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Bye Bye Fergie


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With your salary cap implications you just do not have the luxury with many areas on the team to have experienced higher salaried depth. You have to go with the younger less expensive players. Evans has the baggage associated with him also

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Ferg I think will defintly be re signed. Here is why, the Jets desperatly need to keep him. He is the most underrated player on our defense and If we let him go we will have to make DT a huge off season priorty. Mckenzie and Lamont will defintly be out of here ill tell you that much. Ferg I can guarentee will re sign .

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what you mean making off-color and insensitive remarks ISNT a requirement of the JETNATION forum?

what's next you are gonna tell me that the body cavity search was optional?

Bit the results of your cavity search are in.

You are a quart low. Please come in for a refill.

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Bruschi didn't HAVE a stroke, duh. The blood vessel bursting was merely a sign from Satan that it's time to complete his deal and turn in his soul in exchange for being allowed to play LB in the NFL for 7 years. Belichick is next. Satan doesn't screw around with IOU's.

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