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Michael Turner Sign w Atlanta


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Archie Griffin won two Heisman trophies. What's your point?

"Whats your poin?" Is that all you can say?

I make a post of great stats from a great player.... And all you can say is..."Whats your point?"

Look at the stats,AGAIN, and you will understand my point

Oh yeah.... T.Brady wasnt drafted untill the 7th round...

Whats my point?

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DWC- i've seen all the little clips of McTackled running straight ahead with no one in his path. He is Michael Bennett, nothing more. I saw him break 2 tackles in all the little clips, and yes i did watch the LSU game. two tackles...one was against a safety that got DMC an extra 3 yards, and the second was when a CB arm tackled him, held on, was joined by a linebacker and they wrestled him to the ground.

2 broekn tackles, niether of which did he actually spring free, he just got extra yards. I'd like to say that he always got those extra yards, but when he was near the goal line his string started dangling out again, and he would miss the endzone.

The last thing I noticed about him is when a defender swipes at his ankles he goes down every last time. Not once did i see him high step out of it, or shorten his stride, or zigzag when the defender was about to dive. I realize that only great running backs no when to zig (barry sanders, walter payton) but if DMC is all you guys crack him up to be...why doesn't he break the finger tackles?

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DWC- i've seen all the little clips of McTackled running straight ahead with no one in his path. He is Michael Bennett, nothing more. I saw him break 2 tackles in all the little clips, and yes i did watch the LSU game. two tackles...one was against a safety that got DMC an extra 3 yards, and the second was when a CB arm tackled him, held on, was joined by a linebacker and they wrestled him to the ground.

2 broekn tackles, niether of which did he actually spring free, he just got extra yards. I'd like to say that he always got those extra yards, but when he was near the goal line his string started dangling out again, and he would miss the endzone.

The last thing I noticed about him is when a defender swipes at his ankles he goes down every last time. Not once did i see him high step out of it, or shorten his stride, or zigzag when the defender was about to dive. I realize that only great running backs no when to zig (barry sanders, walter payton) but if DMC is all you guys crack him up to be...why doesn't he break the finger tackles?

Drago which team are you a scout from? Hes michael bennet!!! LOL

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Drago which team are you a scout from? Hes michael bennet!!! LOL

Ripon College, Carroll College, and Concordia University out of Milwaukee...

it's for soccer, but still scouting none the less. I hope i live up to your lofty expectations.

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Yep... Im sure everyone has DMC as the #1 Athlete in this years draft because he reminds them of "Michael Bennet"

Everyone? Including Miami, Oakland, Atlanta, and Kansas City? If everyone had him rated so high, why would Atlanta sign a back up running back to be their starter over the next great back?

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"Whats your poin?" Is that all you can say?

I make a post of great stats from a great player.... And all you can say is..."Whats your point?"

Look at the stats,AGAIN, and you will understand my point

Oh yeah.... T.Brady wasnt drafted untill the 7th round...

Whats my point?

I see you haven't been studying during your vacation. Archie Griffin won two Heisman trophies. How many did McFadden? He also had thirty something consecutive 100+ yard games. Was he a great pro? McFadden wasn't near the college player that Hershel Walker was, but you are assuring me that he will be some kind of all time great. We know his stats and we've seen him run. Many of us see him as all speed without much in the way of elusiveness and a skinny little pair of legs that don't exactly drive through contact even at the college level.

Brady was drafted in the sixth round and that makes as much sense as any of the rest of this. If you like stats so much, maybe you think we should draft Colt Brennan.

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Im all for drafting V.Gholston @#6... But if McFadden is on the board at #6, it's a no brainer, we must draft McFadden to bring some excitment to the Jets O and have that franchise player for this Offesne.

Its really important to sign C.Pace as our speed rusher from the outside, because if DMC is on the board, I see Tangini jumping all over him!

Kellen Clemens

Thomas Jones/McFadden





Ferguson, Faneca, Mangold, Moore, Olivea/Woody....

That would be one explosive Offense

explosive with Clemens in there? lay off the coolaid.

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I want McFadden to fall to us.

Dallas can see this unfolding, can wait for DMC to fall to us at 6. Then they will come calling looking to trade up, knowing paying DMC at 6th overall is ALOT better than paying him at 1st overall.

Rape the Cowboys in a deal.

jets rooter predicted the trade down with dallas a month ago.it looks like it may happen.tannenbaum is a nostradamos.

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Thats funny to me... Calling him McTackled? Have u ever watched this kid play? Did you even watch the LSU game when he scored 3 TD's? Wow at your comments about mcFadden... Just wow

In 2005 as a freshman, McFadden ran the ball 176 times for 1,113 yards and 11 TD's with an average of 6.3 YPC... AS A FRESHMAN

In 2006 as a Sophmore, McFadden ran the ball 284 times for 1647 yards and 14 TD's with an average of 5.8 YPC... AS A SOPHMORE!

In 2007 as a Junior, McFadden ran the ball 325 times for 1,830 yards and 16 TD's with an average of 5.6 YPC... As a JUNIOR!

Those stats are stats of a SPECIAL BACK... Someone who carrys the ball more and more each year, racks up more yards each year, and scores more TD's each year... His YPC average did go down from his Freshman year... But thats due to the fact that Defenses would pay special attention to DMC

I would have loved to see him destroy the NCAA his Senior year, but thats not gonna happen.

Week 1 of last season... DMC ran the ball 24 times for 151 yards vs Troy

Week 2 of last season... DMC ran the ball 33 times for 195 yards Vs Alabama

Week 3 of last season... DMC Ran the ball 29 times for 173 yards Vs Kentucky

Thats 3 weeks in a row with over 150 yards... Thats special

6 weeks later DMC ran the ball 34 times for 321 YARDS!!! In week 9 vrs South Carolina

3 weeks later DMC ran the ball 32 times for 206 yards and 3 TD's... Vrs the best team in the NATION.... LSU

He also had 5 other games with over 100 yards rushing last year as a Junior... I just listed the games with over 150.

So yea... Thats a great name you gave him... I wonder how long that name "McTackled" will stick with him for... Because LSU was praying just to TACKLE him

Put him in Green and White, I would have so much fun on Madden with him, lol

Since when did college stats ever have any impact of Pro Level play?

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Since when did college stats ever have any impact of Pro Level play?

ok but what else do you judge these guys on?? when you talk about golsten or long or anyone for that matter... you go by the stats most of the time.. were not prfessional talent evaluaters even though some think they are by there insane posts...

Dallas does not have what it takes to move up to number 1... they woul dneed more thne there first round picks.. plus they would need to pay the first picked player guarantee money around 35 million...

They might take felix jones...

Matter of fact whoever talked felix jones into coming out this year should be fired..that was a stupid move for him... why not stay in college with the team all to yourself with no mcfadden around and show what you can do... then get picked in the top 10 maybe top 5..

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ok but what else do you judge these guys on?? when you talk about golsten or long or anyone for that matter... you go by the stats most of the time.. were not prfessional talent evaluaters even though some think they are by there insane posts...

You don't have to be a professional scout to see a guy run and not like his style or believe that his style won't translate well to the NFL. Everybody thinks that McFadden is a very good prospect, but there are light years between good prospect and top 5 or top 10 pick. You are in love with the guy, but guess what, we aren't the only ones that aren't or he'd be a concensus #1 pick. He's not close to that.

Matter of fact whoever talked felix jones into coming out this year should be fired..that was a stupid move for him... why not stay in college with the team all to yourself with no mcfadden around and show what you can do... then get picked in the top 10 maybe top 5..

Maybe because even if he's picked in the 2nd round he's looking at between $1-2M guaranteed. He won't see a nickel of that if he blows his knee out this year. Some people love college football, some people don't. There isn't much reason to stick around and make money for the NCAA.

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ok but what else do you judge these guys on?? when you talk about golsten or long or anyone for that matter... you go by the stats most of the time.. were not prfessional talent evaluaters even though some think they are by there insane posts...

Dallas does not have what it takes to move up to number 1... they woul dneed more thne there first round picks.. plus they would need to pay the first picked player guarantee money around 35 million...

They might take felix jones...

Matter of fact whoever talked felix jones into coming out this year should be fired..that was a stupid move for him... why not stay in college with the team all to yourself with no mcfadden around and show what you can do... then get picked in the top 10 maybe top 5..

There is no good way to judge how effective they are going to be at the pro level. Even the scouts and coaches that get to talk to them don't know. This is why I never understand why someone would want to make a claim that someone "WILL" be a stud or great player because that someone realy is guessing just like every other person in the world.

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Everyone? Including Miami, Oakland, Atlanta, and Kansas City? If everyone had him rated so high, why would Atlanta sign a back up running back to be their starter over the next great back?

because of mike vick... need a qb..and mcfadden as some off the field crap and they do not want a repeat..

Does that help you?

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because of mike vick... need a qb..and mcfadden as some off the field crap and they do not want a repeat..

Does that help you?

No, not really...

You explained why Atlanta might not want him, which refutes your first post about him being number one on everyones list. You need to explain the other teams. Here, i'll remove Atlanta from the list so you don't get confused, here it is again.

Everyone? Including Miami, Oakland, and Kansas City? If everyone had him rated so high, why would Atlanta sign a back up running back to be their starter over the next great back?

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Everyone? Including Miami, Oakland, Atlanta, and Kansas City? If everyone had him rated so high, why would Atlanta sign a back up running back to be their starter over the next great back?

There is no good way to judge how effective they are going to be at the pro level. Even the scouts and coaches that get to talk to them don't know. This is why I never understand why someone would want to make a claim that someone "WILL" be a stud or great player because that someone realy is guessing just like every other person in the world.

ypu got it wrong..Im not saying hes going be great... im just saying he has the potentiol to do great things and we need a threat like that on our team..

why dont you say the same to the people that say hes going to be a bust... its the same thing...

matter of fact one genius said he would be an instant bust... like there such thing as that LOL

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ypu got it wrong..Im not saying hes going be great... im just saying he has the potentiol to do great things and we need a threat like that on our team..

why dont you say the same to the people that say hes going to be a bust... its the same thing...

matter of fact one genius said he would be an instant bust... like there such thing as that LOL

I don't say anything to those people because I think they are joking to some degree.

It seems like in first round picks there probably like a 50% chance of bust though. Not that these players might not be around for a while but just not living up to first round potential.

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Thats funny to me... Calling him McTackled? Have u ever watched this kid play? Did you even watch the LSU game when he scored 3 TD's? Wow at your comments about mcFadden... Just wow

In 2005 as a freshman, McFadden ran the ball 176 times for 1,113 yards and 11 TD's with an average of 6.3 YPC... AS A FRESHMAN

In 2006 as a Sophmore, McFadden ran the ball 284 times for 1647 yards and 14 TD's with an average of 5.8 YPC... AS A SOPHMORE!

In 2007 as a Junior, McFadden ran the ball 325 times for 1,830 yards and 16 TD's with an average of 5.6 YPC... As a JUNIOR!

Those stats are stats of a SPECIAL BACK... Someone who carrys the ball more and more each year, racks up more yards each year, and scores more TD's each year... His YPC average did go down from his Freshman year... But thats due to the fact that Defenses would pay special attention to DMC

I would have loved to see him destroy the NCAA his Senior year, but thats not gonna happen.

Week 1 of last season... DMC ran the ball 24 times for 151 yards vs Troy

Week 2 of last season... DMC ran the ball 33 times for 195 yards Vs Alabama

Week 3 of last season... DMC Ran the ball 29 times for 173 yards Vs Kentucky

Thats 3 weeks in a row with over 150 yards... Thats special

6 weeks later DMC ran the ball 34 times for 321 YARDS!!! In week 9 vrs South Carolina

3 weeks later DMC ran the ball 32 times for 206 yards and 3 TD's... Vrs the best team in the NATION.... LSU

He also had 5 other games with over 100 yards rushing last year as a Junior... I just listed the games with over 150.

So yea... Thats a great name you gave him... I wonder how long that name "McTackled" will stick with him for... Because LSU was praying just to TACKLE him

Put him in Green and White, I would have so much fun on Madden with him, lol

We should just trade the pick away for picks in next years draft,hopefully we can trade up to #1 because Tim Tebow is good for at least 50 TD's a year. Not to mention he finished ahead of the best college running back I've seen since Reggie Bush in Heisman voting. Plus he's a high character guy. He doesn't have to worry about the added headache of 9 different bitchy women annoying him all the time because their child support check didn't show up, or if some though guy at the bar needs a beating thrown his way.

Tebow 09'

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