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Don't forget CLOCKS


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Bastids! Half the websites out there and the calandar of fed holidays i subscribe to on my phone had last weekend as the date to change, so i stay up late the night before the game thinking i have an extra hour of sleep coming, only to see at 2:01am that my cable box isn't going back and my phone is not either. I google around and find out that for whatever reason they changed the date in the US for one year to the first weekend of november instead to test out changing it.

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Bastids! Half the websites out there and the calandar of fed holidays i subscribe to on my phone had last weekend as the date to change, so i stay up late the night before the game thinking i have an extra hour of sleep coming, only to see at 2:01am that my cable box isn't going back and my phone is not either. I google around and find out that for whatever reason they changed the date in the US for one year to the first weekend of november instead to test out changing it.

You didn't notice that we switched to DST two weeks earlier last spring?

It was in all the papers.

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Clock says 11:20pm, my body says 12:20am....

How's everyone adapting to the time change this year? Everyone I talked to is having a tough time adjusting this year for some reason. I'm out of it and typically this never bothers me!


It's just so damn depressing getting dark so early. Everyone at work is in a funk over it. Of course they mentioned the dreaded "S" (snow) word tonite so that didn't help. :biggrin:

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