duty at the time could be reached.

At around 11:30 p.m., CSOs asked a male student using a computer in the back of the room to leave when he was unable to produce a BruinCard during a random check. The student did not exit the building immediately.

The CSOs left, returning minutes later, and police officers arrived to escort the student out. By this time the student had begun to walk toward the door with his backpack when an officer approached him and grabbed his arm, at which point the student told the officer to let him go. A second officer then approached the student as well.

The student began to yell "get off me," repeating himself several times.

It was at this point that the officers shot the student with a Taser for the first time, causing him to fall to the floor and cry out in pain. The student also told the officers he had a medical condition.

UCPD officers confirmed that the man involved in the incident was a student, but did not give a name or any additional information about his identity.

Video shot from a student's camera phone captured the student yelling, "Here's your Patriot Act, here's your ****ing abuse of power," while he struggled with the officers.

As the student was screaming, UCPD officers repeatedly told him to stand up and said "stop fighting us." The student did not stand up as the officers requested and they shot him with the Taser at least once more.

"It was the most disgusting and vile act I had ever seen in my life," said David Remesnitsky, a 2006 UCLA alumnus who witnessed the incident.

As the student and the officers were struggling, bystanders repeatedly asked the police officers to stop, and at one point officers told the gathered crowd to stand back and threatened to use a Taser on anyone who got too close.

Laila Gordy, a fourth-year economics student who was present in the library during the incident, said police officers threatened to shoot her with a Taser when she asked an officer for his name and his badge number.

Gordy was visibly upset by the incident and said other students were also disturbed.

"It's a shock that something like this can happen at UCLA," she said. "It was unnecessary what they did."

Immediately after the incident, several students began to contact local news outlets, informing them of the incident, and Remesnitsky wrote an e-mail to Interim Chancellor Norman Abrams.

Here's the youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3CdNgoC0cE&eurl=

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I think it highly offensive you call police officers pigs. My father in law is Chief of Police and deserves more respect than that. Next time you get in an accident or

you need help do us a favor...call that student for help.

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If you read the youtube comments, most of the people posting think the guy deserved it. Bunch of redneck hicks probably, no offense to tx :P

I was reading through some of them, and most think that he did not deserve it. He clearly didn't and the cops were just acting like a bunch of f*cking tools using way too much force. What this article doesn't mention is that the student's name is Mostafa Tabatabainejad, which I think is Iranian, and that the cops were performing a "random check" for student ID's. If that doesn't sound suspicious, then I don't know what is.

I hope this guy sues the sh!t out of the cops and that these cops are fired by next week.

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I think it highly offensive you call police officers pigs. My father in law is Chief of Police and deserves more respect than that. Next time you get in an accident or

you need help do us a favor...call that student for help.

Well the guys who did this are clearly pigs. Not all police officers are, but these are. And isn't that exactly the point, if cops are going to abuse people for no reason than who else are citizens supposed to expect to defend them.

And I have dealt with the cops recently, and they were just plain dicks. Those douches probly got bullied around as children and enjoy feeling like they have power now. Just because you have a badge doesn't make you almighty.

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Well the guys who did this are clearly pigs. Not all police officers are, but these are. And isn't that exactly the point, if cops are going to abuse people for no reason than who else are citizens supposed to expect to defend them.

And I have dealt with the cops recently, and they were just plain dicks. Those douches probly got bullied around as children and enjoy feeling like they have power now. Just because you have a badge doesn't make you almighty.

A police officer says get out..you get out. How hard is it for people to understand?

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A police officer says get out..you get out. How hard is it for people to understand?

I agree. The kid was not authorized to be there using the computers; it seems he wasnt a student and didnt leave when he should have. I didnt see the video, dont know what he looks like or what the other students said.

If you are trespassing and dont leave when asked to, you are looking for trouble.

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I think it highly offensive you call police officers pigs. My father in law is Chief of Police and deserves more respect than that. Next time you get in an accident or

you need help do us a favor...call that student for help.

It's that exact attitude that makes everyone hate cops. I don't care if he's the pope, he has no right to abuse and harass another human being.

Most of our problems come from having cops in the first place, and stupid laws. There were no cops before around 1914 I think, and people managed just fine. If cops were there to actually help all the time, nobody would complain, but instead, they seem to want to write tickets and screw people over for the dumbest things. It's one thing to ask for the public's respect in stopping robberies and hunting down murderers, it's a whole different thing to ask me to respect some cop beating down someone just because he didn't bow down and act like a servile dog in his presence.

Remember, a few good men being silent and doing nothing is what led to the Holocaust and slavery. Even if you are a "good cop" you've failed terribly by not checking the bad ones on the force. I'd rather avoid cops entirely, there is absolutely no reward in dealing with them for me.

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Nothing funnier then people who have frequent contact with the police going on their All cops are Pigs, power hungry, blah blah blah rant. Quit your fukking crying already. If the cops were out of line I'll be the first one to say it, but this instant anti-cop BS grows OLD.

Don't want to get your ass tased, follow instructions. Tasers are way lower on the force chart then most of you think. I've been tased unlike most of you here, it hurts like hell but when it's done, it's done. There are no long last effects as opposed to my OC Spray, soft empty hand, hard hand or impact weapons. If I hit you with my ASP, leg kicks or strikes, you'll be hurting for weeks. The Taser effects stop the second the cycle stops.

By the way, are any of you people here Defensive Tactics instructors or Taser Instructors because, wow, I am. So before you armchair QBs start running your mouths, perhaps you should know what you're talking about.

Douchebag student, we'll call S1, tells the CSOs to "F off" and acts all hard core until the 'real police get there'. When the cops show up, he agrees to leave but slowly walks with a purpose running his mouth the entire F-ing way as he walks out. Finally as he's yelling, swearing and acting disorderly, an oficer decides to place him under arrest and gains control of his arm. He pulls back and at that point is resisting. they go to control him and he keeps resisting. They tase him because contrary to popular belief, we don't have to get ourselves injured effecting an arrest because Johnny Douchebag wants to play games.

They tase him and he continues ro resist by failing to comply with officer's orders. He said he's leaving yet he never gets up. he continues to fail to comply and they tase him again. Each time he gets tased in the video, it is in response to an obvious and blatant disregard for the police orders, who BOO FREAKIN HOO, have the right to be there and do their job. We're there for a reason, we were called. I've see this scenario a million times. Some guy decides he's going to 'flex' for the crowd.

None of you were there, none of you know what really happened. None of you know jack .hit about Tasers, their operation, roles or department policies.

You people act like we need to let ourselves get nearly stabbed before we should respond, a very easy view to have from your home in your flannel jammies.

Boo hoo - I'm wasting my time talking about this because you'll all have your opinions. I don't have one ounce of compassion for this idiot.

Hate the cops all you want. But the day that you need em, and you need em fast, call the fire department and see where that gets u.

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You're way off base serp.

The first law enforcement in the US came before there was even a country.

NY was still called New Amsterdam at the time.


Your "stupid laws" argument derserves no further comment.

The whole thing is staged. This idiot clearly did something to provoke the cops to taser them. He probably knew the cues because he wanted to make his statement about the Patriot Act. That's all this is. The video doesn't show anything, which is the way he and his friend who filmed it, wanted it.

Like I said, who gives a sh#t. Just another spoiled UCLA brat trying to be cool, like Patty Hearst. :Typotux:

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Nothing funnier then people who have frequent contact with the police going on their All cops are Pigs, power hungry, blah blah blah rant. Quit your fukking crying already. If the cops were out of line I'll be the first one to say it, but this instant anti-cop BS grows OLD.

Don't want to get your ass tased, follow instructions. Tasers are way lower on the force chart then most of you think. I've been tased unlike most of you here, it hurts like hell but when it's done, it's done. There are no long last effects as opposed to my OC Spray, soft empty hand, hard hand or impact weapons. If I hit you with my ASP, leg kicks or strikes, you'll be hurting for weeks. The Taser effects stop the second the cycle stops.

By the way, are any of you people here Defensive Tactics instructors or Taser Instructors because, wow, I am. So before you armchair QBs start running your mouths, perhaps you should know what you're talking about.

Douchebag student, we'll call S1, tells the CSOs to "F off" and acts all hard core until the 'real police get there'. When the cops show up, he agrees to leave but slowly walks with a purpose running his mouth the entire F-ing way as he walks out. Finally as he's yelling, swearing and acting disorderly, an oficer decides to place him under arrest and gains control of his arm. He pulls back and at that point is resisting. they go to control him and he keeps resisting. They tase him because contrary to popular belief, we don't have to get ourselves injured effecting an arrest because Johnny Douchebag wants to play games.

They tase him and he continues ro resist by failing to comply with officer's orders. He said he's leaving yet he never gets up. he continues to fail to comply and they tase him again. Each time he gets tased in the video, it is in response to an obvious and blatant disregard for the police orders, who BOO FREAKIN HOO, have the right to be there and do their job. We're there for a reason, we were called. I've see this scenario a million times. Some guy decides he's going to 'flex' for the crowd.

None of you were there, none of you know what really happened. None of you know jack .hit about Tasers, their operation, roles or department policies.

You people act like we need to let ourselves get nearly stabbed before we should respond, a very easy view to have from your home in your flannel jammies.

Boo hoo - I'm wasting my time talking about this because you'll all have your opinions. I don't have one ounce of compassion for this idiot.

Hate the cops all you want. But the day that you need em, and you need em fast, call the fire department and see where that gets u.



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You're way off base serp.

The first law enforcement in the US came before there was even a country.

NY was still called New Amsterdam at the time.


Your "stupid laws" argument derserves no further comment.

Wrong. From Wikipedia:

In the United States, the first organized police service was established in Boston in 1838.New York in 1844 and Philadelphia in 1854


My knowledge of it was it was actually 1861 with Lincoln establishing a force in D.C., but I don't have proof of that. Just knowledge from somewhere else.

This is why when you look at court cases and the constitution, you see that there are a lot of problems when applying constitutional rights to cops. It's because they didn't exist when the constitution was drafted.

I didn't say all laws are stupid, I just said there are stupid laws, many of which waste resources and are used to harass the public for money. Most of them are moving violations, but there are many other ways a municipality extorts its citizens for money via the police force.

People like to be blind about this and blindly hold police officers as some sacred authority. I think that's bull****, but it's impossible to argue with what I consider close minded people like that. You'll never listen to reason or logic, because it doesn't affect you or anyone you've ever known. Whatever, I will always believe excessive force is unjustified. You're telling me that tazering a guy because he can't get up after you tazered him for not showing his ID is proper behavior by those entrusted with the right to use force against the populace? I guess it was okay for the LAPD to beat up Rodney King, and for the NYPD to shoot Dialliou (sp) since they didn't do what the cops wanted, and the cops are always right and can do whatever they want.

I'm not going to keep arguing this because it'll be a huge flamewar, but those are my thoughts.

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Trespassing is a stupid law?

Hey, I gotta great idea. Lets dose that idiot full of PCP and tell him your living room is the UCLA library.

He wasn't f*cking trespassing genius. He's an Iranian UCLA student who at the time didn't have his student ID on him. I go to college, and I usually have my student ID with me but even if I didn't it's not like I need it to be able to go into the library and use the computers there. You can mock people for being stupid silly college liberals or w/e bs you think, the cops were simply way out of line here. The guy who got tased for no reason, and he was leaving the building as he was asked until these dumbasses started tasing him. Like I said, just because you have a badge doesn't give you a right to beat people up whenever you feel like it. It's things like this that make people disrespect the police. If they actually acted in the public's best interest all of the time instead of pulling dumb stunts like this than people would respect cops easily.

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Wrong. From Wikipedia:

In the United States, the first organized police service was established in Boston in 1838.New York in 1844 and Philadelphia in 1854


My knowledge of it was it was actually 1861 with Lincoln establishing a force in D.C., but I don't have proof of that. Just knowledge from somewhere else.

This is why when you look at court cases and the constitution, you see that there are a lot of problems when applying constitutional rights to cops. It's because they didn't exist when the constitution was drafted.

I didn't say all laws are stupid, I just said there are stupid laws, many of which waste resources and are used to harass the public for money. Most of them are moving violations, but there are many other ways a municipality extorts its citizens for money via the police force.

People like to be blind about this and blindly hold police officers as some sacred authority. I think that's bull****, but it's impossible to argue with what I consider close minded people like that. You'll never listen to reason or logic, because it doesn't affect you or anyone you've ever known. Whatever, I will always believe excessive force is unjustified. You're telling me that tazering a guy because he can't get up after you tazered him for not showing his ID is proper behavior by those entrusted with the right to use force against the populace? I guess it was okay for the LAPD to beat up Rodney King, and for the NYPD to shoot Dialliou (sp) since they didn't do what the cops wanted, and the cops are always right and can do whatever they want.

I'm not going to keep arguing this because it'll be a huge flamewar, but those are my thoughts.

I certainly agree Serp, police officers aren't gods. Some people have an authority complex I guess and view them in this way. This guy was being arrested and tazed for no f*cking reason at all and he's just supposed to do whatever the f*ck those a$$sholes wanted him to do? Yeah right. Make fun of him all you want, but in real America people actually have rights.

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I didn't say all laws are stupid, I just said there are stupid laws, many of which waste resources and are used to harass the public for money. Most of them are moving violations, but there are many other ways a municipality extorts its citizens for money via the police force.

People like to be blind about this and blindly hold police officers as some sacred authority. I think that's bull****, but it's impossible to argue with what I consider close minded people like that. You'll never listen to reason or logic, because it doesn't affect you or anyone you've ever known. Whatever, I will always believe excessive force is unjustified. You're telling me that tazering a guy because he can't get up after you tazered him for not showing his ID is proper behavior by those entrusted with the right to use force against the populace? I guess it was okay for the LAPD to beat up Rodney King, and for the NYPD to shoot Dialliou (sp) since they didn't do what the cops wanted, and the cops are always right and can do whatever they want.

I'm not going to keep arguing this because it'll be a huge flamewar, but those are my thoughts.


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I certainly agree Serp, police officers aren't gods. Some people have an authority complex I guess and view them in this way. This guy was being arrested and tazed for no f*cking reason at all and he's just supposed to do whatever the f*ck those a$$sholes wanted him to do? Yeah right. Make fun of him all you want, but in real America people actually have rights.


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Serp., you first said "There were no cops before around 1914 I think, and people managed just fine."

That statement is wrong. That's why i linked the page I did. Now you see that police forces in this country were organized much earlier than that. But more to the point, there was LAW ENFORCEMENT in this country long before 1845, whether it was called that or by another name.

Do you really think that people managed fine without law enforcement before 1914?

It's ridiculous to think that murder, robbery, rape, and other crimes just magically appeared in the 19th century.

And dont forget, that gun ownership was always acceptable in this country, and is protected by the second amendment. When there were less police, people took the law into their own hands. Is that what you meant by "managing fine"?

It's still easier to get thru life by moving along when The Man tells you to move along. I'm surprised this a-hole student didnt tell the guy something stupid like "I pay your salary". He prolly doesnt, since he prolly doesnt have a job, or pay taxes. I wonder if he is even a US citizen?

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It's still easier to get thru life by moving along when The Man tells you to move along. I'm surprised this a-hole student didnt tell the guy something stupid like "I pay your salary". He prolly doesnt, since he prolly doesnt have a job, or pay taxes. I wonder if he is even a US citizen?

Hey man, he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. :rolleyes:

I wonder why nobody else was tased? Could be they were following the rules? But we don't need rules, right? We can all, like, live happily ever after, in our trippy dippy commune, man. Love and peace. We'll share the crops, yo.

What a bunch of *ssholes. Grow up.

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Serp., you first said "There were no cops before around 1914 I think, and people managed just fine."

That statement is wrong. That's why i linked the page I did. Now you see that police forces in this country were organized much earlier than that. But more to the point, there was LAW ENFORCEMENT in this country long before 1845, whether it was called that or by another name.

Do you really think that people managed fine without law enforcement before 1914?

It's ridiculous to think that murder, robbery, rape, and other crimes just magically appeared in the 19th century.

And dont forget, that gun ownership was always acceptable in this country, and is protected by the second amendment. When there were less police, people took the law into their own hands. Is that what you meant by "managing fine"?

It's still easier to get thru life by moving along when The Man tells you to move along. I'm surprised this a-hole student didnt tell the guy something stupid like "I pay your salary". He prolly doesnt, since he prolly doesnt have a job, or pay taxes. I wonder if he is even a US citizen?

You are right, my dates were wrong. That's why I corrected them myself, and said "I think" the first time, I wasn't sure about it. It was still established after the Constitution however, which is the main point.

I think the current police force is considered different because of the structure and rights they have now, which imo, are too much. If it was up to me, we'd seperate the police force from ticket writing duties, and let them concentrate on actual serious crimes. I wouldn't really waste resources on fighting drugs either. I'd also have some sort of review in place, and allow citizens to have some power over cops. Like, maybe have a town board, and let them expel bad cops based on citizen reports or something. I think it needs more checks than it has now.

Do you really think you, or the average citizen, is affected by murder or rape? But that's besides the point. Where do I say the cops shouldn't handle that? My problem is when they intrude into other things. It'd be great if they were out stopping crimes all over the place, but it's like they seem to have to make up crimes and harass people a lot of the time. I'd rather cops don't have to waste their time on stupid things, and get to take care of real crimes.

I like gun ownership. You should read a book by John Fund "More guns less crime." I like vigilante justice. The law kind of gets in the way too much for someone like me :P

Obviously the guy is a stupid liberal douche. That doesn't justify getting tased like that repeatedly. Are you really telling me that all those guys couldn't just pick him up and chuck him out of the building? Are you really trying to tell me that it was warranted to threaten bystanders with a tasing for asking for a badge number? My issue is with those that absolve these cops of all possible blame. People that think the cops are above the law and that a person who deals with the cops is completely at fault. That is just stupid. G.O.B. argues that none of us were there, but that's so hypocritical because she wasn't there either. How can she have an opinion that is correct? My issue is more with that thought process than just this guy getting tased. I'm not going to discuss whether it is excessive or anything else, because I said I wasn't going to bother with that.

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I think the current police force is considered different because of the structure and rights they have now, which imo, are too much. If it was up to me, we'd seperate the police force from ticket writing duties, and let them concentrate on actual serious crimes. I wouldn't really waste resources on fighting drugs either. I'd also have some sort of review in place, and allow citizens to have some power over cops. Like, maybe have a town board, and let them expel bad cops based on citizen reports or something. I think it needs more checks than it has now.

Do you really think you, or the average citizen, is affected by murder or rape? But that's besides the point. Where do I say the cops shouldn't handle that? My problem is when they intrude into other things. It'd be great if they were out stopping crimes all over the place, but it's like they seem to have to make up crimes and harass people a lot of the time. I'd rather cops don't have to waste their time on stupid things, and get to take care of real crimes.

I like gun ownership. You should read a book by John Fund "More guns less crime." I like vigilante justice. The law kind of gets in the way too much for someone like me :P

Obviously the guy is a stupid liberal douche. That doesn't justify getting tased like that repeatedly. Are you really telling me that all those guys couldn't just pick him up and chuck him out of the building? Are you really trying to tell me that it was warranted to threaten bystanders with a tasing for asking for a badge number? My issue is with those that absolve these cops of all possible blame. People that think the cops are above the law and that a person who deals with the cops is completely at fault. That is just stupid. G.O.B. argues that none of us were there, but that's so hypocritical because she wasn't there either. How can she have an opinion that is correct? My issue is more with that thought process than just this guy getting tased. I'm not going to discuss whether it is excessive or anything else, because I said I wasn't going to bother with that.


I'm not crazy about cops, myself. I got stopped at a roadblock and got a ticket for not having a seatbelt. I wanted to ram my fist down that cops throat.

I've had a wild life, believe me. I had one bad incident with cops where my rights were violated. I hate that f*cker. But there were a few other times, where the cops had me dead to rights, and let me off scot free.

Cops are a necassary evil. 19 year old pussies at college are uneccassary, and insignificant. I've never been tazed, because I never provoked or antagonized cops. Some cops are sociopaths. I'm not gonna find out the hard way which ones, like Abner Louima.


In that jurisdiction, that night, there was probably somebody who really needed those cops. They called in for some assistance but had to wait. Why? Because the cops had to waste their time, going to UCLA because some scumbag couldn't follow simple rules and procedures. The security told him he had to leave 'cos he didn't have his ID. He should just leave, tomorrows another day. But no, he has to prove a point.

Well sometimes when you're an as*hole and you're trying to prove a point, you get tazed.


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I'm not crazy about cops, myself. I got stopped at a roadblock and got a ticket for not having a seatbelt. I wanted to ram my fist down that cops throat.

I've had a wild life, believe me. I had one bad incident with cops where my rights were violated. I hate that f*cker. But there were a few other times, where the cops had me dead to rights, and let me off scot free.

Cops are a necassary evil. 19 year old pussies at college are uneccassary, and insignificant. I've never been tazed, because I never provoked or antagonized cops. Some cops are sociopaths. I'm not gonna find out the hard way which ones, like Abner Louima.


In that jurisdiction, that night, there was probably somebody who really needed those cops. They called in for some assistance but had to wait. Why? Because the cops had to waste their time, going to UCLA because some scumbag couldn't follow simple rules and procedures. The security told him he had to leave 'cos he didn't have his ID. He should just leave, tomorrows another day. But no, he has to prove a point.

Well sometimes when you're an as*hole and you're trying to prove a point, you get tazed.


It sounds like we don't really disagree. I can understand that rationale, I can understand a million reasons, but when it breaks down to "listen to cops because they said so" that is when I will disagree. I will accept almost any other reason aside from that. Kid was acting up and they needed to get him out? Fine. They did it in response to the situation and to protect others? Okay. He should leave because those are the rules? Sure thing. He should be zapped because you have to just do as the cops say no matter what? Nope, that's where I have a complaint. I want to make it clear that I don't necessarily disagree with the tasing, or the right to tase, or anything like that. I disagree with the rationale some people give.

I'm only responding to you because you posted to me directly. I exaggerated my side a bit, I do that sometimes. I think it's probably clear by now that I go overboard a bit when I first make a point. I think this issue is kinda dead...hopefully nobody posts to me again lol

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Hey man, he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. :rolleyes:

I wonder why nobody else was tased? Could be they were following the rules? But we don't need rules, right? We can all, like, live happily ever after, in our trippy dippy commune, man. Love and peace. We'll share the crops, yo.

What a bunch of *ssholes. Grow up.

You shoulda watched the you tube video. The cops threatened to tase other people if they didn't "back up." Yeah we're a bunch of hippies, I know we're out of our minds saying authority figures shouldn't just go around beating people up when they feel like it. I'm a crazy pinko commie I know.

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Wonder what would have happened to the kid in a couple of other countries... Hope he is ok, I hear tassing can hinder your short term memory. Or was that reefer... At any rate, clearly it was staged.

Yeah, I'm sure that kid really wanted to get himself tasered 4 or 5 times. Probably the best night of his life.

Like I said, the kid was already leaving the building and wasn't causing any trouble. He was leaving before the police even arrived there. Something that's being overlooked here is the "random check" on an Arabic student. And then they decide to brutalize him, which sounds pretty f*cked up to me. What makes me wonder about the cops is that they tase the kid a few times and then tell him to get up about 30 times, as if he were in perfect health. That just smells of incompetence right there.

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Yeah, I'm sure that kid really wanted to get himself tasered 4 or 5 times. Probably the best night of his life.

Like I said, the kid was already leaving the building and wasn't causing any trouble. He was leaving before the police even arrived there. Something that's being overlooked here is the "random check" on an Arabic student. And then they decide to brutalize him, which sounds pretty f*cked up to me. What makes me wonder about the cops is that they tase the kid a few times and then tell him to get up about 30 times, as if he were in perfect health. That just smells of incompetence right there.

Stop the nonsense, and grow up. The kid was not "already leaving" and he was in fact CAUSING TROUBLE.

Only after LAPD showed up, he grabbed his backpack and made a break for it.

The article is a total spin job. The kid was probably beligerent and arrogant to the security guards, WHO WERE JUST DOING THEIR JOB AND FOLLOWING SIMPLE PROCEDURES. They probably asked him for his name, as is their right and duty. The kid probably told them to F off.

All the cops had was what the security guards told them. They needed to get the students side of the story to see what the deal was. This is standard operating procedure. All the kid had to do was answer their questions and their wouldn't have been an incident. The situation could have been resolved. Instead, he thinks he's going to treat them with the same belligerence and arrogance he showed to the security guards.

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Wonder what would have happened to the kid in a couple of other countries... Hope he is ok, I hear tassing can hinder your short term memory. Or was that reefer... At any rate, clearly it was staged.

:) :) :) funny stuff mocha.

my 1st question is what kinda a hole punk won't leave a library when asked to by a security guard. someone musta asked him prior to having to call the guard. bottom line.respect authority & you won't get tased

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