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GREAT Chad video!


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I don't want the QB of my team winning comeback player ever other year. Also, 4 minutes of highlight's in his whole career isn't really that impressive. How many of those plays were from the past two years? I can show you a Vinny T highlight video and it would have no bearing on the merits of him playing this year.

Could a chad lover also answer me this. Do you think that we will be able to field a team significantly better than out 04 squad? He couldn't get it done then, what makes you think he can do it know when he is obviously not even playing on the same level he was then. You people are blinded by your love for his completion %. Chad pennington 3 attempts 3 completions 8 yards 100% completion % 3 and out.

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My main problem with chad is that from the time he snaps the ball to the time he throws it, his eyes follow ONE receiver the whole time. He never scans the field, to a) see his options and B) throw the defense off on where hes planning on throwing it.....watch the video again, and watch is head/eyes....I makes me cringe everytime because even I know exactly where hes going to throw it, so when he throws a duck fart its 90% of the time intercepted it....defenses have realized this and watch him on everyplay.

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Could a chad lover also answer me this. Do you think that we will be able to field a team significantly better than out 04 squad? He couldn't get it done then, what makes you think he can do it know when he is obviously not even playing on the same level he was then.

You're right, he's not playing on the same level as he was then. Then, he was playing with a torn rotator cuff.

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I'm telling ya Chad behind a good O line with some weapons and a running game and he can play. I mean if Trent Dilfer, Niel O'Donnel, Eli Manning, Chris Chandler, Kerry Collins, and Rex Grossman can get to a superbowl I think Chad can too. Just build around him.

i like chad but the problem is in the red zone when he can't get enough zip on his passes he gets picked off because defenses drop back and just wait for it.

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