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I'm not sure if this was posted here...

DaBrick Wall

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But it proves a good point.


Player Cooperated, and His Name Was Left Out of Report


Published: December 15, 2007

One active major league player was able to keep his name out of the former Senator George J. Mitchell’s report on performance-enhancing drugs in baseball, even though Mitchell had evidence that he bought them, Mitchell said in an interview Friday.

Robert Caplin for The New York Times

The former Senator George J. Mitchell in his law office Friday, when he told of how an unnamed player met with him and provided evidence to stay out of his report.

The unidentified player offered persuasive evidence that he had disposed of the drugs without using them, Mitchell said one day after releasing a roughly 400-page report critical of baseball’s drug testing program. The report named about 90 players who were linked to the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

A day after the footnoted report was released, reactions ranged from questioning whether the investigation was unfair to complaining that it was not tough enough. Perhaps most significant, some members of Congress expressed dismay that they were misled by testimony two years ago by baseball officials over a 2004 testing program that had been secretly suspended.

Representative Henry Waxman, Democrat of California, who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said in a telephone interview that he would push for an even stronger testing program than the one recommended by Mitchell. Waxman said he wanted baseball to hold on to players’ urine or blood samples so they could be tested for human growth hormone when tests were developed to detect the hormone.

His panel set a hearing for Jan. 15 to take testimony from Mitchell, Commissioner Bud Selig and Donald Fehr, executive director of the players union. A House Commerce subcommittee has scheduled a hearing for Jan. 23.

President Bush, in a Rose Garden news conference, said he was troubled by Mitchell’s report. “As you know, I’m a baseball fan, I love the sport,” the president said. “I think it’s best that all of us not jump to any conclusions on individual players named, but we can jump to this conclusion: that steroids have sullied the game.”

Bush owned a share of the Texas Rangers for about a decade beginning in 1989 and has said that he was unaware of any steroid use among the team’s players during that time.

Mitchell stood by the report. “I simply reported what I learned,” he said while talking to a few reporters at his law office in New York. “We made every effort to establish the truth of what we were told.”

He described the back-and-forth negotiations with the unidentified player, who was mentioned briefly in his footnoted report. The player offered “substantial and corroborated evidence” that he had disposed of the drugs without using them, Mitchell said.

Mitchell said the player and Kirk Radomski, the former Mets clubhouse attendant who sold drugs to dozens of major league players from 1995 through 2005 and provided evidence to Mitchell as part of a plea bargain, each confirmed that the player had bought drugs. But Mitchell said Radomski never saw him using them, and he believed the player’s account when they talked. Mitchell did not specify whether the drugs were human growth hormone or steroids.

The player was accompanied by a lawyer when he talked to Mitchell, who said he was disappointed that more players did not accept his invitations to talk to him.

Nearly all the active players contacted during the 20-month investigation declined to meet with Mitchell or his staff. The unnamed player was the third to come forward. Jason Giambi of the Yankees, who admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs under the threat of suspension from the game, and Frank Thomas of the Chicago White Sox, who is outspoken against steroids and has never been suspected of using them, each sat down with Mitchell, who said he flew to Chicago to meet with Thomas.

Mitchell blamed two elements for the lack of cooperation from players — the advice given players by the players union and a culture of silence in baseball. Sixty-eight former players agreed to be interviewed, but more than 400 former players declined, the Mitchell report said.

Mitchell, a former federal prosecutor and judge, defended the naming of so many players as necessary to making sure his report was credible and accurate. He also said the former strength coach Brian McNamee’s detailed accounts of steroid and growth-hormone use by Roger Clemens — allegations heatedly denied by Clemens’s lawyer Thursday — were corroborated by Radomski, who said he supplied drugs to McNamee and told Mitchell separately that McNamee had talked about it at the time. Other accounts were corroborated by checks, mail or telephone records.

Mitchell agreed it was probable that many more players used steroids or H.G.H. than the roughly 90 he named. “I have a feeling there are,” he said, “but the numbers, the location, I don’t know.”

He added, “Now, of course, anyone who has been named would like to see everyone else named, but that means you never get to the end of it.”

But wait, I thought Mitchell was an unbiased man who had a duty to report facts and not pass judgment on who was innocent and guilty. Seems like a player purchasing performance-enhancing drugs, whether disposing of them or not, is a pretty important fact. It's pretty funny that one of the only times Mitchell gets hard evidence he leaves it out of his report. He is a piece of **** if I've ever seen one.

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