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I can't believe people are seriously considering Chad as an option, he done.


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Which means to me that you had relations with Chad himself, since we yanks think people down south share their family members with each other.

Fag. Knew there was a reason you posted here. :cheers:

LoL, thats not just a rumor, it really is hard to find a girl around here, your not just competing with the regular guys, you've got the Brothers, cousins, uncles, and sometimes even fathers all competing.. GODS HONEST TRUTH! lol

I moved down here a few years ago, I'm orginally from Rockville Maryland. big change.

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umm, I'm guessing you didn't. cos I don't get where u read that I did.. but yes I did, when I was 17 I went and got A+ certified in cpu's and now i got tired of that and i'm back in school (25 yr's old) taking Industrial Electricity.

Thor bro, I'm not that guy that molested you when you were 12, I promise.. I did nothing to you. back up.

i think i saw this guy on jerry springer yesterday.. the title of the show was 25 and still in college and i once slept with a NFL QB from my home town

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I've gone to college, but I failed reading comprehension. My bad.

You're taking Industrial Electricity? Does it hurt? Shouldn't they arrest the guy that's electrocuting you?

lol I always failed spelling, never couldn't spell worth a crap.

and luckley I havn't been shocked yet, been around it for along time. just now decided I'd get certified in it. always nice to have a trade to fall back on.

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i think i saw this guy on jerry springer yesterday.. the title of the show was 25 and still in college and i once slept with a NFL QB from my home town

your on fire my friend!

I just won't stoop to your level.. well bend over would be more appropriate.

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LOL Finally got a good joke outta of the show,but stick to your day job (Cleaning the chicken coops ) you will stay much cleaner that way.

figured I'd get the hang of it sooner or later lol.

somone wanna get this LiLMick off my nuts? much would be appreciated!!:banned:

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listen bro!! you cant stop me you can only hope to contain me!! and the banned dude is only for mods stop tryin to be something your not

LMAO omg dude! are you stupid or just retarded? take some of your own advise, go be the nerdy little pu$$y that no one likes but his mommy, and stop tryint to act hard. your pathetic.

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LMAO omg dude! are you stupid or just retarded? take some of your own advise, go be the nerdy little pu$$y that no one likes but his mommy, and stop tryint to act hard. your pathetic.

your the only one on here thats getting tuff... your making your self look like a little insecure B*atch ranting and raving... go play with your pet pigs!!

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LMAO omg dude! are you stupid or just retarded? take some of your own advise, go be the nerdy little pu$$y that no one likes but his mommy, and stop tryint to act hard. your pathetic.

your the only one on here thats getting tuff... your making your self look like a little insecure B*atch ranting and raving... go play with your pet pigs!!

Fellas, it's been fun, but that's enough.

Let's cut it out before it gets too nasty. Thanks.

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your the only one on here thats getting tuff... your making your self look like a little insecure B*atch ranting and raving... go play with your pet pigs!!

getting stuff? so I get stuff I guess.. and you Get Stuffed. so your that guy! i've herd about you. never thought the BI^ch of JN would be such a Bi*ch.

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i love how people say that if Chad wins the starting job they won't watch anymore or Clemens really won, but Mangini still gave Chad the job. i'll the let the coaches make the "right" decisions and go along for the ride and support whichever QB. it's a decision that's based on current play and skills, not on potential or past perfomances.

would i like to see Chad have a resurgence and carry us into the playoffs...hell yeah. i've always been a fan of Chad's and was really disappointed with him for the first time last year. and i will be sad to see him officially done. but that being said, if KC kicks ass in preseason by all means start him. i just don't want to see KC starting because he has to now.

just my two cents.

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