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Free Agents ignoring Kansas City


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I would have felt bad for KC fans, except they were so gleeful about "stealing" Herm from us while he had 2 years remaining on his Jets contract.

So I watch that horror show down there with great delight. They were awful in 2007 and are about to be even worse this year.

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I would have felt bad for KC fans, except they were so gleeful about "stealing" Herm from us while he had 2 years remaining on his Jets contract.

So I watch that horror show down there with great delight. They were awful in 2007 and are about to be even worse this year.

But the Jets are Jennifer Anniston, the Chiefs are Angelina Jolie, and Herm is Brad Pitt. He left us to go to someone younger and better looking.

Right? Right!?!? :shock:

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I would have felt bad for KC fans, except they were so gleeful about "stealing" Herm from us while he had 2 years remaining on his Jets contract.

So I watch that horror show down there with great delight. They were awful in 2007 and are about to be even worse this year.

you're right about that Spermy..But in classic Herm speak he will tell the KC fans "we are going to suck, so don't say I didn't tell you all." Then of course at season's end it will be someone else's fault they suck..OC,DC, ball boy..someone..Here comes that bus,be prepared for the throw under.

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Why would any FA turn down KC? You get Herman Edwards as your coach and Brodie Croyle as your quarterback. The future never looked brighter!


yea we will see next year. have fun with your new o line. allen and hali are gonna have fun getting around em and hitting clemens.

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Yup, youre a Chiefs fan alright. Ignorant.

Croyle hasnt won a single game yet. HAHAHA, Farve like gunslinger.

irony. 1. favre was a gun slinger. 2 statemnts coming from a fan of a team that had to cheat to win superbowls cant declare ignorance. 3. if it wasnt for lamar you poor patriots would still be a semi pro team numb nuts. before you insult the chiefs actually realize what you're saying you ****ing idiot. without hunt and the chiefs there isnt an nfl like it is today.

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irony. 1. favre was a gun slinger. 2 statemnts coming from a fan of a team that had to cheat to win superbowls cant declare ignorance. 3. if it wasnt for lamar you poor patriots would still be a semi pro team numb nuts. before you insult the chiefs actually realize what you're saying you ****ing idiot. without hunt and the chiefs there isnt an nfl like it is today.

You realize you signed up to a Jets board as a Jets fan right?

Reading this thread, you're posts are rediculous. I understand you're upset and all about you're franchise being systematically destroyed by Herm, but dont take it out on us, he did the same thing here and you guys still gave up a 4th rounder for him.

Now, go back to a Chiefs board instead of signing up here pretending to be a Jets fan. Obviously you're loyalty is with the Chiefs.

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You realize you signed up to a Jets board as a Jets fan right?

Reading this thread, you're posts are rediculous. I understand you're upset and all about you're franchise being systematically destroyed by Herm, but dont take it out on us, he did the same thing here and you guys still gave up a 4th rounder for him.

Now, go back to a Chiefs board instead of signing up here pretending to be a Jets fan. Obviously you're loyalty is with the Chiefs.

pretending. wow cant even spell ridiculous. anyways back to the point like i believe i've previously mentioned. i was a chiefs key term in that sentence is was. well decided try something new started watching the jets with my uncle. started routing for em, so you're accusation of pretending is quite pretense. but after seeing yall rag on a team started by a man in which if it wasnt for him your jets would still be a semi pro team showed me im still a die hard chiefs fan. so thank yall in a way. see yall next year in the meadowlands

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pretending. wow cant even spell ridiculous. anyways back to the point like i believe i've previously mentioned. i was a chiefs key term in that sentence is was. well decided try something new started watching the jets with my uncle. started routing for em, so you're accusation of pretending is quite pretense. but after seeing yall rag on a team started by a man in which if it wasnt for him your jets would still be a semi pro team showed me im still a die hard chiefs fan. so thank yall in a way. see yall next year in the meadowlands


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pretending. wow cant even spell ridiculous. anyways back to the point like i believe i've previously mentioned. i was a chiefs key term in that sentence is was. well decided try something new started watching the jets with my uncle. started routing for em, so you're accusation of pretending is quite pretense. but after seeing yall rag on a team started by a man in which if it wasnt for him your jets would still be a semi pro team showed me im still a die hard chiefs fan. so thank yall in a way. see yall next year in the meadowlands


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pretending. wow cant even spell ridiculous. anyways back to the point like i believe i've previously mentioned. i was a chiefs key term in that sentence is was. well decided try something new started watching the jets with my uncle. started routing for em, so you're accusation of pretending is quite pretense. but after seeing yall rag on a team started by a man in which if it wasnt for him your jets would still be a semi pro team showed me im still a die hard chiefs fan. so thank yall in a way. see yall next year in the meadowlands

You're welcome. Its probably better that you have an excuse to remaining loyal to your team rather then "trying something new".

By the way, phrases such as "How did Clemens feel after getting raped by Allen last year" not only prove that you're not a Jets fan, but that you're also a crappy Chiefs fan as well. How do you think Jared Allen felt losing to the Jets? Just wonderin'.

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pretending. wow cant even spell ridiculous. anyways back to the point like i believe i've previously mentioned. i was a chiefs key term in that sentence is was. well decided try something new started watching the jets with my uncle. started routing for em, so you're accusation of pretending is quite pretense. but after seeing yall rag on a team started by a man in which if it wasnt for him your jets would still be a semi pro team showed me im still a die hard chiefs fan. so thank yall in a way. see yall next year in the meadowlands

You're welcome. Its probably better that you have an excuse to remaining loyal to your team rather then "trying something new".

By the way, phrases such as "How did Clemens feel after getting raped by Allen last year" not only prove that you're not a Jets fan, but that you're also a crappy Chiefs fan as well. How do you think Jared Allen felt losing to the Jets? Just wonderin'.

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You're welcome. Its probably better that you have an excuse to remaining loyal to your team rather then "trying something new".

By the way, phrases such as "How did Clemens feel after getting raped by Allen last year" not only prove that you're not a Jets fan, but that you're also a crappy Chiefs fan as well. How do you think Jared Allen felt losing to the Jets? Just wonderin'.

crappy chiefs fan. wow, so should that define you idiotic jets fan? cant even spell ridiculous come on. i bet he laughed at yall trying to play like it was something worth fighting for.

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You're welcome. Its probably better that you have an excuse to remaining loyal to your team rather then "trying something new".

By the way, phrases such as "How did Clemens feel after getting raped by Allen last year" not only prove that you're not a Jets fan, but that you're also a crappy Chiefs fan as well. How do you think Jared Allen felt losing to the Jets? Just wonderin'.

crappy chiefs fan. wow, so should that define you idiotic jets fan? cant even spell ridiculous come on. i bet he laughed at yall trying to play like it was something worth fighting for.

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crappy chiefs fan. wow, so should that define you as a uneducated jets fan? cant even spell ridiculous come on. i bet he laughed at yall trying to play like it was something worth fighting for.

If he really did then I understand why you would want to switch teams.

I dont care if you think I'm an uneducated Jets fan. At least I AM a Jets fan, and will continue to be loyal to them.

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crappy chiefs fan. wow, so should that define you as a uneducated jets fan? cant even spell ridiculous come on. i bet he laughed at yall trying to play like it was something worth fighting for.

If he really did then I understand why you would want to switch teams.

I dont care if you think I'm an uneducated Jets fan. At least I AM a Jets fan, and will continue to be loyal to them.

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crappy chiefs fan. wow, so should that define you idiotic jets fan? cant even spell ridiculous come on. i bet he laughed at yall trying to play like it was something worth fighting for.

The plural of you is youz. Until you realize this you cannot possibly be a Jets fan.

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crappy chiefs fan. wow, so should that define you idiotic jets fan? cant even spell ridiculous come on. i bet he laughed at yall trying to play like it was something worth fighting for.

The plural of you is youz. Until you realize this you cannot possibly be a Jets fan.

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Think back guys. Remember when S John Lynch was a free agent? Herm referred to him as his "son" . Remember? He was a shoo in to join the Jets. Remember? Anyone ever remember him in Green and White? I thought it at the time and still do... Lynch signing with the Broncos and NOT with his "Dad" spoke volumes about Herm.

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Think back guys. Remember when S John Lynch was a free agent? Herm referred to him as his "son" . Remember? He was a shoo in to join the Jets. Remember? Anyone ever remember him in Green and White? I thought it at the time and still do... Lynch signing with the Broncos and NOT with his "Dad" spoke volumes about Herm.

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If he really did then I understand why you would want to switch teams.

I dont care if you think I'm an uneducated Jets fan. At least I AM a Jets fan, and will continue to be loyal to them.

yea well, routing for them jets and seeing how yall folks bashed the chiefs because of herm made me realize im still a chiefs fan. and switching **** are you serious aint like im a band wagon fan. like patsy fan or whatever the pricks name. i dont switch teams on a daily basis. jets are the 2nd team ive routed for. but cant rid myself of them 12 years as a chiefs fan. so thanks its been fun but gotta go stick with my chiefs.

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If he really did then I understand why you would want to switch teams.

I dont care if you think I'm an uneducated Jets fan. At least I AM a Jets fan, and will continue to be loyal to them.

yea well, routing for them jets and seeing how yall folks bashed the chiefs because of herm made me realize im still a chiefs fan. and switching **** are you serious aint like im a band wagon fan. like patsy fan or whatever the pricks name. i dont switch teams on a daily basis. jets are the 2nd team ive routed for. but cant rid myself of them 12 years as a chiefs fan. so thanks its been fun but gotta go stick with my chiefs.

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yea well, routing for them jets and seeing how yall folks bashed the chiefs because of herm made me realize im still a chiefs fan. and switching **** are you serious aint like im a band wagon fan. like patsy fan or whatever the pricks name. i dont switch teams on a daily basis. jets are the 2nd team ive routed for. but cant rid myself of them 12 years as a chiefs fan. so thanks its been fun but gotta go stick with my chiefs.


So....Why are you still here?

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