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Grade my Trade

Ryno the Jet

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I am in a keeper league. I kept Frank Gore and Steve Smith from last season. I traded a guy Steve Smith, the 4th Draft Pick, and the 44th Draft Pick in return for Larry Johnson, the 5th Pick, and the 56th Pick.

Steal right? I could not pass this up. Gore/Johnson is a sick combo!

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I am in a keeper league. I kept Frank Gore and Steve Smith from last season. I traded a guy Steve Smith, the 4th Draft Pick, and the 44th Draft Pick in return for Larry Johnson, the 5th Pick, and the 56th Pick.

Steal right? I could not pass this up. Gore/Johnson is a sick combo!

If LJ plays this season that would be a good deal for you...If he doesnt you got ripped off.

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any time you can trade a WR for a starting RB you've made a good trade. Steve smith is a beast but he won't put up the #'s L.J. will.. be sure to let us know how ur draft goes.. I wanna know who u get with the picks u got in the trade as well.

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Just drafted:

My Keepers

Gore/Larry Johnson

In Order

W. Parker (From Trade - 1st Rd/5th Pick)



Andre Johnson (From Trade - 6th Rd/59th Pick)


Eli Manning

Vikings D

Terry Glenn

B Edwards

W Dunn


J Horn

O Mare

Jets D:)

The other guy took:

Rudi Johnson (1st Rd/4th Pick)

Larry Fitzgerald (5th Rd/42nd Pick)

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In hindsight, I would have kept Smith unless you need to start 3 RB's. You already had the #4 pick.


Parker (or Rudi)










3 RB's like that is a great luxury & your team looks very solid anyway. But Willie Parker is a bit much to ride the bench most of the time. Also LJ is a prime candidate for a major injury this year. I'd rather have Steve Smith starting than Willie Parker on my bench.

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3 RB's like that is a great luxury & your team looks very solid anyway. But Willie Parker is a bit much to ride the bench most of the time. Also LJ is a prime candidate for a major injury this year. I'd rather have Steve Smith starting than Willie Parker on my bench.

Two RBs & two WRs. I already have guys beating down my door asking me for trades. Looks like I may even end up with P. Manning instead of lil' bro. I drafted purely by value. LJ will put up better #s than smith this year and I practically made a strait up deal. I have three top ten backs and two of them are top 5. I had smith last year (obviously he was my keeper) and he was way too hit or miss. With LJ and Gore in there every week, I have as close to a sure thing as possible, without having LT. Plus, I have outstanding insurance with WP on the bench, just in case LJ's can't miss injury pops up or if Kitna & Eli cannot cut the mustard. Dude, with LJ, Gore, and Gates in there; frankly, I won't need much else to win most weeks.

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Two RBs & two WRs. I already have guys beating down my door asking me for trades. Looks like I may even end up with P. Manning instead of lil' bro. I drafted purely by value. LJ will put up better #s than smith this year and I practically made a strait up deal. I have three top ten backs and two of them are top 5. I had smith last year (obviously he was my keeper) and he was way too hit or miss. With LJ and Gore in there every week, I have as close to a sure thing as possible, without having LT. Plus, I have outstanding insurance with WP on the bench, just in case LJ's can't miss injury pops up or if Kitna & Eli cannot cut the mustard. Dude, with LJ, Gore, and Gates in there; frankly, I won't need much else to win most weeks.

lol - I had Smith last year also. Picked late in a 12-man draft & got him & Ronnie Brown. They were ok.

Traded them even-up for Westbrook, who was like a game-day decision for 3-4 weeks in a row, and Lee Evans who had done little all season. Smith was great up to when I traded him & then his yardage disappeared almost immediately afterward; at the same time, Ronnie Brown hit the wall, sucked, and then got hurt. Meanwhile Westbrook went on a tear & Lee Evans was like a top-3 receiver for the rest of the year.

As far as moving Parker for Peyton...I guess you're in a position to do something like that. I'd throw in Eli or Kitna & one of your WR's and see if you can't also pry a stud WR from the guy while you're at it. You may want to wait for an injury when someone's really desperate. Tough call there b/c your trade bait drops in value if Parker gets off to a slow start & doesn't get into the endzone as much out of the gate.

Either way, your team is friggin' stacked. Good Job.

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lol - I had Smith last year also. Picked late in a 12-man draft & got him & Ronnie Brown. They were ok.

Traded them even-up for Westbrook, who was like a game-day decision for 3-4 weeks in a row, and Lee Evans who had done little all season. Smith was great up to when I traded him & then his yardage disappeared almost immediately afterward; at the same time, Ronnie Brown hit the wall, sucked, and then got hurt. Meanwhile Westbrook went on a tear & Lee Evans was like a top-3 receiver for the rest of the year.

As far as moving Parker for Peyton...I guess you're in a position to do something like that. I'd throw in Eli or Kitna & one of your WR's and see if you can't also pry a stud WR from the guy while you're at it. You may want to wait for an injury when someone's really desperate. Tough call there b/c your trade bait drops in value if Parker gets off to a slow start & doesn't get into the endzone as much out of the gate.

Either way, your team is friggin' stacked. Good Job.

Sounds like you had a crystal ball last year, I sure could have used it. Steve took his dive about the same time sexy Rexy dropped like a rock. I had rex and Palmer, but Carson had a slow start last year. When the s hit the fan, I made trades like a mad man in an effort to sneak into the playoffs. No dice, except I did get Gore out of the deal, who ended up being a pleasant surprise. Funny thing is, I traded Willie P away to get him, and that was when Willie blew up fantasy wise. I also gave away Palmer for Brady and some change. Last year was not good with my keeper league team.

As far as the Peyton trade, this is what I proposed:

He gets - Parker, T. Glenn, and Eli

I get - Peyton, A. Peterson (Min), and Donte Stallworth

I do have a nice team on paper, but we play ten-men, so there are quite a few good ones. I should easily make the playoffs though, baring injury, etc.

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